It's been one year

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Freeman58, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Freeman58

    Freeman58 New Fapstronaut

    Today marks one year since I stopped masturbating. I started when I was sixteen and quit when I was 58. For most of those years I masturbated on a daily basis, sometimes more than once, even while married and/or involved in healthy sexual relationships. But at some point along the line I realized I was addicted and could not fight the urge. I watched porn often and became densensitized by it. Eventually I developed erectile dysfunction that none of the ED pills could help with. In the later years I would often schedule time to watch porn online and masturbate so vigorously that sometimes it hurt. I hated what I had become. Then one day it all came to a head. I masturbated myself so hard that I seriously hurt myself. I was in crippling pain. After several days I went to a doctor. Although there was no permanent damage, I had seriously strained muscles and my epididymis was inflamed. I was prescribed medication and realized that I was not going to be able to masturbate for awhile. As I was recovering a funny thing happened. I just decided that I would NOT masturbate again. That's right, cold turkey, I stopped. I didn't enjoy it anymore and now it had cost me dearly. One year later I do not think of it, I do not feel the urge and I feel much better about myself. Kicking the fap habit has also given me the confidence to quit alcohol and lose weight. But something I found interesting is that for the first six months after quitting I still watched porn, I just didn't touch myself. I was still somehow addicted to the image of sexual acts. With time that faded too. It all just began to look stupid and uninteresting. Not to mention how degrading it is to so many beautiful people. I would like to say my erectile dysfunction is gone, but unfortunately it isn't. That may be a lasting legacy that I will just have to deal with. If there is any moral to my story it would be to beat this thing before it beats you. Good luck!
  2. HeadAche

    HeadAche Guest

    Thank you for sharing this, it helped me feeling better about myself because I myself am going through some BS. None similar to you, but it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one hurting, if that makes any sense at all.
    Hope for the best for you, man, maybe you just need longer time to reboot. There are people who needed even 2 years so hang in there.
  3. thesuccess

    thesuccess Fapstronaut

    Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing
  4. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the post and the moral, I am 16 and I feel like I have my whole life in front of me and I don't want my future to be messed up by porn and masturbation! I am amazed that you are able to go an year without masturbating that is incredeble! I wish I can do the same! Thanks!
    Freeman58 likes this.
  5. noFapToTheFuture

    noFapToTheFuture Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing.
  6. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Good share and a warning. Thanks!!!
  7. Sans_Fear

    Sans_Fear Fapstronaut

    Well done. It's quite bizarre that I had a dream of a webcam woman I was infatuated with, last night. After so many months they still come to haunt me, the long and winding road to fulfillment never ends.
    Freeman58 likes this.
  8. zcurtis6109

    zcurtis6109 Fapstronaut

    I've had a relationship with PM since my early teens and now I am 26. My streak is around 2 weeks and I am noticing differences. How is your general mood now? Did you ever deal with depression? I don't know what they would classify chronic but everyday, which was what I was doing, seemed too much. You obviously feel a lot more confident, quitting drinking and losing weight. Great job!
  9. Petros Santos

    Petros Santos Fapstronaut

    thanks very for sharing. I need inspirations from people like you. keep going man.
  10. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    I have a few questions.

    What was the medication you were prescribed? Have you currently after 1 year not masturbated because you couldn't or did you recover along the way and decided to stop?

    Also consider you're 58, due to lesser testosterone and libido you may have an easier time quitting than most of us.
  11. Freeman58

    Freeman58 New Fapstronaut

    Hi, my general mood now is great. I feel good about life. I don't think I've ever dealt with serious depression, despite everyone feeling the blues every now and then. The only thing is I have pretty much lost interest in sex. But at my age I'm ok with that. Life has much more to offer.
    zcurtis6109 likes this.
  12. Freeman58

    Freeman58 New Fapstronaut

    I was prescribed a pain killer, antibiotic and anti inflammatory when I was hurt. I don't recall the names. As far as ED drugs, I do not respond to any of the popular ones. I think I may have built up an immunity to them.
  13. Freeman58

    Freeman58 New Fapstronaut

    I have not even thought about masturbating since I quit one year ago. It doesn't even cross my mind anymore. Life has much more to offer.
  14. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    I'm happy you reached that point.

    I'm just trying to pinpoint what factors enabled you to stop even thinking about it so I can hopefully replicate it for myself.

    You must have some guesses as to what caused that, assuming you never decided to stop masturbating, how long would it have taken before your injury subsided and you could masturbate again?
  15. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    ''beat this thing before it beats you'' I like that, good point.
    zcurtis6109 likes this.