15 year old newbie

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ican do it95+, Jun 30, 2023.

  1. Ican do it95+

    Ican do it95+ New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone my name is Sam I am 15 years old .I started watching porn from 2 years . Before I was not knowing that it is wrong or write . Soon my cources getting harder it was difficult to focus on both things soon i realized that I have to remove porn addiction from my life it was destroying my life and i also tried to remove it . But when i get trigger .I wanted to complete my desire .It affected my academic career a lot .I was one of the toppers of my class and soon after a year I was just an average student getting 80-85 percentage . I dont know how much time i decided to quit it and how much time i failed .I know that in my 8th standard I almost quit it for whole month. Due to a trigger
    I started to fulfill my desires this was one of the worst step in my life .After that i became the person who was before the porn addiction. But I know i will do it and From today my life is gonna change To my self From 30th june 2023 your life is going to be change no more porn untill you get successfull no more games no more excuses .Work harder in your life and you will be thanking to yourself for taking this steps .Feel the aura of being successfull. You have to get 95+ in 9th grade.
    -Study 7 hours a day
    -Complete at least 2 chapter in 1 day
    -Complete your backlogs
    -Visualize the day your name is 1st getting more than 95+
    - Do namaz and exercise daily
  2. tim slim

    tim slim Fapstronaut

    Hi Saaamm!

    Glad to have you here brother! It's good that you realized the lies of porn this early.

    You see, I was addicted since I was 10 years old. And I'm 25. It's been a long looooongg 15 years with these shackles. And I'm glad I'm free today.

    I'll tell you right ahead. What you experienced is normal. It is hard. You've tasted the sweet bait from porn. Believe me. I fell like couple dozens of time before I finally be able to be free.

    It's the hardest thing I've ever done my whole life.

    It's like telling a girlfriend you love that you want to break up because she is a bad influence.

    But let me tell you. It. Is. Worth. It.

    One of my best decision.

    Sooo... My advice is to dig deep. What do you want the most in life? For me I'd love intimacy. I love to get close to someone I care about. But porn has been lying to me, promised me these girls loved me more. But it's all lies. There's no intimacy in porn.

    If you can find out the source like I did. It'll be far, far manageable.

    Best of luck! Hope to see you often in this forum to help others after you're freed.

    If you need any help. Feel free to reach me out.

    Tim Slim, signing out!