60 day challenge anyone?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by samwise_the_brave, May 26, 2015.

  1. samwise_the_brave

    samwise_the_brave Fapstronaut

    Alright bros lets get it!
    Double Lion likes this.
  2. Double Lion

    Double Lion Fapstronaut

    Today is my day 1. I woke up this morning feeling generally relieved. I didn't have to worry about clearing the history on my computer or my phone, as my girlfriend looks through both pretty often. I feel as though freeing myself from porn is going to free my mind and faculties for more productive actions. I had a bit of alone time on the computer today, and instead of visiting the usual porn sites, I decided to come here. It was a hard decision because old habits die hard. I was very tempted to go to the sites. I want this time to be different though so I am purposely taking actions that will give me little spurts of strength to make it toward my goal.

    This is the hard portion of the challenge. Porn is constantly on my mind. I am hoping that in a few days my desires will fade/change, and that I will go into sort of a plateau.

    My goal to start is 60 days no porn or masturbation. Since I have a girlfriend the "O" portion will be difficult to maintain. I expect, however, that not using porn or masturbation will help me develop a closer and more meaningful relationship with her. Also, within the past year I have been using marijuana in addition to porn to increase the effect. Up until the time I was 29 I had never used marijuana before. I didn't like how porn was changing me and my desires, so in addition to the porn I am giving up marijuana, and being conscious of any other addictions and dependencies that I may use as a crutch. We abuse, or are addicted to porn for a reason. It is important to me during this challenge that I identify the reason behind my addiction and attempt to "fill the void" with something positive.

    I hope you all are doing well. Let's do this!

    samwise_the_brave likes this.
  3. Double Lion

    Double Lion Fapstronaut

    Just replying so that I can watch this thread.
  4. blazor28

    blazor28 Fapstronaut

    Coount me in guys lets go after this as badly as we wanna breath
  5. Double Lion

    Double Lion Fapstronaut

    Well alright guys, Day 2 for me.

    This morning has been a bit of a test. I wouldn't call it a struggle but a test. It's summer time and the birds and bees are humming. At work this morning I noticed women EVERYWHERE. I could sense that my body is confused about not getting its daily "release." It was definitely difficult for me to focus and I found my eyes wandering. I found myself a couple of times this morning daydreaming about porn. Because I believe that daydreaming could be just as bad as watching porn, I want to work on the daydreaming or visualizing portion as well.

    If I was the old me, I would have pulled out my laptop and visited my usual sites, but I am on the challenge and I am destine to defeat this thing. Whatever hold that porn and masturbation has on me SHALL be broken. So, again, instead of the sites, here I am posting. Just gotta make it to bed tonight.

    Stay strong guys.
  6. Double Lion

    Double Lion Fapstronaut

    Day 3. Its the weekend so time seems to go by a bit faster, which is helpful. Im still strong. A bit angry over an unrelated issue but I am still going strong.

    Here's to making us better men, free from the weakness of addiction.

  7. wizard

    wizard Fapstronaut

    It's amazing how quickly your mind and body changes from abstaining from porn/masturbation/edging. I always feel so amazing when I stop for a period of time. I've never gone 60 days before. I am so up for the challenge!! Willpower, energy, bliss, girls! Here I go. Day 8 already. I've decided to settle for 100 days :) it has a better ring to it hahaha! Why not?
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
  8. 21decisionforlife

    21decisionforlife Fapstronaut

    day 50 enormous changes have been put in place ;)
    wizard likes this.
  9. Double Lion

    Double Lion Fapstronaut

    Day 3 is proving to be difficult. I am definitely feeling the effect of not masturbating to porn, and it is starting to prove a bit distracting. Today I ran across an image in a magazine of a voluptuous woman in a night gown. Normally this type of image would not affect me as my level of tolerance to images was really high (due to daily porn viewing). For some reason today, that image lingered in my mind. Its almost like torturing a hungry animal with food. I have been the most tempted today to slip back into old habits.

    I am learning that I need a quick way to "release and reset" so that I do not have to deal with the internal struggle for hours at a time. Any thoughts guys?

    Still on track, Day 5
  10. Don the Ch

    Don the Ch Fapstronaut

    I actually just started a 60 day challenge 4 days ago. I'm with you
  11. wizard

    wizard Fapstronaut

    I often find that exercises helps me through it. . . whether going for a run or doing weights, even yoga. Gets my mind off of it and I feel great from the exercise.
    So yeah, I don't know if you've tried it. But even. . . every time you feel like checking some porn or having a wank, just drop to the floor and do 20 pushups etc. force yourself to do something else, rather than sitting there being frustrated with your temptations :)

    Double Lion likes this.
  12. Double Lion

    Double Lion Fapstronaut

    Day 6 and I'm still here, wow! Thanks for the message and support, Wizard.

