65 days progress report

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by rj6457, Jan 10, 2022.

  1. rj6457

    rj6457 Fapstronaut

    Today is day 75. To be honest it’s been one rough day. I had a really crappy day at work and everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Came home and started to have that bad feeling come over me but I did not engage any of the thoughts that came into my head and push them out immediately. Then I had this overwhelming feeling of wanting to just get on YouTube or something but I realized my brain was trying to get me in a bad place. Thankfully I had a hockey game to get into and watch tonight. So I started studying my material and my journal. Then I started coming on this website and studying different threads that have helped me and I got my head in the right place. I took my journal and made an entry of the all of this in it tonight and it’s really helped me get myself back on track. I woke up this morning and thought wow 75 days what a mile stone then in the evening I sat here battling myself all night. This addiction will sneak up on you at any time and any moment no matter how long of a streak you have going. Just as soon as you think you got things under control it’s amazing how your brain will attack you when you’re weak. I’m very pleased because I did all of the right things to get myself right. Keep on keeping on.
    Slider8 and WhiskeyNeat like this.
  2. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Éxitos desde q te uniste a la comunidad lo has hecho muy bien.... espero aplicarme a conciencia este final de mes y este nuevo año
  3. rj6457

    rj6457 Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother. Keep trying
    Abel100% likes this.
  4. rj6457

    rj6457 Fapstronaut

    80 days today. As I have stated in a previous post recently I’ve been bombarded with temptation. Today is my 80th day and using my game plan that I posted in my original posts I have overcome any temptation that has come my way and I really didn’t even come close to falling to them. The trick is as soon as that temptation presents itself and you feel that desire quickly dismiss it from your head/ thoughts and if it is a visual temptation turn away immediately. It sounds simple but I’m telling you it works like a charm. Soon as you engage in fantasizing and thoughts of lust you will fall to it. Just get rid of it immediately and it’s not hard to overcome. Just wanted to give an 80 days report and I’m heading towards my next goal of 90 days. Yes as you can tell I like to keep track of my days. I’ve seen other brothers on here who talk against counting but to me it gives me motivation. Good luck to you my brothers and keep going strong. We can do this together because without this community and other communities I belong to I would be lost in this crazy world.
    Slider8, WhiskeyNeat and Jitser like this.
  5. rj6457

    rj6457 Fapstronaut

    As I’ve stated previously part of my plan is to study ways to beat this addiction and benefits of beating it. A big benefit that I am reading about is the benefit of semen retention. As I have stated before I am totally hard mode and want to stay this way and I can tell you that I have had colds and other ailments disappear quickly since I have been on hard mode for 80 days. I feel way better about myself and I have more confidence in myself. To me life‘s difficulties are not as hard to overcome. They don’t bother me as much. I’m not as afraid of things as I used to be. I’m more confident when I talk to people. This is such a great feeling and other benefits that I’ve had that I don’t want to give them up to just a few seconds of pleasure and the misery which comes afterwards.
    SirErnest and Slider8 like this.
  6. Arnulf

    Arnulf Fapstronaut

    I just want to say thank you so much for directing me to Soaring Eagle's writings. It is some of the most motivating and life changing writings I have read on this topic. However it is at times very depressing to read how much we are damaging our bodies with this addiction. And there seems to be far in between success stories about people who have healed their physical ailments from this. Mostly it is just very dark, scary reading.

    So I want to ask you: Have you had any of these symptoms he talks about? Urinary/prostate issues, hair loss, insomnia, infertility? And has it improved in any way? This is my main motivation to keep going strong.
    Slider8 likes this.
  7. You might consider the 12 steps of AA as a more permanent way.
  8. mystspirit

    mystspirit New Fapstronaut

    Like your reason and success in celibacy. I am 40+ & been single mostly. It was out of choice as I am was never interested in the other side. I guess my celibacy in the hard mode must be few years. my motivation is mostly - why waste any energy on s 'thing I am not interested in, why give importance. Never gave attention of what benefits semen retention has given me as this has been my normal life. Just landed here to see what's going on. Good luck & all the best!
    Slider8 likes this.
  9. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    Does browsing through Instagram and tinder does this slow down your nofap
    Process even when you are not at all arouse by the picture.. I don’t feel any urges even when I see certain picture. What is going on with me ?
  10. Arnulf

    Arnulf Fapstronaut

    I think so, yes. When people go into rehab for drug addiction they have to remove any distractions like that. I saw a tv-series about people with food addiction who went into this program on a farm or something. One of them had a guitar with him that helped him cope with it. They said they had to take it away from him. At first I thought that was very stupid, because if it will help him get over the addiction then surely it is a good thing? But now I realise that you have to force your brain to come to terms with the addiction and defeat it. So yeah, I think all distractions like social media, video games, sugar, etc. will only slow recovery.

    But thats just my personal take on it.
    sam30 likes this.
  11. OsirisBlack

    OsirisBlack Fapstronaut

    Dude that’s fucking awesome! I actually am drawing the same exact conclusions you just mentioned. Everything from building good habits to checking this forum every day, reading about the success stories just adds more knowledge.

    the word that comes to mind when trying to beat this addiction is “understand”. Once you fully understand what causes your addiction, it’s straight forward to implement safety barriers to prevent you from failing: failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

    your journal idea is a great idea. It’s almost like your conducting a science experiment on yourself! Thanks for posting this, as it’s helping a lot more people then you think. Cheers and I look forward to reading more posts
    Slider8 likes this.
  12. Your words are inspiring. Definitely what I needed this morning. Thank you. Best wishes!
    Slider8 likes this.
  13. Mr doctor

    Mr doctor Fapstronaut

    Today i just watched porn again of small videos like 20-30 seconds and just after i again swear to god i willl never watch it again
    after sometime i saw myself in the mirror u will not believe guys i am getting less acnes and a lot brighter face i can't believe i thought it was of something else but u know it really happened i am glad i made 50 days PMO free and now i will on track back and i will make a huge change in my life ALL THE BEST everyone.....
    sam30 likes this.
  14. Cryptoh

    Cryptoh Fapstronaut

    Hi Rj
    Are you trying to say that masturbation makes one fat?
  15. xerneas4u

    xerneas4u Fapstronaut

    I've noticed that nothing for me gets done without sexual energy. There is a lot of sexual energy behind what I think and do 24/7. I have to have thousands of days of sexual energy otherwise I can't even do the simplest things I imagine. There's a lot of conflicting thoughts about semen retention.
  16. wiseplokm

    wiseplokm Fapstronaut

    Great story! thanks for your sharing!
  17. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    I started riding bicycle to work instead of driving now.. still I need to find my goals.. this is my third time on nofap hitting 90 days.. I still feel I am going to relapse as I still get arouse from time to time