Ūruz's fitness journal: losing weight and getting in shape

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Ūruz, Oct 28, 2022.

  1. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    2 day water fast completed!
    This was an easy one; I had a decent sexual retention streak going so motivation and discipline was high! I did felt kind of weak physically, a little light headed, this usually does not happen on day 1 and 2; it felt physically like it was day 3 and 4. It might have been because I ate WFPBD in a calorie deficit few days before the fast—I did not eat any added salt and way less food in general—so I might have not been so loaded up on sodium and potassium (electrolytes) from foods, going into the fast, as normally. Or the weakness might have been lingering side effect from Covid. In any case, I am happy to end the last year on a positive note and start the new year with positive momentum behind my back!
    Now I plan to refeed for 2 days and then start a 6 day extended water fast on Tuesday. Last time I tried to go for that number it escaped me but this time it should be easier, cos I have a decent sexual retention streak behind my back, which I will transmute into success!
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2023
  2. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    December recap (month Nr. 2 of weight loss); 4.85 pounds (2.2 kilograms) lost!
    I guess it's time for a recap of the previous month. Unfortunately the last month was pretty much a failure. I relapsed a couple times and lost a lot of my sexual energy, and with that suffered my fasts as well. On top of it I got Covid, so I postponed my fasts until I felt better, and that wasted a lot of time. I did menage to get few days of water fasting in though, along with several good days of healthy eating in good calorie deficit.

    Overall this month I did:

    I also did:
    • Two 10k walks in the month of December!
    • Cardio exercise (walking) for 5/31 days of November, minimum 4k (50 minutes)!
    Pretty fucking bad compared to last month...

    In total I fasted for 2/31 days, and was in calorie deficit for for 12/31 days, of December!

    I weighted myself this morning after waking up (as per usual: on empty stomach but after breaking extended water fast earlier, so not depleted).

    My previous stats, in my previous month's (November) recap, was:
    • Hight: 6'4 (194 cm)
    • Weight: 255.95 lbs (116.1 kg)
    • BMI: 31.2
    • Goal weight:152 lbs (68.9 kg); that's 18.5 BMI
    • Weight left to lose: 103.95 lbs (47.1 kg)
    My current stats now, after a month of weight loss, are:
    • Hight: 6'4 (194 cm)
    • Weight: 251.10 lbs (113.9 kg); -4.85 lbs (-2.2 kg)
    • BMI: 30.3; -0.9 BMI points (still in the obese category, but only 0.4 points left till I finally move out of it, excited about that)
    • Goal weight:152 lbs (68.9 kg); that's 18.5 BMI
    • Weight left to lose: 99.10 lbs (44.9 kg)
    • Weight lost so far: -23.4 lbs (-10.6 kg)
    I will not be doing any tape measurements or progress pictures this month—there is no point, cos the weight loss is so small this month that there won't be any noticeable difference anyways. Will update these next month.
    I will also stop updating my body fat percentage indefinitely, cos I feel the whole online calculator is inaccurate as hell, I might resume tracking this stat when/if I end up getting skinfold caliper.

    This is my weight loss chart for the past 4 weeks:
    Looks like kind of a mess, huh?
    The first big high point, at the very start, is right after I finished my refeed, after my most recent 4–day water fast (this chart is for last 4 weeks, so it starts at Decmeber 4th). Then the first dip immediately after was after 2 days into my 7 days of dieting. Then the next bump was after I fucked up my 3rd day of dieting when relapsing to PMO, and ended up binging on food as well. After that the weight goes down every day consistently, as I finish the remaining days of my week of dieting, until the low point at around 12th of December. After that I stopped dieting as I got sick with cold, which later turned out to be Covid, and now weight starts going up and down, and up, and etc for the next couple weeks, depending what I eat that day—I think this was mostly water weight though. Because then, at the end of a month, I start eating in calorie deficit and OMAD again, which is where the weight just falls off drastically, followed by lowest point at the end of a month, which is day 2 of 2–day fast. And then the last point at the very end is my weight–in today morning, after starting refeed.
    Somehow I had the feeling that this last month was a big failure; I guess everything's relative, I had gained so much momentum last month that this one seemed like standstill in comparison. But when writing this post and analyzing it closer it's not as bad as I imagined. I mean I lost nearly 5 pounds this month, which is still success considering that I was struggling with Covid for for large portion of the month. I take it!

