Respecting Women

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Nigel19841984, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Nigel19841984

    Nigel19841984 Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    Seeing as i've spent about 20 odd years watching vidz that treat women as pieces of meat I was wondering if there are any resources out there that can help with respecting women eg videos or books.


  2. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    my way looks weird might be,but u can surely do. it

    " respect woman " keep saying this two words every second everyday till u exhausted. repeating positive words helps. try it and let me know.
    jest and Nigel19841984 like this.
  3. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Do you sexualise them? Do you fantasise about women you meet? If those are the issues then once you've been on NoFap long enough you'll naturally and automatically start respecting them, I didn't have to read any books or watch videos on the subject, it just happened.

    Positive affirmations work for sure also, you'll develop awareness in the back of your mind and your brain will start questioning if you are respecting women when you have certain thoughts or do certain actions.
    r8js likes this.
  4. Nigel19841984

    Nigel19841984 Fapstronaut

    I sexualise and fantasise, but i also thought i'd like to educate myself a bit more as on tv adverts show women in a certain way and P shows women in a certain way which isn't really how women are. I thought it might be good if there is anything out there like a video to watch as videos have helped me with my confidence.

    I get what you say about NoFap, it does change how I see females.
    jest likes this.
  5. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Women are beautiful and they are human beings like you and me, the respect will come naturally over time. You'll soon realize there shouldn't be any differences between how we treat men or women, just approach people as exactly that - people. We are all individuals and if you can respect yourself you can respect everyone around you. Look around on youtube for some knowledge if you must though, it can be highly educational if used correctly.
    HopeFaith, SheMonk and Nigel19841984 like this.
  6. You could read or watch Jane Eyre. It's about a woman standing up for herself and not allowing herself to be used by men. There's an ongoing debate whether it's a feminist book, I think it is - the right sort of feminism. I find many classics and period pieces to be rather boring but this story always intrigues me.

    There have been numerous movie adaptations and I think the 2011 version is the best. Previous versions have elements of horror in them, while the 2011 one was more of a suspense.
    Here's the trailer:

    You could also listen to the music of Alicia Keys. She has a number of songs about respecting women.
    Nigel19841984 likes this.
  7. Nigel19841984

    Nigel19841984 Fapstronaut

    Not sure about Jane Eyre, i'll give it a go though.

    Alicia Keys, great shout! I think she's ace.
  8. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    The best thing you can do is talk to and listen to women. Get to know a few different women. Read female authors, listen to female musicians, watch movies with female characters. Me, personally, I avoid the feminist stuff cause I'm not a feminist. You don't wanna become one'a those guys. Know what I mean? :)
  9. Lmmaaoooo
    r8js likes this.
  10. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    lost laugh because of PMO.
  11. snowwolf0111

    snowwolf0111 Fapstronaut

    books ?! dude, I think it is better we all find hard to stay of porn, that way you will automatically respect women more. not saying that i'm that great. I look at certain women all the time, even used to say things to certain women, but the more and longer I stay away from porn i'll look at it differently.
    r8js likes this.
  12. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    Respect is earned.