BEWARE of "Sissy Hypnosis"

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mikey_Niner, Mar 31, 2017.

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  1. I still wouldn't do it under any circumstance. Psychologist are people who have their own motivations. If you know anyone in the Psychology or mental health field you know most of them are as crazy as the people they treat. I don't have trust issues but I don't trust anyone to mess around with my head.
  2. Exactly. I don't care if the hottest, most loving girl in the world wants to perform the "nicest, most loving" hypnosis on me. I'd tell her to get the fuck away and take a hike, or fly a kite. Hypnotists, especially women, give me the fuckin creeps. I think females are far more effective at it toward males because of the natural attraction. This is why a lot of the background noise will be a female voice.
  3. wow, you're a very loving girlfriend. All I can say is that there definitely is hope for him. I agree with what many are saying, he needs complete abstinence from any form of self sexual pleasure, masturbation of all types. After a while, the relationship between the two of you will be AMAZING, both mentally and physically. Don't give up on him just yet, but I would suggest that you get on him about the craigslist hook ups. I'd hate to hear that the two of you parted. I don't know if you're the type, but do you every get 'strict' with him and let him know that he is going down a dark path and needs to quit, sorta like tough love. I'd really hate to hear that he lost everything because of some very dark stuff. I don't know what else to say. All I can say is that he really, really needs nofap and serious rehabilitation. How's he holding up now if I may ask?
    C.J. BAILY likes this.
  4. yep - this is all good - but if only it was so easy.....
    but you're right - this sh*t needs to be left alone... they must make it SOOOOO well....
    this thread, and thoughts about who 'they' are, is kinda interesting.... wish i knew.
    LivinginRecovery and C.J. BAILY like this.
  5. C.J. BAILY

    C.J. BAILY Fapstronaut

  6. C.J. BAILY

    C.J. BAILY Fapstronaut

    I agree, but would suggest an even more important reason they exist- THEY ARE MAKING LOTS OF MONEY FOR SOMEONE.
  7. this is awesome. the CIA is funding sissy P for sh*ts and giggles - and it's more addictive than opiods...!
    this is a great thread - keep it coming brothers ;)
    Son_Of_The_Gods likes this.
  8. Smart ass.
    C.J. BAILY and Deleted Account like this.
  9. in this horribly addictive world, i'm just trying to keep some humor involved! no offence intended Matrix, really :)
    C.J. BAILY and Matrix Intel like this.
  10. Lustupid

    Lustupid Fapstronaut

    You come across like those who will curse alcoholics or addicts as weak willed bums. You are fortunate. But I urge you to read and reread the AA Big Book until you truly grasp and understand the devastating reality of the loss of choice. Concerning conspiracy, I follow the money. It takes time and talent to produce a lot of what is there. I often wonder who is making money from this particular fetish. My theory is no mass conspiracy, just a lot of victims for this particular fetish make it profitable for the individuals and teams producing the material to keep it up.
    C.J. BAILY likes this.
  11. Lustupid

    Lustupid Fapstronaut

    My therapist told me the hypnotic trance state is serotonin enhancing.
    C.J. BAILY likes this.
  12. Lustupid

    Lustupid Fapstronaut

    Personally, I found sexaholics anonymous crucial. We stay sober one day at a time, and sobriety is black and white. No sex with self or another except your legal spouse and progressive victory over lust. This is to us a DISEASE. Progressive. Gets worse. Won't stop. Death is the only bottom. So even SI or double takes foment lust which always leads to acting out. Life without lust is like giving sight to the blind. Sounds strict on the surface , but the freedom to finally be happy, joyous, and free is priceless.
    C.J. BAILY likes this.
  13. C.J. BAILY

    C.J. BAILY Fapstronaut

  14. C.J. BAILY

    C.J. BAILY Fapstronaut

    ABSTINENCE can cure about any addiction- but it is VERY DIFFICULT. One at a time- just keep clean.
  15. Mikey_Niner

    Mikey_Niner Fapstronaut

    Hello all... I apologize that I haven't responded to any one!

    Unfortunately, getting away from this stuff seems to be rather difficult. For myself, at the very least. Often, I find myself simply wanting to "give in".. Even only after a few months. In my journal, I have wrote in great detail about the essence of this feeling. It is almost indescribable.. as if the words do not exists to properly define it. If anyone else is having an issue with this, I offer you my thoughts as advice. I hope you might find use of them.

    The mind is a powerful tool, and when it comes to addiction, or habit formation, the easiest way to relapse is to have uncertainty of your cause. What I mean: is to not have clearly defined an end. You need to know in confidence that what you are doing is not debased from reality; that it is right and true. What I mean is... if you are constantly second guessing yourself.. i.e. "Maybe I really am gay, bi, a sissy"... "Maybe the P is merely my subconscious being realized"... you have already committed treason to your cause. You have already failed.

