How I cured my sexual disfunctions (ED and PIED and desensitization) and how you can to

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by HereIsMyNickName, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. mirko

    mirko Fapstronaut

    i can try, but i never was able to have sex without pills, i tryed but my erecetion didn't work
  2. mirko

    mirko Fapstronaut


    i am worry that can happen the same...sometimes if you don't have the erection the girl don't give you a secondo chance
  3. BJE

    BJE Fapstronaut

    @HereIsMyNickName Please do share how you have so much sex! Sounds fun and interesting, im not sure if this sort of discussion is looked down upon on these forums but im interested. Is this down to you going out on nights outs or just something completely different? Hope you're willing to share! day 7 here my self abstaining from PMO and going along smoothly, was looking to try take your advice on going 30 days no PMO and then trying to rebuild from proper sexual relations. Also would be nice if you could go take a look at my post and maybe post a few words of wisdoms if possible :).
  4. GufDamm

    GufDamm Fapstronaut

    This guy knows his stuff. During my recovery I thought the task was daunting. Once you have "support", You should be well on your way within 2-3 months
  5. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    Yeah I meet girls in clubs and on the streets, mostly.
    I used porn a few times a few weeks ago, and I felt it in my sex life (still able to perform, but the feeling was less good).

    Back to no PMO for a few weeks:)
  6. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    I have been put under a lot of stress recently, and I broke my streak.. even watched porn..

    I'll start over the 30 day streak, no PM!
  7. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

  8. Apexkid

    Apexkid Fapstronaut

    This is a great tread. This is my day 3 and I'm already feeling comfortable with no PMO, I have discussed my PIED issue with my gf and she had no issues with it.
    We have been dating for 2 months with no mind for sex or anything and we were both cool untill we tried to and i was unable to get it up. And I think she was going to help get my brain back to my normal self. With the cuddling stuffs etc. When is just the best time to start this
  9. AliWantsOut

    AliWantsOut Fapstronaut

    Day 1, I've been failing nofap for almost 3 years now, I'm pretty Miserable, but I just took a really cold shower for the first time in a while and it felt really good, but I wouldn't rely on it to stop relapsing. It's not the "boner killer" so many people claim it is
  10. BuddyLee

    BuddyLee Fapstronaut

    One thing I took away from this thread is the no sex for 30 days and then the 3 phases. I got another 20 days until my sex restriction is lifted but I trust that I can beat PIED and get back to a regular sex life. I learned a lot from this thread for sure.
  11. Jboy97

    Jboy97 Fapstronaut

    Hello! I'm new here,

    I'm on day 25 and ive tried to have sex twice. I was able to O both times although not like before, also cant go for multiple rounds like I used to. I had difficulty achieving an erection and maintaining it, whereas normally even just the right look or a kiss gets me to literally shoot all the way up. But ive noticed a lot of people say they cant O but I can, very quickly in fact. My ex Gf loved how I used to could go forever it felt like but then when I noticed PIED symptoms, I found during sex and M that I was far more sensitive than normal and reached O way too quick. My question is, have I somehow jumped to phase 2-3 or am I cured and I'm suffering something other than PIED? I appreciate your response. and thank you so much for the hope youre giving me
  12. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    You were able to ejaculate inside the woman correct? Just faster?
  13. Jboy97

    Jboy97 Fapstronaut

    Yes I ejaculated(alot). I had to remain conscious of not losing my erection though and it wasn't rock hard like usual
  14. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    I'd try to not do any MO for a minimum 2 weeks.
  15. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Death grip syndrome makes you orgasm faster and with more pressure than you would inside a partner. The nerves inside your penis need to become more sensitive again.
  16. Jboy97

    Jboy97 Fapstronaut

    Ok that makes me feel alot better. I do occasionally see soft core sexy pictures thanks to ifunny but I usually flick away the second I see them or the name. I don't typically get anything from seeing them anymore. Could that be slowing down my recovery as well?
  17. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    No try this:

    2 weeks nothing
    Following week once
    No more than 2x a week period

    You seem to have a fairly normal sex life. You want to experience that in its full glory. I think a 30 day hard PMO reboot would be great but not sure you could handle or need that right now at 25
  18. Agent Fapstronaut

    Agent Fapstronaut Fapstronaut

    I'm in a similar situation however my question is how much sensitivity do you have now? Can you actually feel a bj or her vagina?

    I'm on day 22 of no PMO so I was just curious as I used feel bjs before I got addicted like 4/5 years ago but during my addiction I felt nothing just warmth no real sensations.
  19. Jboy97

    Jboy97 Fapstronaut

    Yes I feel them alot. My problem is I'm too sensitive and it started happening out of nowhere. I'm on day 25 but didn't do hardcore. It's not easy getting or keeping an erection like it should be, I'm super sensitive and want to orgasm in as little as a few minutes (before my addiction I easily made 20-30 minutes) and after I can't get back up in under 15 minutes
  20. Jboy97

    Jboy97 Fapstronaut

    So sex with a real girl won't hurt, but you think I can go back to normal, rock hard boners, want to go multiple times and not bust a nut in under 10 minutes?