    Goals for the month ahead:
    • Try to go for walks as often as possible; ideally as per usual plan: 4k during week days, 10k during weekends (or if that doesn't work then 10k at least two times a week, in whatever day I can fit it in). Not committing 100% to this, cos it is super wet, slippery and icy AF here right now, due to all the snow and ice that is melting, so I don't know how the weather might effect my cardio, cos I don't wanna brake my neck. Also I suspect I m ight still feel weakness after recently getting over Covid, so that might be something to menage, will see.
    • Refeed for 2 days now and then start another 6–day water fast on Tuesday.
    • Complete a 6–day water fast, followed by 2 days of refeed, and then followed by another 7–day water fast.
    • Complete a 7–day water fast, followed by 4 days of refeed, and then followed by another 10–day water fast.
    • Complete a 10–day water fast on the 31st and end the month with a bang!
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2023
  3. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Refeed day 2/2 in progress...
    Daily morning weight in: 255.29 lbs (115.8 kg).
    4k walk done.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
  4. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Day 1 of 6 day water fast in progress...
    Daily morning weight in: 258.16 lbs (117.1 kg).
    10k walk done.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2023
  5. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I broke my fast, cos I am a fucking idiot! And I am actually mad at myself! I broke it cos I felt physically sick, kind of like flue symptoms. And I can not fast when I feel sick, cos when I feel sick there is no energy to maintain motivation and will power! And also I tend to self–medicate with food when I feel sick, to distract myself! I guess it's kind of like emotional eating, only instead of eating cos of emotional feeling I eat cos of physical feeling. And it usually works, worked this time too!
    But the thing is that the reason I got sick in the first place was cos I smoked a vape! Now I am not a nicotine addict and normally I don't smoke, but I do enjoy a buzz once in a while, usually socially, a few times a year only—I've never gotten sick when smoking a cigarette! And I've consumed massive amounts of nicotine, way more than a cigarette can deliver, through snus, so I don't think it was cos of nicotine overdose, cos I tolerate it well. I am sure I had a bad reaction to something in the liquid itself, and reading more up on that it apparently tends to be a common thing for people. I also read up on EVALI and I am never smoking a vape again! If I want a nicotine buzz I will just stick to traditional tobacco, it seems to be way more safe. Also, I probably should not mess with the chemistry of my body when fasting to begin with, I wanna punch myself in the face!
  6. Sorry to hear this Ūruz. :( Can relate, I did the exact same thing today. Didn't have the excuse of feeling physically sick though, it was mental cravings that got me. Anyways, please don't beat yourself up about this. Having a vape with friends sounds like an innocent thing to do, you couldn't have predicted it would make you feel so bad. As you have reminded me just a couple days ago, it's normal to struggle sometimes. You've made a lot of great progress! Just keep at it and you will get your momentum back. If you want we can challenge each other to fast tomorrow. I wanna fast at least one day this week!
    Ūruz likes this.
  7. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Alrighty then, take two:
    Day 1 of 6 day water fast in progress...
    Daily morning weight in: 261.68 lbs (118.7 kg).
  8. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your supportive comments! :)
    I would love to have another fasting challenge, lets do this! :cool:
    Lady Blåhaj likes this.
  9. Yes, we can do it! I'm doing well in my fast, how is yours going? :)
    Ūruz likes this.
  10. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Not good, I broke it again (sorry, hope my failing our little challenge doesn't effect your fast), cos I had some headaches. Not sure why, cos it was only day one, I thought I might have consumed too much salt the day prior, but now I am wondering whether it could be another virus/cold—I hate how I always go for food when feeling sick physically; I could have tried to drink a lot of water or even popped a painkiller, but I got triggered by pain—I had a bad feeling in my throat when going to bed and now I wake up and I have full blown chest congestion with cough. I wonder could vaping liquid possibly could have re–irritated my recently from Covid recovered lungs? Or maybe I am just lucky enough to get another virus right after the first one? Anyhow, I probably won't be fasting for couple days, I will try to just eat as clean WFPBD as I can and stay in calorie deficit for now.
    Lady Blåhaj likes this.
  11. Oh so sorry to hear. Being sick is rough. Yeah when we aren't feeling well it's good to focus on our health instead of other goals. You could use this time perhaps to practice the eating habits and schedule you want when you finally reach your target weight. Hope you start feeling better soon!
    Ūruz likes this.
  12. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Ok, I am over the flue, gonna get back into fasting now; planning to do three days of WFPBD, OMAD and calorie counting first, just to make sure there are no any bad feeling, such as headache, due to any type of shock to my system or anything, plus it's nice mental momentum too to get into a fast off of eating clean diet.

