31 Days Success, Far from Rebooted, Far from Healed...

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Sleeping_Beauty, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. Sleeping_Beauty

    Sleeping_Beauty Fapstronaut

    ...but I made it this long. The benefits I've felt so far are subtle but still different than anything I'm used to feeling. I've been doing MO at least once a day since I was 7 years old, and I grew up with a heavy depression hanging over my head all the time. I've been numb and unmotivated, fatigued and anxious, lacked social skills, self-hating. These things do feel like they are beginning to improve now. The biggest things I've noticed so far are an increased sense of connection to my surroundings, and other people have been noting that I look like I'm glowing compared to how I was before.

    Other small things:
    Some days I am way more confident than I've felt in years, like I don't care if people dislike me.
    I carry myself better, my shoulders slump less.
    My pain tolerance has increased.
    Other things in life besides sexual stimulation seem more interesting/motivating.
    I sleep more deeply and wake up earlier-now it's between 6 and 8 AM, when before it was between 8 to 10 AM.
    My dreams are more vivid and positive.
    My endurance is increasing (this coincides with the fact that I am also working out more).
    I can feel romantic affection, when that emotion has been entirely numbed out before.
    Some days I feel more loving and content than I've felt in years.

    My end goal is to become completely free of PMO for life. I bet it will take several more months for me to reap all the benefits. But the changes I've noted so far are very motivating for me to continue.
  2. Well done! Keep it up.
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  3. Sleeping_Beauty

    Sleeping_Beauty Fapstronaut

    Thanks, Stardweller1! Will do ;)
    Stardweller1 likes this.
  4. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    What you have done in the last 3 months on NoFap has been amazing. You are an example of how to be friends to ourselves when faced with the challenges we are presented with in life. You stuck to your gentle approach of weaning off pmo as oppose to the standard cold turkey approach taken here on NoFap. Instead of thinking I am bad for what I have been doing and I have to stop it straight away or I will never be free of pmo you took it easy and started with 3 days, then 5 days, 7, 10,14,21 and now you are at 31.

    What we all wish the most is that everyone here on NoFap could be free of pmo. I think that what you have done makes this much more of a possibility.This is an example to others as a way to bring them to higher streaks with not so much disappointment. This is a new approach that I have not seen before in NoFap.

    Would this be a good method for some people to choose?
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  5. Jman123

    Jman123 Fapstronaut

    Awesome, I'll get to where you are soon enough, and then exceed. WE WILL MAKE IT OUT OF HERE!
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  6. Kyoya

    Kyoya Fapstronaut

    Yeah this approach may work, but I don't consider to choose this method, as these things are addictive so they never satisfies. But anyone who feels to find it usable may follow it. We all are unique. And I hope Me & other people may come out of this problem that is holding us back.
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  7. Sleeping_Beauty

    Sleeping_Beauty Fapstronaut

    Hey DannyCool, thank you so much for your support and always being there to encourage me on this site! I do think this approach could be good for some people. I think the main thing is taking the approach you are most motivated by.