369 Manifestation Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Super Human08369, Jan 23, 2022.

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  1. Super Human08369

    Super Human08369 Fapstronaut

    369 Manifestation Challenge

    This number has a lot of different meanings, but did you know it could be used for manifesting your desires into reality in no time? Whether it’s money or romance (or something else!) the 369 manifestation method will have people lining up just about anything.

    Serbian-American inventor, Nikola Tesla. Tesla, famed for not only his inventions such as the remote control and the Tesla coil but also his spiritual enlightenment, noted the numbers 3, 6 and 9 as being ‘divine numbers’ and was quoted saying; “If you knew the magnificent of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, you have the key to the universe”.

    Without moving too far into vortex mathematics, which is where the inventor excelled, Tesla had a theory that linked the power of 3, 6 and 9. When studying circles (360 degrees, which is 3 + 6 = 9), for example, he discovered that no matter how many times you divided one, the outcome would always be a 3, 6 or 9. He felt these three numbers held great significance in the universe, nature, and the human blueprint.

    It is said that the number 3 is a direct link to the universe, while the number 6 represents the strength we have in ourselves and the number 9 helps to release feelings of negativity.
    369 manifestation.jpg
    Step 1 Decide Your Manifestation

    First of all, grab your journal and pen. You’ll be needing these for the next 33 days. There is real power in taking pen to paper so I’d suggest writing this rather than typing away on a laptop or phone.

    We are going to begin the process by thinking of one manifestation that lasts for 17 seconds (usually around 2 sentences long). But why 17 seconds? That feels like a number I’ve picked out of thin air, right?

    The readings of Abraham Hicks reveal time and time again the power of holding an affirmation for this length of time, with the brain taking 17 seconds to create the energy of the thought we focus on. For example, if we focus on the thought of love for 17 seconds, our brain then starts to create more and more of that energy, in turn, aligning you to that of what you are claiming.

    What could your manifestation be? This all depends on what you’d like to attract into your life. This technique has helped people welcome money, love, house moves, new jobs – the universe doesn’t put a limitation on what you’d like to manifest, as long as it is safe for you, for others, and the planet.

    Start the manifestation with gratitude, add in emotion, and finish with the words “into my life”. For example:

    “I am so thankful for the universe aligning with me to attract £10,000 into my bank account, bringing with it financial freedom, joy, and excitement into my life.”
    Start the manifestation with gratitude, add in emotion, and finish with the words “into my life”. For example:

    “I am so thankful for the universe aligning with me to attract £10,000 into my bank account, bringing with it financial freedom, joy, and excitement into my life.”

    Take your journal every morning as soon as you wake up. Write your 17-second long manifestation that you have crafted above out 3 times. The key to success when manifesting anything is to focus on the feeling, on the energy of what it is you want to attract, how it will feel when (not if) it enters your life.

    As your pen starts to script your desire onto paper, imagine the feeling of money arriving into your life and how you will feel seeing it sitting patiently in your savings account. Or imagine the love you will feel when your soulmate arrives, and you know with all of your heart they were meant for you.

    Now release your desire and trust that the universe will work her magic. Start your day and do not hold on to your manifestation. We know at this point that as soon as you hold on too tight, your manifestation doesn’t appear because the universe senses lack and desperation.

    The next step is midway through the day, perhaps on your lunch, take out your journal again and write the same manifestation as above 6 times. Again, follow the same process as before, emersing yourself in the energy of how it will feel, visualizing yourself being with your desire.

    I will often force myself to smile initially when I am manifesting as this can trick the brain into lifting your mood and lowering stress almost instantly. A forced smile will soon become a natural one, especially as you write down your desire.

    Finally, before bed take your journal and write your high-vibe manifestation from above, but this time 9 times, following the same method used throughout the day. The initial 3 scripts were to set the intention to the universe, the following 6 were to amplify them and the final 9 are to set this manifestation in stone.

    By utilising the power of the 369 manifestation method, alongside Abraham Hicks’ readings on the power of 17 seconds and energy alignment, it is no wonder this technique has proved so incredibly powerful for so many people.

    Follow the 369 manifestation method for 33 days (3 x 3 = 9 or 3+3 = 6) and see what magic occurs.


      • Be sure to speak in the present as if your manifestation is already yours. By using words such as “I will” or “I want” you are speaking to the universe as if you do not have your desire, which leads her to deliver more of what you don’t have. Speak in the present tense and know that your manifestation is yours, it just hasn’t arrived yet.
      • As mentioned above, do not obsess over your manifestation. The how and when are not yours to consider; this is where divine timing comes into play and trusting in the universe to know that when your energy is ready to receive your desire, it will be yours.
      • Trust that your manifestation could appear way before the 33 days are over! Again, divine timing will make sure your desires appear when you are ready to accept. If you reach the end of the 33 days and you are still awaiting magic to appear, do not give up hope. Release this into the universe and sit in the faith that it will soon be yours because you have claimed it!
      • Be consistent. For this to truly work, you must set the time aside each day to write 3 times in the morning, 6 times through the day, and 9 times before you go to sleep. Set an alarm so you don’t forget and make the time in your schedule to make this a priority. I promise you, you won’t regret it
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2022
    Eagle_man likes this.
  2. Super Human08369

    Super Human08369 Fapstronaut

    Today I have done 3 in the morning but failed to do others!