34 days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by jeffnofapp, May 12, 2017.

  1. jeffnofapp

    jeffnofapp Fapstronaut

    Been a bit of time since I last posted on the site.

    After struggling for a couple of years to get a straight 30 consecutive days from porn, I finally did it this week. :}

    Was able to get 20 days, 15 days, 5 days...but was unable to break the 30 day benchmark.

    I am feeling VERY shaky today, but instead of looking at porn, I decided to go the opposite route and avoided the impulse (miracle!) and instead posting here.

    I think I have been able to get a lot more time these days because 30+ days ago, I really shared deeply with my wife that I had NOT been able to get much time away from porn and by being open and transparent with her, a lot of the shame disappeared. I know in my own case, if I am watching porn, I am doing it in isolation and that isolation just feeds a cycle in my head about not being able to stop.

    Being honest with my wife was a good way to get out of the shadows.

    I think I dodged a bullet posting here. Feel much better. ;}


  2. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Congrats on 30 days. It's ok to feel shaky on Day 30 because a lot of the things we are trying are not fully a part of us yet. Change takes time before our new routines become more permanent. Make sure you celebrate this milestone. We used to use PMO to 'reward' ourselves... it's time to reward ourselves in healthy ways for doing the right thing. Stay strong!
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Napav like this.
  3. Duke of Gine

    Duke of Gine Fapstronaut

    Good job guy!
    You're right. Keep it honest with your wife. I'm finding it much easier to have my addiction out in the open (and harder in some ways too, but those are negative consequences to my bad decisions and my addiction)
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  4. Napav

    Napav Fapstronaut

    Great going man. All the best :)
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  5. Congrats :) 30 days is the hardest milestone to reach in my opinion. Everything becomes easier from now on. The addiction will slowly start to loose its grip.