30 Days no PMO Experience!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. Hey guys, I've decided to start posting updates here after each significant number of days as a way of tracking my progress and as a tool for support.

    A little bit of background, I have been trying to quit this addiction for 2 years now and my best streak was 114 days of no porn over lockdown. That streak was a wonderful period of my life were I felt at my strongest and most confident. However only the first two weeks of it were no orgasm as I met a girl at this point, we had our fun but it wasn't to be and I had to break that off. After this I decided to reintroduce masturbation, which was probably a mistake as towards the end it became more frequent and eventually lead me back to PMO.

    Since then I've spent the previous few months smoking weed almost every night, fucking random girls and breaking it off when I realise there's nothing there. This unfulfilling lifestyle of temporary highs has lead me back to relapsing after shorter streaks of no porn but still masturbation of 30 days, 15 days, 37 days and then an embarrassing 3 days lol. After this I came to the realisation that I need a major lifestyle change if I want to quit this addiction for good. I'm aiming for the full 90 days with no masturbation this time and also cutting out my other bad habits such as weed and casual sex. Next time I have sex I want it to be with a girl that is special to me.

    How I'm feeling after 30 days:

    I am so pleased to have made it to 30 days on hard mode for the first time. My anxiety and brain fog from the PMO and weed have significantly cleared up and I'm now feeling sharper than ever. I'm also feeling more masculine and stronger than I did during the 114 days of no porn but still fapping. Little things in life are beginning to bring me more happiness than I can ever remember, a simple smile as someone walks by is enough to spark joy inside me. I actually enjoy talking to people most of the time now and find myself wanting to engage in it instead of avoiding it. Joking with my friends makes me laugh more and I'm able to enjoy it on a new level.

    My new found clarity brought some regrets to the surface with a previous relationship and gave me the balls to meet up with this person and finally come clean with my mistakes. This was a relationship that was special to me and the lifestyle changes I've made have not only given me closure but the possibility to see this girl again. I think girls can sense the energy a PMO free lifestyle gives us and they can tell when a man has goals and potential. She even mentioned is 'it's like you've had therapy', for me this is proof enough. Nofap works.

    Changes I made that helped me the most:

    I had already implemented a few of the most common strategies such as cold showers and working out. These were new things I added that totally changed the game for me.

    • Quit weed - Weed gives you instant reward like porn and therefore, is only replacing one addiction with another one. Weed also lead to relapse on PMO a few times.
    • Accountability partners - Joined a group, talk to them almost everyday and they have helped me in my weakest moments.
    • Mindset and meditation - I am only beginning to implement this more but it is a very powerful tool. Once we get into the mindset that this is our lifestyle now, the journey becomes much easier.
    • Nofap youtubers - Usually watch at least one nofap video a day, FearlessDan is my favorite because his content is entertaining as well as helpful. This reminds me why I'm on this journey and keeps me strong.

    • Sexual Transmutation - If you haven't already I HIGHLY recommend you look into this. Basically you're using that powerful sexual energy to do something else rather than fapping it away. When the urges get strong I have used that energy to play my guitar or go on a walk. The better you get at this the more you can use it for working towards bigger goals!
    • Faith - I'm not overly religious and I'm not going to preach here, all I'm saying is that praying every night and believing that there is a God far more powerful than me guiding me on this journey brings me peace, strength and belief that I can get through anything with him by my side.
    Thank you so much to anyone that read all of this and I hope that this can offer motivation and some tips to anyone that is struggling. I have a ways to go myself yet and this journey is not over. Here's to another 30, stay strong brothers!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2020
  2. coldhearted

    coldhearted Fapstronaut

    I have to say that the part with the therapy is totally true. Sometimes I feel like i'm a walking medicine for these people.
    Interesting stuff.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Mike93

    Mike93 Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Maybe I should reword that part. I actually meant she saw me as being so different, it was like I'd had therapy as previously I was pretty off the rails. However, I know what you mean, once you've helped yourself we are able to offer better help to others.
  5. frere

    frere Fapstronaut

    Really nice post! I just started my journey a couple of days ago! Just as you said i'm trying to make NoFap a constant in my days as a reminder why we are doing this and to learn new stuff to make the journey easier! Looking forward to updates of your post!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Can you explain more about no porn period but still fap? Are you imagining sex scenes? Focus on urge?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. At the start I was thinking about real girls and previous sexual experiences, which was fine. The problem is that after a while your brain wants something more stimulating. That lead me back to fantasising about porn and I started to find it difficult to fap without my mind going straight to porn. Eventually that lead me back to fapping with porn. I think the first 2 months of fapping without porn were OK, you certainly feel some benefits but not close to full hard mode. I think it's just very risky and if you have not built very good discipline before you reintroduce it, there's a big risk you will fall back down the rabbit hole!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2020
    przemek5577 likes this.
  8. Thanks for explanation. For me It's all or nothing. I was just curious because for me masturbating to porn was mechanic but imaginary scenes felt more stimulating. It was still wrong but i regreted that less.
    Stay strong!
  9. Ridhor

    Ridhor Fapstronaut

    A nice post. I wish you more success.
    Deleted Account likes this.