1 Year 2 Months Mark

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by BigCatTunski, Aug 18, 2020.

  1. BigCatTunski

    BigCatTunski Fapstronaut

    My apologies for not posting last month. I’ve been in a transition period as of late. I moved to a new city and I’m getting everything situated with work and school.

    It’s only been a couple weeks since I’ve moved, and I have felt a great deal of loneliness throughout. Majority of my friends are in a different location, and I’m elsewhere kinda on my own. But I’m not going to shy away from this challenge.

    in terms of PMO, I’ve remained solid. Nothing has compromised my progress as of late, which I am very proud of. I still consider myself in recovery, because if I get complacent, I could slip back to my old ways and have to reset.

    still not quite where I want to be, but that doesn’t mean I won’t get there. Matter of fact, I know I’ll get there, regardless of the circumstance. I’m going to use this time in my life, where I’m apart from everyone else to learn more about myself and what makes me, me. I urge all of you to do the same.

    NoFap honestly saved my life. I’m glad this exists. I’m glad you all exist. I’m glad all of you realized that you have a problem and that you’re working towards being a better version of yourself. You deserve all good things that are coming. Keep that in mind.

    wishing you all Godspeed.
  2. fan_of_all_might

    fan_of_all_might Fapstronaut

    That's dope. Glad for you. Do you have any advice for everyone who keeps falling off the wagon?
    BigCatTunski likes this.
  3. Osl0

    Osl0 Fapstronaut

    I needed these words, dude. It's like I can read your heart, and true is in all the environment. I appreciate you shared it and thanks for giving me the will I need right now. Greetings from Colombia and I'm so glad you are living, not the best life, but a better one for sure.
    BigCatTunski likes this.
  4. BigCatTunski

    BigCatTunski Fapstronaut

    Have someone hold you accountable in some capacity. I know it might seem embarrassing to let them know the nature of your addiction, but assure them that this is serious and you want to change for the better.
    Another thing is keep educating yourself on porn and how it can affect you. Don’t get complacent in your journey, cuz you’ll be prone to fall back to your old ways.
    I would also do some journaling, as well. Just writing down how you’re feeling as a means of distraction when those sexual thoughts arise.

    hope this helps.
  5. BigCatTunski

    BigCatTunski Fapstronaut

    much appreciated. I’m glad I can inspire you and that makes me want to continue being better. We are all destined for greatness. Keep that in your heart, and everything you could ever want will be yours.
  6. takingthejourney

    takingthejourney Fapstronaut

    Im around the same mark wish i knew about this in my teens
    BigCatTunski likes this.