8 months of nofap and my chances of getting laid are still 0

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, May 29, 2019.

  1. every guy i know that got laid even my father, got approached
  2. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    This is bias.
  3. or maybe we live on different planets
  4. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    Maybe, because I have mostly opposite experience.
  5. RequestDenied

    RequestDenied Fapstronaut

    Sorry man but your line of thinking is borderline delusional.

    This is the problem when you take life advice from 17-year-olds claiming nofap gives you "SUPERPOWERS!" and that women will come out of the woodworks and jump your bones simply because you stopped your chronic masturbating habit. Lol. Let's get serious:

    Most people are here because fapping - like heroin, or any other drug - is an addiction. And the only superpower you get when you end an addiction is PAWS lol. I'm not saying nofap doesn't have some ancillary benefits - mainly, that you have more time to get your shit together b/c you're not jerking off constantly. But any honest assessment of reality would lead you to the conclusion that ending fapping will not automatically make you attractive to the opposite sex. That's honestly childish thinking.

    You're not getting laid because you act like a victim. The thrust of your post proves that. There is a massive contradiction in your line of logic:

    1. "I know how women work and what motivates them for sex."

    2. "But yet I can't get laid."

    Those two premises don't go together. Your worldview is not helping you. Laugh all you want at the fact that desirable women in fact, desire a man who acts like a man - not a victim. You're correct that it's not the 18th century - but our primitive, biological hardwiring goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Which means our basic biological preferences won't change in the next hundreds of thousands of years, in the 1800th century.

    Trust me, I wish it were easier too. But it's not.

    You can either come to terms with reality or continue to gripe. The choice is yours.

    BTW congrats on 8 months nofap. Best of luck.
    koolpal, miiikeee and TimeToQuitNow like this.
  6. i believed that initially but changed later on

    obviously. i know this already.

    women have always wanted gl guys, it was social conditioning that presured them against that for years

    its easy if you ae GOOD LOOKING

    thank you man. its a nice journey ngl. some really good moments, few though and not lasting
  7. napoleon’s hill

    napoleon’s hill New Fapstronaut

    I could be wrong but you seem snarky and the passive aggressive type, probably fairly dorky. i.e. the typical incel. If that's untrue I'm sorry. Did you ever own a pair of Sketchers shoes?

    Anyway you seem really hung up on defending the fact that women will approach men. Okay who cares they aren't approaching you so now what?

    I've slept with I imagine 30ish women... From 5's to 9's and in between.... Got approached or had a move aggressively made on me a couple times of those. BUT the vast majority I had to not only approach but work my ass off, pursue, go out on a limb, manipulate even, to get into bed (I'm not bragging people save the white knighting). I feel as though I have to work a lot harder than most guys though. I attribute it to the fact that, though kinda 'good looking' I'm 5'5 which is pretty fucking short.

    When women list their dream man what's the first word almost always? TALL, dark, and handsome. So since I was a child my personality, mannerisms, determination had to make up for that. As others said start focusing on improving yourself. If it's your looks, that's able to be changed unlike things like height which can't be. So be happy that's part of the issue. But while self improving start really putting yourself out there, research how to be more aggressive & dominate. If women don't approach you like your friends or your dad then you're just going to have to approach them- stop getting hung up on that part. If getting laid is so important and valuable to you, then start taking risks, putting in the work, and putting yourself out there.

    Also start consuming MGTOW content in my opinion. You'll learn women's nature and maybe not put them so high on a pedestal which translates to your vibe when you're around them. Hope this helps.
    captainteemo and recon117 like this.
  8. nope


    then its all fake. if you had to manipulate them, they enver liked you, effort means lack of attraction, taking advantege of women is WRONG

    JFL at that. NOTHING can compensate for the lack of LOOKS, NOTHING.

