1 WEEK I can`t believe it! I wish i knew this earlier !

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Andrew1989, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Andrew1989

    Andrew1989 Fapstronaut

    Hello, fellow fapstronauts ! - 26 old male
    Sorry for my mispellings, but english is not my main language.
    From my teen years, porn and jerking off was basically my life.
    I didn`t really had a stable relationship for several reasons, one being that i grew up in a somehow dysfunctional family and thus my self-confidence as well as my trust in other people was very low. And the other one is because i had some bad past experiences in my relationships with the opposit sex.
    So i turned to pornography.
    I started doing it on a daily basis. Once day, then twice a day, and sometimes even three times a day.
    I started making folders on my computer with selected porn movies to "get off". I just went on doing it "mechanically" ( more as a task).
    I found out about Nofap simply by accident while searching about masturbation articles.
    At first i was skeptical, but i read the stories and i thought that there are so many testimonies. It can`t be that so many people would lie about it. So i said to myself to give it a shot. Heck, what do i have to lose ? It`s free !
    From the 3rd to 4th day i started seeing some improvements on my psychological and physiological health.
    I`ll write the main advanteges of going nofap :
    First of, i started having more energy- when i was fapping i was very, very exhausted, bored and lazy. i don`t know if it was because of the fact that i did physical effort while wanking, or because the "sperm waste" ( i read some articles that semen countains valuable nutrients to the body), or maybe a combination of both.
    Now i feel "recharged", i feel like a could do anything: work,personal projects, hobbies, household chores...
    i`m thinking of doing regular jogging too.
    The second benefit is self-confidence, anti-depression and better social skills.
    Maybe is the testosterone building in, i don`t know, all i know is that i`m glad it happened :) I could talk to anyone i want, when i want, about what i want. Before NoFap i could rarely speak about some tabu topics such as religion, sex and so on, without alcohol - which made me lose my inhibition. Now i feel more secure without booze. I also find it much more easy to make eye-contact and physical aproach a person : hugs, handshakes ...
    Another byproduct is agression, which can be either bad or good, but try to make it a constructive one. I`m being much more competitive, adventureous ,taking risks and accepting challenges (things i never did before ).
    Sexiness - this one could be annoying, but i think most of you guys know it already. You do feel hornier and this can drive you crazy because you feel the urge to relapse. But, on the bright side, your erections will become more stronger and lasting. You will get turned on much more natural and easy.
    Not only will you find women more sexier, but you yourself will feel sexy- even if you`re not ( i know it`s weird ).
    Other benefits are better vision (or so i believe), and better memory.
    I don`t know if these would apply to all, considering that each individual is different, but my advice for anyone who is thinking of going nofap and is still in doubt : IS WORKING AND IS WORTH IT !!
    Some tips to make it easier which i find very helpful is :
    - delete your porn flicks and don`t search for anymore porn on the internet
    - try replacing the porn-watching with something else, but not something addictive, like playing sports, reading ...
    - i forgot to mention there are some negative reactions as well ( the withdrawal symptoms ) i have experienced agitation and mild-insomnia these 3 nights. Don`t know if that`s just my case, but make sure you eat properly,and get plenty of rest, your body will need time to adjust this change you`re going thru.

    That`s about it !
    Thanks for reading, i`ll try to write as soon as possible, waiting for the second week :)
  2. Good work man. I wish I knew about this challenge earlier as well. I am 20 and I have always been PMOs little bitch, and that was simply because I didn't understand what I was doing. I would be much further along academically, socially, and physically if I knew about it earlier.

    Keep going, develop good habits, and you will be GREAT.
    Andrew1989 likes this.
  3. Damon

    Damon Guest

    You're doing so well, and the benefits only get better as you continue on your journey. I also suffer with sleep issues, but they will get better for you. Today is day 21 for me.
    Andrew1989 likes this.
  4. adam1992

    adam1992 Fapstronaut

    Great job man! Keep on hitting that road
  5. You are 20. This means, life is just beginning. You know what the problem is, and your working on it. I love it! Keep going. Much succes in you goals!
  6. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap.com, @Andrew1989! Glad to hear that you're off to such a positive start! :)

    FYI: we certainly encourage posts like these, but per the "Success Story Guide: read this before posting here", it's a bit too early to report this here in "Success Stories," and so I've taken the liberty of moving this thread to our "Rebooting" section -- which is the recommended venue for posts such as these.

    Wishing you best of luck with your continued journey!
  7. TQuit

    TQuit Fapstronaut

    yeah he's right, the acknowledging it is a problem is huge step. Lots of people, myself included buried it for too long. Good luck sir.
  8. leo's legacy

    leo's legacy Fapstronaut