    Today I came the closest that I could have to a relapse. I had idle time in the middle of the day in front of the computer. I thought and thought about porn. Then, I did a set of pushups, and another. I then thought, ok, no porn, but I was still tempted to relieve myself.

    What stopped me was a post in another form discussing a conversation between our "mind" and our "essence." It stated that "we are not our thoughts" and urged us to have conversations with our thoughts. Seemed a little silly but it worked. I talked to myself, and asked myself why I would want to destroy 6 days of progress, knowing that it would just lead to pain and despair. Soon the urges quieted and I went about my day. Instead of searching for porn, I spent the 30-40 minutes to clean out the trunk of my car. Doing so gave me a sense of accomplishment. Done & Done.

    Glad to still be here. Thankful for the fellowship and your encouragement.
    wizard likes this.
  13. wizard

    wizard Fapstronaut

    Sounds like an excellent way of dealing with it! Good work!! 6 Days is nearly a week :)
    Something else to try; remind yourself of how amazing you'll feel if you reach your goals! Remind yourself of how amazing you feel from not looking at porn! Practice looking at peoples faces in the street, and imagine them as a wondrous person, rather than as a sexual object. Smile at women you pass and look in their eyes, the aim is to hold composure and be relaxed. You'll feel more confident around others, and even more confident in how you live daily. . . confident in your thoughts and inner-strength as you continue abstaining.

    Goodluck :)
  14. Bluejay

    Bluejay Guest

    Hey guys, I see some new faces on this thread which is great. I guess I am on day 31 now, I haven't been counting lately or posting lately because I have been keeping myself so busy. I noticed when looking around other post and threads that guys have relapsed around the 20-30 day mark the most. I have been especially mindful of my habits/behaviour these past days to make sure I don't fall into a relapse. I am still going strong and loving this whole challenge. What has been helping me lately is keeping busy. I have had no time to sit in front of my computer. Work has been keeping me busy with some longer hours (which I don't mind) and when I am not working, I am at the gym or out with a couple friends.

    I have noticed now that I have become a bit more talkative with people I would not normally talk to. I go out of my way to say "good morning" to people at work or talk with people in the company just to have pleasant conversations. When chatting with any female colleagues, I find I have no agenda when talking to them. I am not trying to score, get lucky, get their phone numbers or anything of that nature. I just have pleasant convos with them to get to know them and enjoy ourselves at work.

    This whole challenge/reboot is a lot of fun. All the power to you guys!
  15. SpeakerBear

    SpeakerBear Fapstronaut

    I'm late, but I'm in. I'm actually on the way already, and as you see my goal is 90 days. But 60 is a milestone, and I figure I could need some extra support. Urges are coming back after about a month of very little. I quit porn last year, but have had some relapses, mainly substitutes. Masturbation and the urge to release has been the main problem. And when I want to masturbate, I immediately want some visual stimulation.

    Good luck everyone!
  16. Cooldude4

    Cooldude4 Fapstronaut

  17. samwise_the_brave

    samwise_the_brave Fapstronaut

    So...intersting week or so for me. I have been going strong and am P free for almost a month. But what just killed me was a wet dream. I had one last night and I woke up feeling like i relapsed. I conlcuded that It didn't count and moved on but really set me off track today. I relapsed today with only M and O, so on the brightside, still P free. I will go 10-20 days pmo free then M or O. This is the last time that I will M or O consciously again. Praying for all the brothers out there still strong, and for those who have relapsed and are climbing back aboard the ship to greatness.
    wizard likes this.
  18. SpeakerBear

    SpeakerBear Fapstronaut

    A wet dream has brought me down more than once. Haven't had one (although borderline a couple of times) since I started No PMO, so I don't know how well I can handle it. Tonight I dreamed that I watched P, and that wasn't a good feeling. IIRC, in the dream I should clean up some old files and found some P pics. I was very happy to find that it was all a dream.

    We should perhaps think up ways to handle wet dreams. I know how they can make my head spin.

    Stay strong!
    wizard likes this.
  19. Rm1999

    Rm1999 Fapstronaut

    I'm in! I'm on day one and I could use the support.
  20. SpeakerBear

    SpeakerBear Fapstronaut

    Soon you'll be on day 2 :)
    wizard likes this.