90+ days and still flatlining please help!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Summer Son, May 20, 2018.

  1. Summer Son

    Summer Son Fapstronaut

    Some days my self control is decreasing. This is the situation I am in for couple days. I have fatigie, depressed, abnormal thoughts and my mind isn't working normally. When I thought canalise other things, I can't focus anything I want. I'm completely trapped and I don't know what to do. I am trying to do something, my exercise routine, cold showers, socializing, studying etc. When I feel normal I don't know. It's been 3 months what am I missing, I am trying all of my control like eating good foods, sleeping well, abstaining from pmo, other drugs, binge watching series, alcohol, cigarettes don't oogling... It's like I can't back to normal and this thing makes me unhappy.
  2. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    Hang in there!! This bad moment will pass. Trust me.

    I saw a bumper sticker he ther day that said “don’t trust everything you think!” This is so true!

    My therapist also told me that life has ups and downs, it’s never smooth sailing. Ride this out and trust me you will look back on this and it will be a small blip on the radar. Think of it like a broken bone or some stitches or even a cut on your hand. In a few weeks/months it will be like it never happened. Same thing applies to our insane thoughts. It will get better!

    Now for what to do...
    What has helped me during these moments is, daily prayer (as best I can I’m not at allcreligous), meditation, and honest journaling. These have saved me in my darkest moments.

    If you want to know more about how I do these things, lmk and I’ll write it up.

    Good luck!! Great job for reaching out!!!!! And I’m here if you need me!

    Edit: also wanted to say, learning to ride the ups and downs of life without turning to porn to soothe the pain is apart of our journey. And also, recognizing our pain and working to be ok with it and not let it consume us.

    So be 100% honest with yourself and start your journaling by writing down why you think you are feeling so much pain, and why you think turning to PMO will make it better. Spend like 10-20 minutes (or longer if needed) writing and see what answers you come up with. I would love to here what comes out of it!!

    (Also I find pen and paper journaling is way more therapeutic that computer typing. But that’s just me)
  3. danhk

    danhk Fapstronaut

    Not every time you feel down, you feel down because of PMO or abstaining from PMO, there are other reasons that you should consider.
  4. Summer Son

    Summer Son Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all this kind comments!
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