    i tried more than anyone lol. effort is useless even my oneitis told me so

    i know more than them lol
    goodnice likes this.
  9. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Please stop replying to this kind of threads. OP is a brick wall who's trying to not go down alone, there is no point in talking to him, he is an Incel after all.
    Jackb97 and recon117 like this.
  10. incels are very emotionally complex people
  11. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Then how come I can describe you perfectly with the word "Pityful"? Doesn't sound so complex to me.
  12. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    @VirginWarrior Not sure why everyone is being so mean to you. don’t worry i understand you, although it is very worrying that you didn’t fap till 20 and you were never able to get girls before that. Are you serious that you never fapped till 20? if so, that’s amazing

    Also, did you play sports growing up? and what would you rate yourself lookswise 1-10
  13. because truth hurts. i was mean to people who told me this stuff a few years ago.

    proof that nofap is cope. i actually god rejected by my oneitis when i was 16 and i had no idea what porn was at the time lol.

    i legit never thought about fapping. i always wanted a gf, i never understood how touching my dick would help with that


    god looking enough to have conversations with girls but not good looking enough for sex
  14. Virgin Warrior, you are so wrong. people are mammals, and mammals are animals. these guy's "hunter" skills in approaching women that we hear about are true. and usually in nature, males approach females. not gonna lie, I'm a frustrated virgin like you even if I'm younger, but I must say that now I feel better than ever. soon I will copypaste my story than I've writren elsewhere.
  15. no they arent. they are a lie. women hate being approached.

    god for you but this doesnt change the facts.
    recon117 likes this.
  17. (see my NoFap experience post first)
    Try Tinder if you're over 18 years old. it might work, but I warn you (my father used the app so I know something about it, unfortunately I'm not 18 yet to use it), the most girls are bitches. basic and bad ones. and they usually try to hook up with bulk guys. maybe not necessarily muscled, but dominant. most girls prefer a gorilla-like personality (if you have the looks too, congrats you're the next Rocco Siffredi) than the one of every other ape. maybe I am crazy but since I've been studying the animal kingdom from 2013 I can give these kind of advice for you. try to unleash the primal parts of a girl's brain. it doesn't matter if we evolved from apes or not, we are genetically similar to them and they are the most sexual animals in the earth. good luck!
  18. i tried that. minimal matches and alwasy ghost

    girsl want good looking guys not the ogres you mentioned. jfl.
  19. you know that tyler1 youtuber? well a lot of girls are crazy for guys like him and he is not necessarily handsome. it depends on girl of course, but many seem just to like gorilla like men, no matter if their ugly or not, just to be a little bit "menacing"(not in the bad way).
  20. miiikeee

    miiikeee New Fapstronaut

    Listen to me my man, it ain’t black and white as you describe it but yes, generally speaking if you are not good looking it will be damn near impossible to get a good looking girl. You basically need two things to get a girl, looks and confidence, the rest is just a bonus.

    The bad news is if you are ugly like I have been my entire life (I’m 22 yo virgin so I know how it feels to feel like nobody wants you) then you will have a hard time if you don’t wanna settle for an ugly girl.

    The good news is, there is ALWAYS things you can do to improve your looks. You can hit the gym and get a better body, take care of your skin, groom yourself, get nice clothes. Sometimes like in my case that isn’t enough, that’s why I just two weeks ago actually did a nose surgery cuz my nose was crooked and fucking huge. I used to wear glasses but I also underwent an eye surgery 3 months ago so now I’m free from that as well.

    I legit went from a 2/10 to at least a 6-7 and girls start to look at me more and more and I’ve even had a few girls that wanted to take things further with me. I have however decided to wait to have sex with someone special, but that’s another topic.

    So moral of the story, find out where you’re lacking and improve on it, whether it’s your looks, confidence or whatever, it’s just something we guys have to deal with. Girls have it way worse IMO, constantly worrying about being pretty enough, sexism in most countries, periods every month etc. So we just gotta man up and fix our shit.

    This is the best advice you’re going to get, trust me. Complaining isn’t gonna get you anywhere, so just start grinding. It will take a lot of time and dedication, but in the end it is worth it. You will find that getting a girl isn’t what is actually worth it but rather learning to fully love yourself.

    Best of luck from one warrior to another!