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Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Dec 8, 2018.

  1. Hi guys!

    A few days ago I came across NoFap on Youtube and a ton of convincing arguments and scientific informations later, I decided to stop porn and masturbation for the next days.

    I am totally overwhelmed by all this information about NoFap! There are so many really sad stories related to porn consumption and masturbation! This caused me sleepless nights, but I recognized myself in so many of these stories, and I had to look into many of those mirrors.

    I do not want to to imagine how many time and energy I wasted! Over the years I became very lonesome and there were so many years, when I was hiding behind my work, I did not go out, I neglected my friends, just to become a hermit, far away from the real world.

    What was the price I had to pay for this toxic combination of porn and masturbation?
    I dug out my diaries and found, that my last REAL sex I had in December 2015 and February 2016! The years before and after: NOTHING! Not even huggings, no touchings, not tenderness, no kisses, but plenty of pixels. Terabytes of it. I lived a virtual sex life, an illusion. Caught in the matrix. Enough of it!

    What do I expect of NoFap?

    My reboot plan.
    Today is DAY 6 of no porn and no masturbation! Very exciting so far! I already can experience a lot of positive effects. I had no bigger cravings so far, maybe because I am soaking up so much new informations about NoFap. It keeps me away from porn. In a few days I am turning 50 and I want to give myself a special gift: 12 DAYS OF NoFap! I am optimistic about it and I think, I can reach my first goal!

    Some facts about me:
    I am Peter, 49 years, self-employed, creative artist, gay (and proud about it), living in Salzburg, Austria, in the heart of Europe.

    I promise to do whatever is necessary to get my (sex) life back.

    All the best, love and peace!

  2. silvio pellico

    silvio pellico Fapstronaut

    today I feel like supporting everybody at random!!!!!

    good luck
  3. Thank you, Silvio!
    NoPMO will be a Christmas gift to yourself.
    Good luck!
    silvio pellico likes this.