27 Seattle, Polynesian, Church-boy

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Vindemiator, May 23, 2015.

  1. Vindemiator

    Vindemiator New Fapstronaut

    Obviously I'm new. When my avatar loads I'll start a journal. Right now I just need to exhale and let it all be okay/heading in the perfect direction.

    Tracking since March 30, it's been 5 days of strength: reboot; 2 weeks & 4 days: reboot; 1 week & 6 days: reboot; and today marks Day 1, Week 3 of the current go.

    Once I click Create Thread I encase both pride and shame for the universe to see. But I'd rather do this than give in, which of course means seeking one of many avenues.

    For me this is about purity, abstinence, and long-term celibacy, till I am wed. I know I won't last till then, but I'll pray to complete Week 3 and then I'll just take it from there.

    mv8652 likes this.
  2. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    Hey, Brother. Welcome to NoFap, and may our God bless you!

    Making the public commitment that you have (with your own photo) is a very big step. It adds a layer of external accountability, which can only help. I know that quitting is tough. If it were easy, everybody would do it . There are actually few men who are as long-term fapstinent as you propose. (Most here are here to use NoFap for 90 days or so to rewire their minds off porn addiction, which might or might not be part of your situation.) Regardless, long-term extinction of masturbation and orgasm can be achieved, and you can do it with enough dedication and the right help. Meanwhile, don't beat yourself up over any relapses (not "reboots," which is the name for the rewiring process just mentioned). Learn from your relapses, and get right back on the NoFap horse and ride (as you seem to have been doing). Most of us have slipped many times before the time that we became sufficiently inspired, committed, and equipped not to slip anymore. It's a process. You have to give it time. Be patient, and don't give up on your goals.

    One NoFapper who achieved long-term total celibacy for spiritual reasons until his marriage last August is Mark Queppet. His videos, etc. are on his site at http://sacredsexualityproject.com/ , and they might be a help to you. He's a great guy.

    Always remember that our awesome God loves you whether you fap or not; but if you choose to give it up for Him, He will honor your sacrifice.
    Dhanraj and Vindemiator like this.