A little motivation to every man who struggels !

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BadAtChoosingNames, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. I have a little message to every man who struggles with nofap, quit gaming and more.

    I'm on myself improvment journey for exactly 2 years now, i started with a weight of 205 pounds (93 KG) on 1,75 m, i was obese and had no real muscles, i played videogames every day like 6+ hours, had little confidence and watched a lot of porn and because of that killed my own sex life with a girlfriend i had at this time. It went so bad that she left me for someone else.
    I was hearthbroken and did not knew what to do and thought being a gamer is fine, that i can look good does not matter the weight and that i don't have to be confident.
    I ran behind a lot of girls in the past even i knew they had no interest and made myself dependend on her which was extremly unhealthy for my friendships i had.

    But least year at this time i had something like a wake up call, i don't know where it came from but i'm very thankful for that.
    I took half a year off of university and this really changed my life !
    I started working in retail to pay the ticket for public transport and to pay the gym monthly fee myself !
    Then i started working out, almost every day 5/6 times a week, i started eating more healthy and have regular meals, i counted my calories not perfect but good enough.
    I started improving my social skills, i went more outside and met new people, i read books about social skills and working in retail which gives a lot of social experience too.
    I started reading about porn/gaming addictions, how they work and how they impact lifes and reflected how they impacted my life.
    I started thinking about myself, what i want to do in life, what do i want to be and what makes me really happy.

    Where am i know ?
    I'm at 189 pounds (86 kg) with a lot more muscles and with a lot more confidence in myself. I play almost no videogames anymore, 2-3 times a month if at all. I still struggle with porn, but it became A LOT better. I became someone who i can look up to myself and some of my friends look up to me too. A lot of people feel really comfortable around me now and i feel a lot more in control of my life.

    So what is my message ?
    I can tell you that it does not matter in what situation you are, there is always a way to improve and get your life back together ! It is hard i can tell you from experience, but just think about yourself in 5 years. Do you still want to play videogames all day long and statisfy yourself with porn ? Or do you want to have a wonderful girl/man/whatever on your side, with great friends and experience life ?
    I bet with you that the second option is more appealing to anybody.

    But how to get started ?
    Firstly fuck videogames and porn, they ruin millions of lifes ! Look for new hobbies that are more benefical to your life ! I choose playing guitar and going to the gym regulary.
    Fuck what mainstream media and social network tells you, being manly is not sexist, rassicst or whatever buzz word they throw at you. Start to become the greatest version of yourself and let nobody stop you on that journey. It is your right to be like you want to be and to be happy.
    If you like thin girls, then go for it ! It is not fatphobic or sexist to like thin girls, if you like them then it is okay. What other think does not matter !
    If you like more curvy girls then fucking go for it, did you not listen when i told you when i said that what other think does not matter ?

    You are the smith of your own luck and if you get your ass up and start to work on it your situation will become better. It will not be easy, but trust me it will be worth it.
    It will feel really good to become someone you can look up to and it will be a lot more fullfiling than those short term dopamine hits of porn/videogames.

    I don't know who are you that reads this text right know, but i know that you can....no that you will become successful with improving yourself. The best time to start was 5 years ago and is now ! So get up and show life who is boss ! I believe in you !
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
    Coco99, skibum71 and Marshall 5 like this.