Last Activity:
Feb 25, 2016
Jan 31, 2016
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Been out of the loop for the last week and a half, but not doing half bad. Next goal is 15 days - going to try to comment more frequently. Feb 24, 2016

Amory was last seen:
Feb 25, 2016
    1. Amory
      Been out of the loop for the last week and a half, but not doing half bad. Next goal is 15 days - going to try to comment more frequently.
    2. Amory
      So I made it to my goal of 4 days. I made a controlled decision to give in (not watching porn, though) and reset. Next goal is 10 days!
      1. Ankur Sharma likes this.
    3. Amory
      Still going strong. Got to the root of one of my major triggers and have fended off several cravings with ease as a result!
    4. Amory
      Bit of a rocky road so far today, but not giving in! I've learned these triggers well enough to defend against them.
    5. Amory
      Had a bad weekend, but things are looking up. I am going to take this in smaller goals, and I am going to reboot SMARTER, not HARDER.
      1. jonny94 and Alpha Centurion like this.
      2. Alpha Centurion
    6. Amory
      I'm not quite sure why I gave in again. I am pretty disappointed in myself seeing as I don't have any reason. Getting back on the horse.
      1. Alpha Centurion
        Alpha Centurion
        you will still notice the benefits of however long your streak lasted, don't hit yourself over the head to hard. 9/10 men just fap on, we're the 10% :)
        Feb 6, 2016
      2. Algernon Perry
        Algernon Perry
        cool man just a bump in the road
        Feb 6, 2016
    7. Amory
      Day 3 again: Feeling more confident this time. Using the community as a crutch.
    8. Amory
      Day 3: I stumbled a fell yesterday, but today I begin again. It is not day zero, because I have made progress.
      1. black_coyote likes this.
      2. black_coyote
        You can do this buddy!
        Feb 3, 2016
      3. Amory
        Thanks, black coyote. The first few days are always the hardest for me, but I am making a serious effort at changing the root of the problem. Each time I have relapsed of late, I have learned something new about why I fail. I hope to apply what I've learned this time around.
        Feb 3, 2016
    9. Amory
      Day 2 of NoFap February: in and out of cravings, but nothing I can't handle. Gathering support from Heirs of the Sun.
      1. ronswanson likes this.
    10. Amory
      Day 1 of NoFap February: accountability partner at my side; accountability group at my disposal. 90 days. Here we go.
    11. Strugglesaurus
      Hello, fellow soldier. You started Nofap for a reason. You felt that something just was not right in your life, and you wanted to change. The Heirs will help you do that. We will guide and protect you, lifting you up when you are down. Don't be scared to post on the Member's Wall. We all pitch in around here when we have the time!
      1. Amory likes this.
      2. Amory
        Thank you, kind friend! There are indeed strength in numbers, and when I find my own I will be sure to pay it forward.
        Feb 1, 2016
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