30 days report

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by ILuvWeed, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. ILuvWeed

    ILuvWeed Fapstronaut

    So it has been 30 days since I watched porn and I had only 4 orgasm's this month with my girlfriend. I also quitted smoking weed and it has been 3 months since I smoked.

    I have been doing NoFap for 2 years now and I had streaks like 20 days 15 days 26 days was my record and now I just reached 30 days which is a personal record for me. And..

    There are no superpowers..

    If anyone here is curious about what will happen if you don't watch porn for 30 days then read this because I will tell you the truth. Quitting porn is a good thing that you should do because it consumes a lot of time and when you quit then you realize how destructive it is for your life but quitting porn doesn't make you more energetic or succesful in life.. It has zero effect on your mood and if you were sad and depressed you will still be sad and depressed. Please don't believe the placebo effect of others it doesn't change anything please don't waste your time and life waiting to hit 90 days or 30 days.. go out and do something to change your life because this shit is not magic.

    I am not saying that you shouldn't quit porn or anything if you are addicted to it then you should quit. But don't expect much from NoFap. Nothing in your life will change if you don't act now. Forget this challenge and go out do something to change your life for good.

    Forget about NoFap and join a gym,eat for bulking or cutting,get a job and make money. You don't really need a girl visit a prostitute if u really need to release.Life is not that complicated don't be sad because you can't reach 30 days. It doesn't even matter nothing happens believe me.

    I am not trying to discourage anyone but this is what I experienced. Oh but it cures PIED for sure you can be %100 sure of that now I have erections without touching myself when I want to have sex.

  2. Walk_it_out

    Walk_it_out Fapstronaut

    Congrats man on your time from abstaining! You finally made it this far good job. Getting 30 days though is not enough to tell you what may happen at 60 or 90 or beyond. So I don't understand why you would say its basically a waste of time. But regardless way to go keep it up
  3. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut


    thanks for sharing the truth with us, man It really hit home for me...its all about what changes ones makes in his life. When one tries to incorporate new healthy habits while on nofap then and only then he may experience something new, something which was supposed to be there in the first place but is masked by the addiction,...if that makes any sense.