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Apr 21, 2015
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Fapstronaut, Male

i'm like a week in to no P, holding on for dear life. anyone want to talk please? Apr 29, 2016

handyman was last seen:
Nov 5, 2016
    1. handyman
      i'm like a week in to no P, holding on for dear life. anyone want to talk please?
    2. handyman
      i'm back to day 3 or 4 again. would be so sweet if it were the last time. please, P cravings, leave me be.
    3. handyman
      made it a few days. holding on. aaaaa
    4. handyman
      (groundhog) Day 1
    5. handyman
      day eleven? no, day one again. dammit
    6. handyman
      day nine, edging again. fuck this shit
      1. NoBrainer
        Edging is the worst thing you can do bud. I suggest resetting if you edge
        Jun 9, 2015
      2. *****
        If you really want to recover then edging is a relapse.
        Jun 9, 2015
    7. recovering onanist
      recovering onanist
      handyman, starting over after relapsing is really tough. I almost threw in the towel after my last relapse. Don't think too far ahead. Just take it one day at a time and try to imagine how GREAT you'll feel when you achieve your goal. I promise you - it's not easy, but it CAN be done. You already achieved 10 days before. Best of luck.
      1. handyman and Musta like this.
      2. handyman
        Thanks!! Appreciate your stopping by
        Jun 7, 2015
    8. Kenji
      Handyman your new avatar made me feel as happy as a leprechaun with 2 pots of gold!
      1. handyman likes this.
      2. Kenji
        Jun 2, 2015
    9. handyman
      hate beginning over. this is so difficult. is it possible? you say it is, eh? how?
      1. Kenji likes this.
      2. Kenji
        1) Google Mark Queppet and Clasik Obas
        2) Watch their videos on youtube and let their words sink deep into your psyche
        3) Keep doing your best and reach out for help here or elsewhere offline if you can't do it alone
        Jun 2, 2015
    10. handyman
      one day complete... this sucks.
      1. handyman
        *something positive, i mean
        Jun 2, 2015
      2. Kenji
        Dude, please don't think I am being a fucking cunt and telling you what to do, it's just I am a caring dude and I hate to see people bump their head up against a wall for no reason. The benefits take a week or several to start appearing, you are complaining after one day my man...
        Jun 2, 2015
      3. Kenji
        Jun 2, 2015
    11. handyman
      Round one thousand ding ding
      1. Kenji likes this.
      2. Kenji
        Truth bro. Took me 1,999 rounds before I started standing my ground. Now I'm never backing down.
        Jun 2, 2015
      3. handyman
        Jun 3, 2015
    12. handyman
      I feel like a dog that ate a whole birthday cake
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kenji
        Your avatar...in a way I like it....but don't take that medicine if it is going to cause you to not make any progress. Not giving a fuck is worthy for sure, as in detaching and letting go of shit you can't fix rather than suffer needlessly, also to not give a fuck of what negative nancies think about you, however please start giving at least 2 fucks about making progress, shit will get better.
        May 30, 2015
      3. handyman
        i agree and am trying :/

        like oprah..."you get a fuck, you get a fuck, everybody gets a fuck!" although maybe that doesn't work well for this example. anyway i'm trying :.(
        Jun 2, 2015
      4. Kenji
        Try, try, and try again! We are all trying, that's all we can do brother.
        Jun 2, 2015
    13. handyman
      PMOing again. Feeling very low, as to be expected. What if I'm just too weak? Fearful it is the case and I'm stuck this way forever. fml
      1. recovering onanist
        recovering onanist
        @handyman Don't let doubt creep in. We all go through phases of feeling we're too weak after a relapse. I can identify with this feeling a lot. However,it is not the truth - don't believe that lie. You are not stuck forever & this will pass in a day or two. Remember your goals & why you came here in the first place. Try to turn that fear into a positive feeling & know that you're worth much more. Good luck my friend.
        May 30, 2015
      2. Icyweb
        You have more strength than you think. While relapsing is a failure, the bigger, and much more harmful failure would be to stop trying. You can do this. We all have an inner strength. It's just a matter of tapping into it.
        May 30, 2015
    14. handyman
      relapsed very briefly last night. counter begins anew and i'm in that scary zone where i feel like relapsing a lot for a minute. shitty
      1. sir fappanot
        sir fappanot
        dont! fuck the counter. erase that from your mind. this is all one continuity. That's the cycle!!! and the counters only perpetuate it! Your not on day 1!! your on day ___, whenever you FIRST started. You have made progress. A relapse is a bump, failure is apart of the process! keep fighting at you'll be back to normal in no time!
        May 28, 2015
      2. recovering onanist
        recovering onanist
        I agree with @sir fappanot - it is a blip on the journey - but not a major set-back for you. Think of all you have achieved here already and keep on with the momentum. Stay strong, my friend. We're all here in this together.
        May 28, 2015
      3. handyman
        thanks, guys -- sound advice which i will use!
        May 28, 2015
    15. handyman
      made it almost 13 days no P and just threw that away. the counter resets. :..(
      1. Dailydoer
        Now realize that this was a mistake. Don't binge now. Get up quick and now make a stronger decision. Good luck bro
        May 27, 2015
      2. recovering onanist
        recovering onanist
        handyman, to go almost 2 weeks is still a big achievement - you are headed in the right direction and so don't despair about the reset. Just resolve to go further the next time. I wish you the very best, brother.
        May 27, 2015
      3. The 1000 Water Fists
        The 1000 Water Fists
        Move on ,start over and reset.
        May 27, 2015
    16. handyman
      Dammit. Relapse urges so strong.
      1. nofapporn
        Remember the disater and dissapoinment in last relapse . I you relapse today think what energy you put to overcomming the tempetation will fail . and you might be pusing your cure for a year if you relapse now
        May 19, 2015
    17. handyman
      Day four no P/M and suddenly urges super-strong
    18. handyman
      Day three. Doing alright.
    19. handyman
      Starting over. Again. And again.
    20. handyman
      Day one (number four hundred thousand) a success! Learning every way to fail takes a long time, eh?
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