45 Mass Shootings in the USA This Year

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by IGY, Oct 1, 2015.

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  1. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    This national debate has encouraged me to buy more guns than I otherwise would have in the first place. Out of spite, naturally.
  2. This isn't realistic because there are more guns owned than people in the United States. Getting them all off the streets...good luck. I think the question needs to be now that they're out there, what do we do? I'm pretty sure that the answer to mass shootings is not more guns. I know a few gun owners, ex-military types who say that you shouldn't own a gun unless you are prepared to pull the trigger. I have never felt a particularly affinity for them, and I don't quite think that I could, so I don't own one. I would much prefer to not escalate the situation to the point where a firearm is required. There is too much of a "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality in this country.

    I'm a bit incredulous that you believe this possible. Which may make my point that some people believe they are "under attack" in this country. By whom, I'm not sure.
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    The fact that these 14 firearms (six of which he had with him) were legally obtained was given by an FBI representative in a live, public statement. You are free to believe in conspiracy theories, but you have no evidence for them my friend.
    NoBrainer likes this.
  4. Anti-faper

    Anti-faper Fapstronaut

    First of all we are not a democracy we are a constitutional republic. A democracy is when to two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. 51 percent says kill the 49 percent that's what a democracy is.
  5. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    If I can trust you with 1 gun I can trust you with 1000 (although having to clean all those guns is probably a pain in the ass)
  6. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut

    The mass shootings have increased (indeed there is discrepancy between them increasing and them being increasingly reported on). I think what we have seen is a case of both actually - and it isn't by accident. Those in power want this to happen. As the mass shootings are reported on, there is a push to take away citizens guns from the common people. Every time one of these occurs, president Obamassiah gets on tv immediately to try to legislate more gun control. Hillary just started a direct & forceful campaign to confiscate guns. They are getting tired of asking... what this is leading to is going to be them telling every American citizen to turn over all guns. That's what is coming. Sure as the sun rises.

    Things like Columbine set off a trend, where the media reported all over it constantly, made a big deal of it. These people know what they're doing. They know the effect on mass psychology of reporting something like this, the media wields an incredible power which I don't think most people realize; the endlessly relentlessly hammering away and chipping away at people's minds, will gradually get their ideas and attitudes to shift and cave. They know the effect repetition has on people and their minds and psyches. It's the same with drugs; "don't do drugs" .....makes kids subconsciously want to do it - as the rebel image of youth is pushed all over our culture. People saw Columbine and the way they reported it - instead of condemning it; they explicitly made it look like it was "badass", like these kids went out as heroes, did something crazy and cool - they showed the tapes, over and over again on tv...over and over, and they (Klebold/Harris) got "tons" of attention for it, although they didn't say that. Ever have a feeling the media is "evil"? Guess what. It is. These people are evil incarnate. I could go on about that but, that's a whole other story. That's the angle the media took. They knew it would start a trend, and it did. That's part of the reason we see so much now, it has just been increasing in momentum. Also, some of these are false flags. Like the Sandy Hook shooting, there is substantial evidence now to show that was a false flag attack; that might not've even happened. The Boston bombing has a false flag written all over it. There is substantial evidence to show the actors were staged and that the Tsarnaev brothers were actually affiliated with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), that they, Tamerlan - the older brother in particularly - was an FBI informant, and were both in effect Patsies for what occurred. I do believe the younger brother was sentenced as to appease the American public on the issue. He may or may not have been guilty of the charges.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
    Immor likes this.
  7. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Made a big deal of it? It was a big fucking deal. What is the matter with you gun junkies? You just don't care do you? Those two students murdered 13 people and then killed themselves - not unlike the outcome in Oregon... 9 murdered +1. :eek:
    How dare you suggest that the only reason these senseless killings are a big deal is because of media reporting! :mad:
  8. I get your sentiment, and it is true. But there is a running theory that suggests one mass killing begets other "copycat" events. A lot of people involved in committing these types of crimes are trying to maximize media exposure (i.e. achieve infamy) and the fact the media plasters their images all over television and the Internet juxtaposed with some of the most visible people in society (politicians, celebrities) doesn't help. The Virginia shooting was on live TV. That's about as significant exposure as you can provide to a shooter. This style of media coverage is positive reinforcement, and there are ways to cover the event without giving as much exposure. But there are other major factors at play besides media exposure, obviously.
  9. It is a constitutional republic and a representative democracy. But let's not quibble over forms. Voting is a much more powerful weapon than a gun in the USA right now.
  10. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut


    You're right.

    Maybe they should have a drop in centre where residents turn up and give up their guns by certain date. It will take a long time but it will ensure that in 50 years time there will be little to no guns on streets.

    General rules;

    1) if after X date you are found to have a gun you are locked up for 10 years
    2) when you give up your gun you sign a statutory declaration saying this was your only gun - if you are found to have a gun after giving up you get 15 years inside + an additional 3 years for each extra gun + $$ fines
    3) any crime involving gun = 20 years inside
    4) murder with gun = death sentence

    I know it sounds extreme but that is the only way to get them off the streets and scare people in not owning them when they are illegal - guns are meant for one thing and one thing only to kill! They are not toys...

    In the UK you have a bb gun you can get into shit loads of trouble!
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
  11. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    There is no evidence for what you just said either.....:confused:
  12. Eric'sBlue

    Eric'sBlue Fapstronaut


    You've completely missed the point of what I was saying. In preconceived notions of what you already have in your mind, you attacked me.

    I'm not a "gun junky" and...I never said that it wasn't a big deal. My point was to illustrate how the media, uses mass psychology conditioning techniques to bring attention to undesirable events, portray them to the people in such a way as to subconsciously 'encourage', embed and reinforce them to the public in sinister, subversive, roundabout ways.
    That is my point.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  13. IGY

    IGY Guest

    There is: The statement was made by an FBI representative in a live, public statement. You simply 'believe' otherwise.
  14. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Now this is taking things out of proportion! You completely switch his words around and made him sound ridiculous. There was an armed army vet on the campus of the most recent shooting in Oregon. He told the news that he tried to go help and stop 14 people from being killed, but nooo, the faculty stopped him and restrained him from doing anything!

    He was armed and he could have done something, but the faculty wouldn't allow it. This what these shooting are here for. To scare people away from guns in my opinion.
    Indignation likes this.
  15. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    You simply believe he was telling the truth :rolleyes:
    Indignation likes this.
  16. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Well, there is something we can agree on. I would say it is an undesirable event when students start killing each other with guns! By your opinion of the media, the reporting of any undesirable event is somehow subconsciously sinister. :rolleyes:
    Eric'sBlue likes this.
  17. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    And by your opinion of the media, everything is rainbows and butterflies :rolleyes:
    Eric'sBlue likes this.
  18. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    They are just giving them the attention they wanted
    Indignation likes this.
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    This has turned into tit for tat now so I will leave you guys to it...
    NoBrainer likes this.
  20. Not just the right. The right fears the left, the left fears the right. People do not love who they fear. People do not respect those people they fear. That's what we have lost in the USA. Basic courtesy, neighborliness, and love. The USA is yearning for community again, not rugged individualism that can take on the world with an assault rifle and boxes of ammunition.
    Eric'sBlue likes this.
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