My partner relapsed after a year

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by MementoMori, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. You came home to an escort yesterday and your bf is still breathing?
    KevinesKay likes this.
  2. MementoMori

    MementoMori Fapstronaut

    What can I do? It's an illness. If I asked him to leave he has nowhere. His family won't have him anywhere near them and he no longer has friends after lying to them and acquiring escorts at their houses/with their money.
    I can't make someone homeless. For sure I'd love to see a change. I'd love for him to cook when I'm not there or at least shower without me telling him to. But at the moment I just have to put up as making him homeless would be cruel.
  3. I think this is where we differ. I don't think his family or friends are being cruel for not tolerating that behavior and I wouldn't think you were cruel for doing the same. I understand your love for him but it shouldn't come at the price of your own sanity. You are not responsible for a persons unreasonable behavior and you do neither of you any favors by removing the threat of serious consequences for abusing your love and support. I would encourage you to take some time and reflect on this.
  4. Rikarwb

    Rikarwb Fapstronaut

    To me, he just doesn't want to admit he has a serious problem, which should be the first step in fighting an addiction.

    If you can't admit who you are, you'll never change, because you don't know where you are and where you need to go.
    MementoMori likes this.
  5. MementoMori

    MementoMori Fapstronaut

    You couldn't be more correct.
  6. Admitting who you are doesn't automatically result in someone changing their direction. He can admit who he is, know where he is, and know where he needs to go, and still choose to not go there. It's the power of choice. He's choosing to abuse his loved ones trust and support. He's choosing to put his gf in mental, emotional, and physical danger by refusing to get help and by using escorts who could have god knows what by way of stds or be affiliated with god knows who by way of pimps and etc. He's making very serious unhealthy decisions and if he's going to show zero resolve in changing his ways and continuing with his recovery, then no one should feel the need to help him or have him live with them.

    The simple and sad truth is there are people who have to hit absolute rock bottom before they will change, and it must likewise be accepted that there are also those who will hit rock bottom and will never change. But at the end of the day that is their decision and not your fault!
  7. Rikarwb

    Rikarwb Fapstronaut

    I completly agree with you. What i said is that for you to change "who you are", you need to admit "who you are".

    But admitting that is just the first step to change, in my opinion.
  8. outedskeleton

    outedskeleton Fapstronaut

    I don't think he relapsed after a year. I think this is the first time in a year that you caught him. Obviously, I can't be 100 percent sure about this but speaking from experience and what you've said here, this really seems like he's not actually been in recovery. I'm not sure if my observation matters, it was just my first impulse reading through your posts.

    I think you have some tough decisions to make and some even tougher conversations to have with him. Even though we look at sexual compulsion as an addiction, it doesn't mitigate our behaviors nor justify hurting people we supposedly care about. Also, allowing his behavior by not delivering any consequences does neither of you any good. You're left feeling hopeless and he doesn't really have an incentive to change.
  9. MementoMori

    MementoMori Fapstronaut

    I sound like a weak walk over. I have done everything i can think of to show consequences even speaking to an SAA mentor for ideas. He has left and been returned by the police. The mental health team have told me that I have to notify them if he leaves as he threatens (no intent whatsoever) suicide at ny given consequence.
    Embarrassingly we now sleep in separate beds. I'm trying hard not to be triggering so we have not been intimate during his "recovery"
    My incredible self doubt wants to post a picture now and show I'm not a troll faced pug but obviously not...
    He has no desire to do the thing with me but hires escorts that are basically older me's.

    I think I just have to shut up now. I'm sorry for this incredibly long outpouring. Thank you so much for taking your time to reply. I wish you all every success in your recoveries.
  10. Don't be embarrassed or apologize for what you've written. No one here would agree with his behavior whether you were the hottest chick on the planet or a pug faced troll, the fact still remains that you deserve to be treated with dignity which isn't happening. Don't be embarrassed that you two aren't sleeping in the same bed. I personally wouldn't get sexually intimate with him until he's shown real progress and defiantly not until after he's been tested for stds and given an all clear test result.
  11. outedskeleton

    outedskeleton Fapstronaut

    You should realize that guys in relationships that use escorts aren't looking to have sex with a perfect 10 because their SO is a five. It's often the opposite, actually. The desire to use someone as an object is more difficult when things like emotions and everyday life is involved. To them, hiring someone, regardless of looks, makes it even easier to view them as their object.
  12. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Hmmmm his addiction is very deep. Hiring escorts is not cool, 100x more so when you have a partner.
    I'm curious how did you react?
    How did he react?

    I feel that he needs a sharp kick up the backside now, because maybe his addicted mind thinks it can get away with anything.
    Eventually that way of thought infringes on rational thought. Not a good thing.

    I'm gonna guess (don't take it the wrong way) but you seem very kind and nice in nature (excellent traits btw) but when dealing with an addict of any kind those traits can be taken advantage of and so maybe that's why he feels like he can get away with things because you are very forgiving.
    It might be time to be a bit blunt and selfish in your approach to some situations.

    I may be completely wrong with my judgement but hey it's potentially helpful info none the less :)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
  13. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

  14. MementoMori

    MementoMori Fapstronaut

    I reacted poorly. I asked her to leave and made sure she was gone.
    He played the helpless card (and obviously the suicide thing) then got angry with me to which I escalated my anger.

    I pulled the router out of the wall and now have the router in the car but of course he will still find a way. I struggle with where to go as I've taken his phone and cards etc previously and he's still managed to find a way.

    I have no idea what more to do. As I've said I've thrown him out before but he's been returned to me via police.

    With regards to being intimate, I wouldn't want to until a full blood panel had been done but that's not important as he has stated he does not wish to be intimate with me again.
  15. @MementoMori It's good to not give up and keep fighting, but you can't do that forever. You've been clearly fighting hard for long time. At one point it makes sense to just give up. Or else what? Keep tolerating this for another decade? Considering what he has done to you and your relationship nobody would judge you if you would divorce him. In which case I doubt police could legally force him back at you, if you do not live in co-owned/rented property at least.

    I mean it makes sense to fight for somebody who cares and who is trying his best to get better. But in this case he doesn't seem to care or want to, or try at all. If he would then the very least he would be honest with his therapist. Maybe you love him or at least respect him so you don't want to be cruel, but there is important person that deserves your love and respect more - You! And she is being treated quite cruel right now.

    There are mental institutions for addicted people and suicidal people. You could put him in there if you can afford it. He doesn't have to agree on that, I'm sure constantly treating to kill himself qualifies as a reason to take away his legal decision rights for a while, at least where I live it does. Maybe that could show him how serious things are and that you will not tolerate it? At the very least it would give your mind some rest from all that nonsense you have to deal with, if anything then at least for a while.
  16. MementoMori

    MementoMori Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your reply. I have placed him in a unit and he was discharged as malingering.
    We are not married and it is my house.
    Thank you
  17. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Hm this is a shame.
    You clearly love him but his love for you is clouded by his addiction. His behaviour is twisted and irrational as a result of addiction.
    Sounds like you've tried virtually everything.
  18. MementoMori

    MementoMori Fapstronaut

    Hello again.

    Today he went to a SAA meeting and got a year chip. He proudly showed to me and I threw him out of the house.

    I guess sometimes we just snap.

    Thank you all.
  19. outedskeleton

    outedskeleton Fapstronaut

    He's clearly in denial. No one can help him until he comes to grips with his issues.

    Take care of yourself.
  20. Star Lord

    Star Lord Fapstronaut

    Wait, he proudly showed you the 1 year reward but you kicked him out?
    I'm not sure that was a good idea in terms of helping him get "back on the horse".
    Oh well. Good luck .