    During the last few days I realized just how much of an emotional eater I can be. Sure, it was due to physical pain and discomfort, but still it was a type of emotional eating. And the other day I did it again, just not because of feeling sick, but cos I was so stressed due to all the sexual tension build up from nofap, so I used the food to sedate myself a little. And then again due to anxiety the next day. It's not even that I did not knew that I tend to use the food like this, I just kind of forgot over the years, cos it was just my normal. For the most part I used to overeat due to food addictions, not cos of emotional reasons, but when I did overeat cos of emotional reasons it was just another meal for my fat ass, so you just kind of forget and get used to it. But not eating for a while (as in fasting on the regular basis for the last couple months) made me more aware of these patterns again.

    I think extended water fasting is a wonderful tool for getting rid of old eating habits that does not serves us, so I should use this as an opportunity (something I so far have no focused on) to establish new, better eating habits during my eating/refeeding days, and not keep fueling the old toxic habits, cos when I lose all the weight and get too skinny for so long water fasts then there won't be this luxury of taking 5, 6 or 7 days long "reboot/detox" from eating anymore.
    I see extended water fasting very much the same way I see PMO Hard Mode reboot, and food addictions/emotional eating the same way I see porn addiction/compulsive porn use; just the same way as one would use 90 day Hard Mode PMO reboot to get rid of porn addiction one could use 5, 7, 10 day water fasts to reboot from food addictions! But just the same way as it's important to not binge on porn in between reboots, I need to make sure to not binge on junk food in between fasts.
    So far I have been letting myself eat whatever I feel like during my eating and refeed days, with maybe some conscious exceptions here and there, such as that one week of dieting I did last month for example, or three days of dieting I'm about to embark on, and that's not ideal. I really need to condition my brain to feel that following the WFPBD is the new normal way of eating and not just some temporary diet thing—otherwise all the weight that I will lose when fasting just gonna come back once I am done with fasting, as I resume eating junk again—and I need to start doing this programming now, not later, after I have lost all my weight, because if I don't start now it's gonna be harder later on! So from now on I will refeed on WFPBD also—no more "guilt free junk food days" as a reward after fasts. At least I will try to; it might not be perfect whole foods diet, but if I end up eating a pinch of pink Himalayan salt or tablespoon of extra virgin oil it's not that big of a deal—it's all about aiming for perfection, as long as I do that I should be fine most of the days.

    Getting back into walking routine also: did a 10k today!
  13. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    10k walk done.
    No OMAD or WFPBD today...
  14. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    10k walk done.
    No OMAD or WFPBD today either...
    Daily morning weight in: 257.72 lbs (116.9 kg).
  15. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    10k walk done.
    No OMAD or WFPBD today either—the periods of being sick twice in a row kicked me out of the fasting/healthy eating groove; it's been harder to get back the momentum than I expected; I am stuck into some negative/addictive mental patterns...
    Daily morning weight in: 255.51 lbs (115.9 kg).
  16. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    10k walk done.
    Ate OMAD today, still no WFPBD—cleaner than previous days though.
    Daily morning weight in: 258.38 lbs (117.2 kg).
  17. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    10k walk done—I have done my 10k walks for 6 days in a row, so at least I have that going for me; original plan was to do 10k only on weekends, and then 4k rest of the days, and build up slowly form there, but the new plan is to make it a daily thing; I am slightly irritated by recent hiccups and how slowly things are moving, so I think my body can handle me pushing it a little; some soreness in my leg muscles so far but that's to be expected, no big deal.
    OMAD or WFPBD not happening today...
    Daily morning weight in: 256.83 lbs (116.5 kg).
  18. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    10k walk done.
    No OMAD or WFPBD today.
    Daily morning weight in: 255.73 lbs (116.0 kg).
  19. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Daily 10k walk done.
    Daily morning weight in: 257.49 lbs (116.8 kg).
  20. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Daily 10k walk done.
    Daily morning weight in: 258.82 lbs (117.4 kg).