100+ days of no pmo my thoughts

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. I really was thinking i didnt want to post this because when you brag you can get burned. After thinking it over I thought it might help others so i went ahead with it. When i first started it was tough the thoughts of " why am i doing this " happend alot in my head. The first 3 weeks were TOUGH it wasnt until about 6 weeks in that let up alot . I used the time to better myself checking into my nutrition and that really helped. I wasnt eating right before and i wasnt taking vitamins i needed . After i worked on my nutrition my blue moods cleared up alot. I got into working out more and being smarter about that . Here are some of the benfits i got out it
    -No longer do i chase just any women I am now picky and dont put up with games or bs or drama , I dont feel i have to settle, I now have standards and will walk away if there not meet
    - I am sleeping better before i had a hard time going to sleep or waking up in the middle of the night and not getting back to sleep now i sleep well
    - My self esteem has improved i think i am valuble and wont settle for less. I drop people and buisness that treat me poorly
    - I dont people please any more i am not a jerk but i dont go out of my way to get people to like me or explain myself.
    - Alot less anger

    well that about sums it up if have any questions ask
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2020
  2. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    Can you share your experience on this?
  3. Sure , I hadnt been feeling well before i started and a friend pointed out i need to look into my nutrition more. I started taking a multi vitamin for a time but i didnt feel i needed all those vitamins all the time . As luck would have it i was talking with my doctor and he told me i needed to take fish oil supplment for my heart health but it would also benfit my overal health . After taking it for over a month i SLEEP ALOT BETTER and the anti inflammation that it contains realy helped me in my workouts and overall health. I try to avoid soda pop french frys and generaly try to eat a balanced meal also take vitamin d3 vitamin c and vitamin e every couple of days . With that being said consult your doctor for what YOU can take
  4. vishu

    vishu Fapstronaut

    congrats bro keep going next update on day 200+
  5. Thank You, I still get urges from time to time but not as near as intense
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