21 yaer newbie

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Moazi, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. Moazi

    Moazi Fapstronaut

    Hi! Every one I’m Moazam saeed. I’m 21 years, currently doing branch sciences in geology. My story begin at the age of 12, at that time I wasn’t aware of porn and a friend introduce it to me, and I feel good about it, whether it was relevant or not, it was help me in release a lot of stress and anxiety because of family problems and fight in my home .Pornography was like to me a happiness, a joy that please me in the darkness .I knew about it in the long run it will not please me but the temptation was off the imagination, the resistance was so weak . Try so much thing like drawing, painting, walking, reading blogs, cooking, talking to my own self for advice but in the end it never work, I was a kid who will know everything in exam but could write it because he forget the spelling in the context and I knew that the forgetfulness was the cause of doing hand practices .I was the kid who will forget how to express his point of view. Form 12 to15 I became dark, fixated on porn in every weak my blood pressure will fall and I will attend in hospital. At that time of my life there were no one I could share my problem with, I will blame everything on my own self that it is happening because you are a weak person, addiction of pornography has my taken a lot my time and energy . I want to get active in my professional life, can you guy lend me a helping hand and I’m glad that there are such kind of website here for others could be heal from it
    CArT_Vader and Bilal Jaleel0321 like this.
  2. Bilal Jaleel0321

    Bilal Jaleel0321 Fapstronaut

    Welcome Bro
    Lets leave this unhealthy lifestyle together:).
    Moazi likes this.
  3. inferiorlo

    inferiorlo Fapstronaut

    Hey bro this is my first day too we shall overcome this together
    Moazi likes this.
  4. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap!!!
    Moazi likes this.
  5. Moazi

    Moazi Fapstronaut

    yeah let do it
    inferiorlo likes this.