6 years clean: rebooting as the best remedy

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HMHU, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. JAWLINE_29

    JAWLINE_29 Fapstronaut

    Hello brother! Im a 16 Male. Since you have recovered from this addiction, you are the best person to ask for advice, please hear me out. My story is long and sad, like many others. The addiction to pornography and masturbation got hold of me in my early adolescence. I was trying to quit since 4 months. After abstaining for porn for about 3months and no PMO streaks of 1-2 days regularly with longer streaks as well, i relapsed to porn and i was like that for a week but to be honest my erections have much improved but they are still not as hard as they need to be. Im still suffering from PIED. I have a forum too, you can check my daily progress there. Can you suggest me some ways to recover faster from PIED?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
    Dank24 likes this.
  2. sikelix

    sikelix Fapstronaut


    Hello Brother! i'm sorry to hear that.

    I'm sure that i am not the best person to answer you question, but analyzing your context, you are very young and you have a great opportunity to live your 20's better than me, take advantage of that opportunity. I really envy you a little, I would have given everything to be here at 16 years old!!!

    But, you need to understand that you was consumed porn on a younger age (me too since i was 11) before your brain was fully developed. For that reason, you need to create a new path's inside your brain that doesn't exist! That the reason why your recovery will take a little longer: 6 - 12 months, unlike the poeple that began addicted to porn at adult age.

    BTW, 6-12 months is still a little time, you are only 16 man, you have a lot of time to improve your life!!!

    My recommendation for your age is:

    - Do excersice (if you can go outside play to football, basket or whatherever with friend can be better)
    - Socialize!!!! This going to help you a lot to rewire your brain!
    - Learn and study in the school! You don't need to worry about anyting else!!!
    - Have fun! Go party, be with you friend, go outside, meet new people, no losing time inside your home with instagram, tiktok, PORN or VIDEOGAMES!!!
    - Make mistakes now when you are young!!! Live, have experience!! that's what your age is about!!! Don't let the PMO steal the most important part of your life!!

    I promise if you do this, you will fix your PMO addiction and your PIED. It'll not be a hard process, will be an amazing process, you will to improve a lot your life! And PMO will be just a bad memory without realizing it!

    I hope my words helped you =)

    If you need someone to talk don't hesitate to send me a DM!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
    Dank24 and A New Beginning Born like this.
  3. JAWLINE_29

    JAWLINE_29 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the motivaiton and the guidance, brother! You just saved me from relapsing and made my day. I will surely DM you for further guidance. Once again, thanks!
    Dank24 likes this.