30yo male. Need help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by St.Got, Apr 23, 2018.

  1. St.Got

    St.Got Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone. I’m glad to be a part of this community, and look forward to being free. I am a dad, a professional, and a porn addict. I started masturbating at 13 but didn’t start looking at porn til I was 23, when my wife was pregnant with my first kid. For a brief time from 18-20 I was completely free of both, and it was amazing! I was outgoing, insanely successful, fearless... I miss that version of me.

    Since then I have “quit” ten-thousand times. The longest I have ever gone without was almost 2 months just a few weeks ago. I feel like it’s happening more frequently since then than it ever happened prior to that streak.

    When I try to avoid it, I can feel myself getting easily frustrated with my kids or my wife—it’s to the point that I have asked myself if abstaining is worth my marriage or my relationship with my kids.

    I feel like I’m at the end of my rope. I really want to be free of this, and go back to that person I know I can be. I want to be present in my kids lives and be able to be an example to them.

    As far as my parameters; honestly, my wife knows about my addiction and ever since I told her she is not all that interested in sex. Even though that’s the case, I may just go the PM route.

    It has currently been 28(ish I wasn’t looking at the time) hours since I last reset.

    Wish me luck.

    Thanks guys
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  2. byeoldfriend

    byeoldfriend Fapstronaut

    Hello @St.Got, we have some common ground there. To be brief, my wife also knew about my habit of watching porn, but I just recently accepted to her that I was an addict. To my surprise, she took it better than I'd expected. She is now my accountability partner and our sex life has improved tons.

    There is hope. You can begin by reading some of the resources that nofap hast at our disposal. It will help you to understand your problem better, and will give you tools to face it. To understand how your brain works with this issue is essential to be able to present it to others, if that is what you want.

    Welcome my friend. You are in the right place.
  3. BB7378

    BB7378 Fapstronaut

    Hey St.Got I'm pretty new here to but my situation seems a little simular to yours. My wife found out about my secret and that I had been doing it behind her back for 12 year's. Our relationship is in jeopardy at the moment because if my lies and behaviours I have acquired from my 12 years of lying and secrecy.

    Looking back at it all now I would love to go back and do it all again. All the time spent on P has given me nothing, it was a total waste. What do I have to show for all those hours spent on P NOTHING.

    If only I had of put all that effort into making life better for my kids and wife then that would of made life happier for me instead of being left with all the misery of P.

    If I was you then that's what I would start focusing on. You say your wife isn't intrested anymore well put all your effort into making her intrested. If you make all these efforts with your family you will surly feel the rewards.

    Even if you just still watch P that shit will change you, it is basically filmed abuse. Stay as far away as possible and refocus your efforts
    Hopefulgirl likes this.