Checking in at 560 days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by NoneForMeThanks, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. NoneForMeThanks

    NoneForMeThanks Fapstronaut

    I'd like to share a short story with you fellas out there.

    This past weekend, my sister got married. During the wedding, one of our family friends came up to me and said, "Dude, I am really good at reading people. Judging by your social skills, how you interact with people, and your charisma, you need to be in SALES. People will buy ANYTHING from you". This came as a shock to me.

    Not because I didn't agree with him. But because for most of my adult life I was a wall flower. I lived in a low self esteem, anxious, depressed fog provoked by PMO for years, and I never would have thought about myself like this. But yet here I am at this wedding, killing it, meeting new people, dancing my ass off, hitting on married women, free as a barn swallow, having the time of my life. I know this was a wedding, but it was also a funeral for the non confident, anxious, overthinking, PMO addicted, suffering version of me. By far one of the best feelings ever.

    The point here is this fellas: life is short. It is too short to be wasted on addiction and not living your life to its fullest. If PMO is getting in the way of who you want to be, its time to re evaluate what you want out of life. Its these moments that I CHERISH so hard, because I know I would have never been able to do this unless I sat down and thought about the man I wanted to be. Not only that, but doing whatever I had to do to get there.

    It is never too late to turn your life around guys. I want ALL of us to be killing it at life, and will help however I can to my brothers in the struggle.

  2. I'd like to hear more on your story. Stay in contact!
    Euphorios, Dinomaster and PotentLife like this.
  3. Love this putting it my journal for reference, thanks!
    I agree wtih @Vincent Awareness 2 Porn, I would love to hear more....
    Euphorios and PotentLife like this.
  4. FURPY

    FURPY Fapstronaut

    Good show, None for me....keep on truckin!
    Euphorios likes this.
  5. allrounder18x

    allrounder18x Fapstronaut

    More detailed story please.
    Euphorios likes this.
  6. Oneness

    Oneness Fapstronaut

    Your post makes me uncomfortable with myself around certain areas in my life. Time to make changes.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
  7. Damn, this guy gots it. Did you get that many days by using online forums?
    Euphorios and PotentLife like this.
  8. NoneForMeThanks

    NoneForMeThanks Fapstronaut


    This is my second pass at recovery. I initially got ~250 days with a relapse. I used the forum heavily during my first round of abstinence, and joined a group on the site to hold myself accountable. That to me through my very first 90 days!
  9. RetroMike

    RetroMike Fapstronaut

    Awesome post! Really looking forward to a full reboot so I can become the best version of myself as well
    thicaobio and Love369 like this.
  10. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    Great story, congrats, keep going!
    Euphorios and Awakeatlast like this.
  11. Jman123

    Jman123 Fapstronaut

    Awesome, very motivating! Thank you for sharing.
    Euphorios likes this.
  12. congrats m8
    Euphorios likes this.
  13. Pursuit__Of__Happiness

    Pursuit__Of__Happiness Fapstronaut

    Awesome post dude. You really nailed it. Keep posting your story. Gonna be of great help to folks like us. Best wishes to you.
    Euphorios and vibemaker like this.
  14. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    This is so inspiring to read! Keep it on! :D
    Euphorios likes this.
  15. cTx

    cTx Fapstronaut

    Man this post gives me a lot of hope. I just had a slimmer of some of the benefits you talked about in my 3rd week. I can only imagine getting as far as you how this nofap will manifest in all other areas of our lives. Keep going bro!
    Euphorios, Matthews_M and vibemaker like this.
  16. Jilloy

    Jilloy Guest

    Thanks for sharing bro, I will remember you and your words when the urges hit. PMO is not going to steal my time and life.
    thicaobio, Abdal and vibemaker like this.
  17. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Rereading this after nearly one year is still pure gold!

    How are you?
    Euphorios, Love369 and Abdal like this.
  18. Can you share your experience/technique?

    What have you done to overcome these?
    Euphorios likes this.
  19. Jabba Le'Butt

    Jabba Le'Butt Fapstronaut

    Pls stop the inspirational speeches, they make-a me cringe b0ss, but good on you for going over a year, enjoy freedom.
  20. Jabba Le'Butt

    Jabba Le'Butt Fapstronaut

    And then you came home, drunk from your time out, and wrote this post. Tsk tsk tsk that grammar and punctuation.
    Awakeatlast likes this.