25 yr / New and Hopeful

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by JimmyHands, Oct 10, 2018.

  1. JimmyHands

    JimmyHands New Fapstronaut

    Alright everyone,

    Im 25 and living in NYC. I've hit the struggle bus recently when I realized I have been doing absolutely nothing towards my Porn addiction. I realized yesterday when I told myself the night before I would make use of my day off and be productive. Guess who stayed in bed till 1:30pm watching porn? This guy. I felt shitty and disgusted with myself. I live with 3 other people and I'm normally a pretty social person, but when I'm in porn mode I become this creepy hermit and I hate it.

    I got out of a relationship a year ago that lasted 2 years. It was healthy physically, and emotionally but unfortunately when a couple months out of those 2 years was long distance porn became an issue for me. I'd watch it and masturbate in order to avoid temptations. especially working as a bartender in Manhattan. I still felt pretty motivated to work toward my performance career. I was waking up early to go to auditions, I was going to the gym regularly, and I was keeping in touch with my family and things were going pretty normal.

    Towards the end of my relationship with my ex I realized how much porn had impacted my sexlife. It took much longer for me to get "in the mood" if you know what I mean. I also started to put things off to stay home and try to get off. I knew something was off with my reward system in my brain.

    Now, a year later, I'm unhappy and un motivated to do anything. I feel like I've fallen into a depression and It seems that porn has been something i can't give up. Even when I've tried. I avoid going out to meet women sometimes cus Ive had embarrassing moments this year not being able to perform the way I used to. I feel like my porn addiction has something to do with it and I want to try this out.

    I guess for now, I want to try to ween myself off of porn until I don't need it. I am hoping to put myself out there again and start dating more and see how it goes.

    I hope this helps and looking for your support!
    ThanhBin likes this.
  2. ThanhBin

    ThanhBin New Fapstronaut

    We can do it, bro!
    JimmyHands likes this.
  3. JimmyHands

    JimmyHands New Fapstronaut

    Thanks man!! I’m gonna try