17 yr old newbie who wants to live porn and masturbation free

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Gurdev Thakur, Jun 13, 2020.

  1. Gurdev Thakur

    Gurdev Thakur Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone , my name is gurdev thakur and i am 17 yr old currently studying for my pre medical entrance exam, i started watching porn and doing masturbation when i was 13 yrs old. In school , i got into this habit because of some bad students who used to watch porn and also masturbate and i also fell in this trap 4 yrs back , but 2 yrs back i realised that this habit is not letting me to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor as i used procrastinate watching porn and also masturbating at the time of studying , this is really affecting my academics. i know that this is a bad habit but i am unable to get out of it as whenever i decide to quit this after 7 or 14 days i fell back into this , i try my best but due to usage of online study techniques i watch porn and also masturbate , i can't leave the online sturdy so i am currently finding ways to quit this habit and i got to know about this website from quora , i need someone who can help me in quitting this habit as it is really affecting me more than anything else .

    i want to get out of this addiction , i am planning my first goal to be kept is 21 days and as i start improving i will exceed it to 90 days and in the end i want to remove this habit from my life

    please help me !!
    Breakthrough23, Gef.71 and | Nico | like this.
  2. | Nico |

    | Nico | Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  3. Welcome to the community Gurdev. I wish you all the strength and courage through this NoFap mission.
    Gurdev Thakur and Gef.71 like this.
  4. Welcome to NoFap. All the best in your recovery!
    Gurdev Thakur and Breakthrough23 like this.
  5. Gurdev Thakur

    Gurdev Thakur Fapstronaut

    thank you so much bro
    Breakthrough23 likes this.
  6. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut