17 days in and still going!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by richardlessman, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I don't know who's been following my posts but I just got back from Vacation and made it through. Honestly, it's been tough and there were several times on the vacation where my mind was so pre-occupied with cravings that I felt like just giving up and that it was ruining my vacation so I should just give in.

    What kept me sane was having my wife there and remembering that if I gave in I could be in the same spot next vacation but if I keep fighting this could be the last vacation that I have to go through this!

    I've heard week 3 is usually the hardest and a couple of topless European beaches (they're all like that there) that we we're at definitely magnified the problem but I made it through.

    Now it's back to the grind of everyday life, even this morning I felt a strong craving but I want this reboot badly! No quitting because the best is ahead.

    Thoughts, comments and support is much appreciated.
  2. ThePower

    ThePower Fapstronaut

    Great to hear of your progress. I am new here. I sincerely hope and believe you will be successful in your abstinence goals, and the results of that always have profound positive effects on the mind, body and soul.
    Once again best wishes!