1 Month Report

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Redemptionisrequired, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    30 days, checking in.

    This time around I'm going to be writing a progress report as I get past certain milestones.

    Stronger emotions that I have felt this month:

    - Anger
    - Anxiety

    What has helped me fend off urges/withdrawals in no particular order:

    - Daily sun/day light exposure 10 mins right after breakfast.
    - Wim Hof Breathing as I wake up for 3 rounds
    - Meditation
    - Stoicism
    - Exercise
    -Daily Journaling
    - Gray scaling my phone
    - Downtime on my phone(app limits and such)
    - Not looking at screens at least 30 mins before bed
    - Social media detox
    -Exposure out of comfort zone

    My mindset is different this time around. I focus less on withdrawal, more so on paving my new path while handling whatever may come forward.

    Please ask me anything you'd like to know and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

    I do want to highlight this, keep in mind everyones journey is unique. Not everyone will face the same challenges/withdrawals along the way. Duration will vary, it all depends on how long you've consumed, what you watched, how early you started and what emotions and situations you've ran away/numbed yourself from using PMO (whether knowingly or unknowingly). Also, my previous streak prior to a few months of auto pilot mode, was over 400 days free of porn and nearly 400 days free of MO.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2022
  2. Great work and good luck with your journey.

    400 days is unfathomable to me, would love to hear more about how that felt and I'm sure you'll go above and beyond it this time.
    Redemptionisrequired likes this.
  3. soulja

    soulja Fapstronaut

    Awesome! keep it up man
    Redemptionisrequired likes this.
  4. iceb4

    iceb4 Fapstronaut

    Every action you take is a motivation for us.
    Redemptionisrequired likes this.
  5. Redemptionisrequired

    Redemptionisrequired Fapstronaut

    Thank you WhoWillIBeAt34, that is very kind of you! (Love the name btw)

    I'd love to say that it was incredible, but it was very challenging. I went through insane withdrawals, the worse one being insomnia and very low energy (as that just accelerates your anxiety and other not so pleasant moods). Look up PAWS on the forums for more detail, but do not linger there.

    It also was a base learning curve. The reason for that is I had also quit youtube at that point. So I was really left face to face with everything that I had numbed myself from and ignored, surprisingly it was quite a lot of things.

    If I would change anything from that period of time, it would be accepting that it was going to suck a while and focusing on the daily habits, however small, to build myself a new path. This is what I've changed this time around, as I mentioned in my original post. I also would of started Wim Hof breathing back then, after doing it for a month, I can assuredly say that it works for me.

    The good of that streak was picking up some of the habits I mentioned in the earlier post. I got a promotion at work and my motivation increased.

    I firmly believe that this time around things will be much better.

    Good luck on your path man!

    Thank you soulja! You too!

    Thank you ice! Let us all motivate one another forward.
  6. soulja

    soulja Fapstronaut

    Lets go brother! You got this!