    Man is a volitional being, and reason does not work automatically.. whether you're digging a ditch, building an engine, designing a skyscraper- (or quitting P)- you must know and understand the nature and purpose of your actions. This can only be done through a process of conscious thought. When you do not know the nature and purpose of your actions, your decisions, your goals.. your life.. you succumb to the worse vice, which leads and porports to justice all other vices.. the evil of rationalization.. If you do not pronounce with certainty the righteousness of your cause, you may begin to rationalize at any and every turn, in every and all situations. Then, you are left with a strange feeling of guilt, to which has no recognizable source. No cause. No reason. You feel blank, emotionless.. void.. you feel as though you have no power over your own life, your desires and your choices. It is the guilt of evading reality; it the result of your omission to clearly define both your goal, and its basis in reality.

    You must first begin to realize the issue you have evaded. Perhaps, it is so that, ones addiction to P. is self contained. That, the addiction has no other corollary cause. In most instances, this is not true. The thing you evade is the reason why you let the addiction consume you in the first place. This is the first step.

    The second: recognizing in full the results of the issue brought into reality. For me, the most helpful thing was knowledge over my issue. I had become addicted to hypnosis. The result... pain, despair, uncertainty, low self-esteem- if these are the results- how can I consider the P to be good? To be rational? If the hypnosis was truly freeing my subconscious mind, allowing it to realize itself- would I not feel joy and comfort? Why have I felt only misery?

    If good is to be considered "that which furthers life" and evil "that which hinders life"...

    Then this means:

    pain is an agent of death, while joy is an agent of life.

    I remind myself, that: the pain I feel and have felt from this addiction, and the reason I have continued it, was because: I acted on the premise of death. My actions did not further my life, but hindered it; death was my motive..

    This is not a dramatization... every action you undertake during your waking moments either furthers, or hinders your life. The extent the action furthers or hinders life depends on the resulting consequences. If you consider the result of this addiction, you will see the extent it has hindered your life.. and you will then see the extent that death has been your motive.

    When you begin to think in these terms, the righteousness of your cause becomes much clearer.

    It becomes not a moral imperative, but an obligation: a love of life is not the equivalent of a fear of death. This addiction made me feel contempt of my own being, and of those around me.. I have acted, for my own destruction.. not for my preservation.

    I apologize if at some points my post was overwhelming. I am a student of philosophy, so I sometimes get a little into things. I hope that some of you may be helped by what I wrote.. because for me, I genuinely believe that without philosophy, I would've been lost in this cause. I could not have examined myself in the manner I had and separated the real from the anti-real.

    Above all, remember that man is the most unique of all creature. Free will is both incredible and terrifying... it is like a fire and must be closely tended, or else it goes out.. Man is the only creature that can act towards his own destruction.. a bird does not bite off its own wings, nor a snake eat it's own tail (or whatever the other end of a snake is called).. Animals can only act to further their lives- they are unable to act as agents of their own destruction. However.. man can.. and for most of history, men have acted as their own destroyer.. but don't forget: there does exist a choice... The choice is yours.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    MoonSung and Perry2000 like this.
  16. Mikey_Niner

    Mikey_Niner Fapstronaut

    I see now how I gave an air of legitimacy to this being a massive 'conspiracy'. Of course, anywhere you find addiction, there is someone profiting. Yet, it is not outlandish to believe that their exists intent beyond the profit motive.

    If you look at the current culture, accepting all sexualities, transgenders (and 50 other fluid genders)... these videos fall fully in line with the cause. I am not saying that I don't respect individual rights: I don't care if someone is trans, etc... I do care if one becomes so under circumstances like these, where consent is implicit but not explicit.

    i.e. implicit in choosing to continue an addiction, but not explicit in having full control over oneself when deciding.

    Now, I'm not saying that the CIA created these videos to feminize men so as to slow population growth due to lacks of resources... although.. I did research and found out that [error: 341; UNAUTHORIZED TEXT OMITTED] but that's mostly conjecture at best.

    Now, what I did mean was: if someone is making these videos, it stands to reason that the maker is some kind of feminist in California rather than an old robed guy in the Vatican.

    And... if I'm a feminist, making such videos don't only make me money, but also aid in spreading an ideological agenda I support. And, so I conclude, that the makers of these videos have a more malicious intent than the people over at Brazzers.

    But, call it a conspiracy if you'd like.
  17. Mikey_Niner

    Mikey_Niner Fapstronaut

    Also, hypnotism isn't some joke. People have been criminally prosecuted due to improper use. I forget the name of the case, but a man was convicted of malpractice because he suggested triggers to a girl regarding rape. Many cases such as this... just do a little research. It's most damaging when used repeatedly, however. Watching one video once won't make a difference. Watching it extensively over periods of times will. And the triggers make you want to watch it over and over.
  18. lantti

    lantti Fapstronaut

  19. Amen to that
    C.J. BAILY likes this.
  20. Lustupid

    Lustupid Fapstronaut

    Cannot do on my own. It is simply more powerful than I. Cunning, baffling. 7 years in recovery. A mtg a day, 3 calls a day, a sponsor, 12 steps to heal that which makes me need this, friends in the same boat, friends I never had before, finally friends. God. In the end, God. My 12 step friends were God with skin on. Are. I used to hate God. Now, through my friends I know more what he is truly like.
    C.J. BAILY likes this.
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