Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by tommyouls, Mar 3, 2018.

  1. tommyouls

    tommyouls Fapstronaut

    Its been 153 days since i stopped PMO, the period between 80 - 110 days were freaking awesome. but after that flatline hitted me, i feel:
    - Anxiety and lost my guts.
    - No more courage to approach girls even when they give me signs or smiling at me, i just feel shy and move away.
    - Fatigue, bad mood ...

    I just wanna ask those who has a long streak if i will be on the point where there's no more flatline and become as i used to be, before i started PMO.
  2. razor1_1

    razor1_1 Fapstronaut

    Brother it's very tough to figure out as it is a very non linear process, i am on day 93 no pmo and from around day 20-88 i had the most severe flatline -extreme fatigue, headaches, brain fog, muscle pains, depression, anxiety,mood swings, flu-like symptoms,no pleasure in anything, you name it i have experienced it all, but on day 89, my energy returned, brain fog improved a lot,no more muscle pain, depression is almost cured, i thought i was broken and you will feel hopeless at times ,but i am not sure that the second flatline that you hit it would as severe as the first one, it's the brains way of fixing itself, my only symptom left is a little bit of brain fog.Just keep pushing, i know how tough it can get, this process will only make you stronger it may take a days,weeks or months. I have one link- https://morningsteel.com/nofap-no-morning-wood/ this will answer all your queries.Hope i helped and good luck in your journey :)
    Force Majeure likes this.
  3. derivative

    derivative Fapstronaut

    Bro I just wanted to cry when I saw 153 days. That's how long my streak was when I broke it last week. At day 120ish I was at the end of a 1 month long flatline. Then I went from one extreme to the other. Wake up one day, feeling on top of the world. next day feeling like an ugly piece of dung with legs. So I caved and the O made me collapse to the floor and I could not breathe for 5 seconds. Best O ever I swear but I regretted it SOOOOOO much. Bro don't relapse. Don't relapse. Don't relapse. Flatlines will go away. You just have to trust your brain. Besides, you get a real appreciation for how good normal feels when you finally exit a flatline. If you want to trigger the end of a flatline, maybe it needs some activation energy. Like if you feel like you lost your guts, go out and do something that requires guts. Don't just sit around on your butt all day because trust me bro you will do that all the time when you get old. Use your helathy mobile body while you can. Get out there and have a good old time with some people. Time spent feeling sorry for yourself is a huge waste bro. Live life to the fullest, even if you don't feel like doing anything. DO NOT RELAPSE DO NOT RELAPSE DO NOT RELAPSE. You can do it. You have the mind of a Jedi warrior if you made it this long. You are one with the force. The force is one with you. You got this!!!!!!!
  4. bobbiebob

    bobbiebob Fapstronaut

    Im currently on my 2 month and a week streak, my first 1 month was awesome, but the second month I feel more depressed, and at this point I cry about once a day just to release my stress (I'm really scared of getting back into my old self, I've been feeling like I'm my old seld), but I dont know if this is a flatline tho, or its just me being depressed

    Just a lil note to remember, don't attempt to break your streak, trust me, just carry on, doesn't matter how long your flatline is. Remember that you will probably feel worse than you are right now if you fapped.
    Force Majeure likes this.
  5. derivative

    derivative Fapstronaut

    No problem with crying. Take it from NC State legendary basketball coach Valvano:
    “To me there are three things everyone should do every day. Number one is laugh. Number two is think -- spend some time time in thought. Number three, you should have your emotions move you to tears. If you laugh, think and cry, that's a heck of a day.”

    Jim Valvano
    bobbiebob likes this.
  6. pranav02

    pranav02 Fapstronaut

    I've hit 120+ twice. Trust me on this, it never is worth it. At the end, it's just a bunch of pixels.
    derivative likes this.
  7. derivative

    derivative Fapstronaut

    Kinda creepy that pixels turn some people on more than actual people.
    pranav02 and Jason_Tesla_19 like this.
  8. BeanBurrito

    BeanBurrito Fapstronaut

    Very normal bro. You just gotta keep riding it out. Things might be shitty for several more months (or longer) but things will get better in a non-linear fashion as others have mentioned. You just gotta be patient while your brain finds its new equilibrium. It's a very frustrating process but what you're experiencing is exactly what I and many, many others have gone through.

    Just keep pushing and know that everything is temporary. Trying to put a time frame on your individual full recovery is not only impossible but also just leads to frustration and anxiety. You're gonna be alright.
    Wario32 and derivative like this.