***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Wise_Paragon

    Wise_Paragon Fapstronaut

    Another beautiful day to be grateful.

    I'm Grateful for:
    My Friends: They encourage me and always have my back. Never a dull moment with them. For that I am grateful.
    My Family: The most supporting. At the end of the day they're all you have left.
    Opportunity: I see doors before grateful for that. Who doesn't love options. Gonna stay strong and stay grateful.
    1. I'm grateful that I have been able to abstain from PMO for 10 days in a row. Something I haven't been able to do for a long time.
    2. I'm grateful for the NoFap community, thank you helping me to take one of the biggest challenges of my life to overcome my porn addiction.
    3. I'm grateful that I'm able to love myself again. Free of all guilts and regrets.
  2. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I did not masturbate
    2. I am grateful that I had an awesome day
    3. I am grateful that I finished lots of stuff!
    4. I am grateful that I am determined to fight on, if needed for years and decades!
    5. I am grateful that I am tired now - gonna sleep now, good night you all!
  3. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for having been super productive today and enjoying it.

    I'm grateful for having had a very fun day and everyone around me being in a great mood.

    I'm grateful for having a life I can structure however I see fit.

    I'm grateful for my best friend taking me to my first hot yoga class. It was amazing.

    I'm grateful that my mother's rescue dog is finally safe, no longer timid, super fun and extremely lovable and that she really feels like a part of the family now, two years later.
  4. burningmidnight

    burningmidnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful I made this far.
    2. I am grateful the easiness and kindness that this day has been to me.
    3. I am grateful for the fun experience I had.
    4. I am grateful for the new knowledge I learned.
    5. I am grateful for the food I ate.
    6. I am grateful for tomorrow and whatever it may bring.
  5. a. im grateful for the sweet water we're able to afford because the tap water is a disgrace lol
    b. im grateful that i was able to be a little productive today
    c. im grateful for my perseverance, surprises me
  6. lifesgood

    lifesgood Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that i got this awesome human body.
    2.i am grateful that now i have stopped misusing this body i got.
    3.i am greatful that i can feel the true energy inside me !
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
  7. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for understanding that I have indeed the power within me to create my reality;
    2. I am grateful that I understand the way I want to live. I want to be able to help this world;
    3. I am grateful for Nofap. It´s amazing how people turn out to be once they commit to nofap;
  8. Man With No Name

    Man With No Name Fapstronaut

    1. For getting to watch a chihuahua eat a bowl of ramen tonight, not instant noodles, no the real deal.
    2. For this bar of 85% fair-trade organic dark chocolate that I'ma eat like a beast with breakfast, the whole damn thang.
    3. For good movies. I expect to get craaaaazzzy around here with lines from them.
  9. Man With No Name

    Man With No Name Fapstronaut

    Put a shirt on Lazar there's femstronauts around here!!
  10. Man With No Name

    Man With No Name Fapstronaut

    I like your style I may have to try it tomorrow.
    Overfloweth and bunnyheartbeat like this.
  11. Wise_Paragon

    Wise_Paragon Fapstronaut

    I'm am grateful for:
    The Rain: Nature is playing its course. Plus I get a free car wash hahaha.
    My Health: It's not the best but Its better than most.
    My Eyes: The world is full of beauty I enjoy being able to relish in it.
    1. I'm thankful that I woke up early today.
    2. I'm grateful to Ed Sheeran for 'Shape of You'. I enjoyed the song.
    3. I'm grateful that I walked over 14000 steps today.
  12. MarchcharM

    MarchcharM Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for my morning cup of coffee.
    2. I am grateful I have a home to live in.
    3. I am grateful I have a wonderful girlfriend who loves me!
  13. burningmidnight

    burningmidnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that it is the weekend.
    2. I am grateful that I have a movie to look forward to.
    3. I am grateful to relax.
    4. I am grateful to see the sun again after a heavy rain.
    5. I am grateful for the conversations I had.
    6. I am grateful for the new things in my life.
  14. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for this present moment. This present moment is all there is.
    2. I am grateful for a beautiful day. The weather was amazing. Sunny, blue sky and bright.
    3. I am grateful for finding a one pound coin. Couldn't believe my luck for finding one pound in the house.
  15. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I did not relapse.
    2. I am grateful for my comfortable life. We are still complaining sometimes, but we are living in the wealthiest countries on earth. We should be grateful.
    3. I am grateful for peace in my country. War is terrible, and we have to enjoy every moment.
    4. I am grateful for the awesome breakfast I had a bit ago.
    5. I am grateful that I am going to the gym soon - with my friend!
    6. I am grateful for my body. I have to use it to its fullest extend, improving myself daily.
    7. I am grateful for the life we are living. We only live once, so we have to enjoy every moment!
    8. I am grateful for the superb community here. We always support and help each other, that is how it should be!
  16. Man With No Name

    Man With No Name Fapstronaut

    1. Having multiple outdoor running tracks nearby. I really frown upon running in the streets these days and a track is the next best secluded running haven outside a trail.
    2. Having two pull up bars at my house and saw horses I can do dips on, and playgrounds nearby with the right stuff for training.
    3. Shilajit. It is a miracle substance to restore vitality. More so than any herb I have ever tried. With He Shou Wu it can turn you into a newborn infant again, jk obv, but it can also cause an out of control libido but I am grateful I was able to ride out the tsunami in my loins this entire past week on the Jeet.
  17. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for meditation. What an amazing pratice. It allows me to tune up with my core being;
    2. I am grateful for my feelings because no matter how they feel they tell me what´s going on and where my focus is. Aware of that I can make a conscious choice;
    3. I am grateful for the sea. the sound of the waves at night are amazing. it makes me feel relaxed;
    4. I am grateful for the swim I had the other night. It was night at a beach near my house. I was a little scared because there were only a few people in the entire beach. I went anyway and it felt good. It was something diferent for me. I enjoyed it.
  18. a. im grateful for our rocking chair
    b. im grateful that i woke up earlier
    c. im grateful for coffee even though its 90% not good for me lol