Plan on confessing tonight

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Ryan77, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. Ryan77

    Ryan77 Fapstronaut

    As long as childcare situation doesn't fall through, I plan on confessing to my wife tonight. For those that do, please pray for us. Thanks.
  2. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    It's great that you want to talk to your wife, seek forgiveness, and try to enlist her help. Here's an old thread that talked about how to disclose. If you disclose in an insensitive way then you can cause unneccesary trauma. I hope it helps and that your conversation goes well.
  3. Ryan77

    Ryan77 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the threads. I was able to read them before I confessed. I'm sure I did lots of things wrong as part of the confession, but I am convinced that the confession itself was the right thing to do. Now I have to work hard to show that I am serious about this.
  4. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Can you share with us what happened and perhaps give some advice to the next guy who is going to disclose?
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  5. Ryan77

    Ryan77 Fapstronaut

    I wrote out a letter to her that I read to her myself. It was mainly my "porn life history" (similar to this: but revised and changed to be written to her). I apologized, told her she had done absolutely nothing wrong to cause my problem, asked for her to please forgive me, and told her that I was willing to fight. I think I did that part OK, but not as well with the reaction questions following. So far, she is not convinced that I will be able to change.

    As far as advice. Just know that you have no way of anticipating the reaction you will receive. Be ready for other topics of tension in your marriage to be brought up. I'm not sure if the letter method is the best, but there is also no way of knowing beforehand with someone else's situation.
  6. Ryan77

    Ryan77 Fapstronaut

    Other than time, any suggestions for encouraging your wife to get in contact with someone for help for her? I came prepared with an email contact of a preacher's wife (who has already been through this in her life) and even one of her friends who has a husband, one of my APs, going through something similar (he had already confessed to his wife, and she agreed to talk to my wife if she wanted). She was not interested in talking to anyone and said that I couldn't control the situation by forcing her to talk to others. That was not my intent, and I just want her to get the help she needs.
    anewhope and Hopefulgirl like this.
  7. phuck-porn!

    phuck-porn! Fapstronaut

    hey @Ryan77 - super kudos. that was a tough thing you did. good job for making it happen as sensitively as you know how.

    as far as helping her "get the help she needs" - you need to chill. You cannot, and should not, attempt to guide her or push her into anything at this point. you cannot control her. let her deal with this in her way. be ready to answer questions. don't stop talking!! don't expect, or even initiate anything sexual.

    be loving. be patient. be communicative as much as she wants. but don't offer how to fix her. you focus on you.

    peace, bro
  8. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Definitely agree with this. My wife (sorry, ex-wife ... not used to saying that) had a co-pastor from our church come to the house to speak with us after she shared what we were going through. He sat down and, swear to God, asked me if I knew what a "reprobate" was. Then he proceeded to tell me that he didn't believe sex addiction was a real thing. It was such a frustrating talk that I almost left our church over it. How could I possibly get spiritual help for my single biggest obstacle if I'm going to a church where they don't even recognize it?

    Thankfully, I had done enough therapy and studying about my addiction to know he was wrong. But if I'd been less educated, that could have been a very damaging conversation. I could have walked away with more shame and guilt than I had before. I could have walked away believing that I was just a bad person who couldn't make good decisions.

    Just be thoughtful about who you allow to speak into this part of your lives.
    Saskia Simone and Hopefulgirl like this.
  9. That's crazy! I honestly think it depends on the church bc I spoke to one of our pastors at church and he met w my hubs and hooked him up with another person who struggled heavily and overcame. It turned into a men's accountability group and they were going through a book together.
    I personally read an awesome book that helped me tremendously and then I discovered this site which also helped tremendously bc I think it's more "raw" than a faith based system. Sometimes you just need to hear things in a not so pleasant manner.
    anewhope and Hopefulgirl like this.
  10. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut


    I didn't get nearly as much help in church-based 'Celebrate Recovery' programs as I did in SAA. I really needed the freedom to be raw and totally honest. I found that in church-sponsored groups, I was always editing myself because I wanted to respect the sensibilities of other believers. In SAA, I can just let it all hang out. Well, not literally.
  11. Lol I hope not! The exhibitionists might get jealous :D
    anewhope and Hopefulgirl like this.
  12. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Only the exhibitioninsts? ;)
  13. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Oh, My!! :p
  14. @Jolie why does your amusement NOT surprise me :rolleyes: Haha :p
    Hopefulgirl, SuperFan and Kenzi like this.
  15. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    *Jolie shrugs* :rolleyes:
    SuperFan and Deleted Account like this.
  16. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    Although well intentioned, you may have gone too far with this one. She basically just had her world blown up and is trying to process that first. Then you throw in there that other people know and that makes it worse.

    Personally, I would be furious if my husband did that. I am deeply private and I trust very few. For others to be told my personal business when I don't even know it yet would wound me deeply. I would feel like a fool; not only am I stupid enough to not see what was go in on in my own home with my own husband, but now everyone else knows too, and I've been kept in the dark.

    The fact of the matter is that some SOs do not want to talk to others, do not need to talk to others. For them, sharing is a detriment. It is not always a benefit and not every SO "needs help." We all have different ways of processing info and dealing with our pain. I am much better off dealing with things on my own. I would never see a counselor for myself, I don't see the point. I would consider going to a few sessions with my hubs' if it would help his journey though.

    At this point I am guessing she feels as though you are saying, "Here, go talk to these people so you can get over this, I can be guilt free, and we can move on." I'm sure that is not your intention but considering what has just been thrown at her, this is how it looks. Do not push her. You gave her the information, let her do with it waht she wants. She may find it useful soon, she may find it useful later, she may be like me and never use it. She has made it very clear her feelings to you on this. Give her space to process it how she needs to but make yourself available. Do not talk to the other SOs about your PMO or speaking to her again, or ask their PAs to. Let her do that if and when she is ready.

    Just the two cents from a private SO.
    Ryan77 and anewhope like this.
  17. Ryan77

    Ryan77 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the advice. Thankfully, I didn't go any further with that line of reasoning. I am just doing what I need to do, and I will be there for whatever my wife needs. But I am not going to push her. I told her that I didn't fully understand the situation, and that while I have some resources if she is interested, I am not going to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Ryan77

    Ryan77 Fapstronaut

    Thankfully, other than the initial confession, I did not proceed with this line of reasoning. It was just my ignorance of the reality of the situation. There is nothing that I could have done to go back and tell her first. She wasn't happy, but understands that some now. Those who I first went to led me to where I am today. Before I told them, I thought it was something that I would just have to defeat on my own, and that wasn't working. Thank you for your thoughts. I believe they are very similar to my wife's, and she is less than a week of trying to process.
    EyesWideOpen and Deleted Account like this.
  19. Ryan77

    Ryan77 Fapstronaut

    About to reset my counter. Not because of relapse, but because I moved back home yesterday. My wife and I have agreed to do the 90 day hard mode challenge starting from the day she let me come home. Still porn and masturbation free since 6/16/17 and technically hard mode since 8/2 (but we aren't going to "count" that). We also agreed to a relapse consequence (something that I read is very important to have once you confess and are open with your spouse), but I hope to never need it.
  20. phuck-porn!

    phuck-porn! Fapstronaut

    good luck! sounds like you got a good grip on stuff.
    Ryan77 and EyesWideOpen like this.