***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. fellowdoer

    fellowdoer Fapstronaut

    1 I'm grateful for this group and the fapstronauts in it. Neat that we can share in this journey together.

    2 I'm grateful for my wife who I can lean on and learn from and share with. My very best friend and love.

    3 I'm grateful for my very dear friend A. Who shows me how to be a better person without even meaning to.
  2. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Fapstronaut

    For those living with their parents and families; tonight i worked this into conversation starting with my mother and then when around the table and it made for excellent bonding and conversation.

    Highly recommend
    Kal-El, wj2727 and JesusGreen like this.
    1. I'm grateful for the record number of views I've been getting. They still seem to be going up. Just a week ago, the highest ever recorded views in one day in my analytics was around 2100 video views in a day. Now, the highest is ~8800 views in a day, 2 days ago on the 2nd of October. I don't have any stats for the 3rd or 4th of October yet but going by those numbers I suspect that number will go up even higher, past 10k, if the stats are anything to go by.
      This is what my views chart for the whole of 2016 looks like:[​IMG]
    2. I'm grateful in advance for the new adjustable bench I just ordered. I'll be able to do leg press and chest flys with it, as well as adjust it for incline bench, and perhaps the most important part: the rack is built in, so no more using my squat stands and having trouble unracking the bar. Yay!
    3. I'm grateful for the absolutely amazing mood I'm in, and how happy I am with my life and how it's progressing.
    Kal-El, wj2727 and Lucky1 like this.
  3. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Fapstronaut


    1) I'm grateful for the 50 minute period rule

    2) I'm grateful for my friends

    3) I'm grateful for sleep
    JesusGreen, Kal-El and wj2727 like this.
  4. fellowdoer

    fellowdoer Fapstronaut

    Okay, now I'm curious... what's that?
    JesusGreen, Kal-El and wj2727 like this.
  5. fellowdoer

    fellowdoer Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for the rain today. the smell and the sound and the brief period while I worked in it.
    2. I'm grateful for our equipment working great today and the fact that we have it!
    3. I'm grateful for the dog sitter we met with today!
    Lucky1, JesusGreen and wj2727 like this.
  6. Kal-El

    Kal-El Fapstronaut

    So am I, please tell us. :)
    wj2727 likes this.
  7. Kal-El

    Kal-El Fapstronaut

    Dude, wh
    Dude, those views you're talking about are on youtube? If yes, I'd like to watch one of your videos, what's the link?
    wj2727 likes this.
  8. Kal-El

    Kal-El Fapstronaut

    1 I'm grateful for the awesome morning I had, read a bunch of things, listened to some great songs. Simple pleasures, but happy ones.
    2 I'm grateful for talking with this beautiful girl who I dated last year, she's awesome and we've started talking again three weeks again or so, she's really fun and it's good to talk to her.
    3 I'm grateful for spending time with God and meditating in his word.
  9. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    Missed two days so 9 gratitudes today.

    1. I'm grateful spending time with my mate in another city. I went to another city that is 40 minutes away and stayed over for a night.
    2. I'm grateful for meeting my friend's flatmates. Met some awesome people and will sure to meet them again.
    3. I'm grateful for being able to sleep on a bed. It's a luxury to sleep and wake up in the bed everyday.
    4. I'm grateful for spending time with my friends today. First we walked around the park and then went on a long walk on a new path towards the supermarket.
    5. I'm grateful for new episode of New girl. I love this show so much. It's so funny.
    6. I'm grateful for another episode of First dates. This show is about couples being on a blind date.
    7. I'm grateful for Lynx signature. Trying Lynx new anti-antiperspirant and smells so good.
    8. I'm grateful for a lovely day today. Slightly cold but sunny.
    9. I'm grateful for my hardworking parents. They are turely superheroes.
    Kal-El, wj2727, Lucky1 and 2 others like this.
  10. I'd like not to leave an overly overt link between my channel and my NoFap journals etc just since knowing they aren't linked allows me to be more comfortable talking about private personal stuff here etc - so I'm going to avoid posting the link publicly here, but I'll send you the link in private :)

    Same goes for anyone else who's interested, you're more than welcome to PM me to ask. It's self-development related content, although there's a little bit of some esoteric spiritual stuff on there too, which might not be everyone's cup of tea.
    1. I'm grateful for the continued increase in views and ad revenue. As we saw, 8.8k views on October 2nd, well now I have the stats for October 3rd which was ~9.2k views, my new record once again.
    2. I'm grateful that my new adjustable bench should be arriving tomorrow.
    3. I'm grateful for nostalgic music taking me back to my childhood memories.
    Kal-El, wj2727 and zerxeslives like this.
  11. zerxeslives

    zerxeslives Fapstronaut

    - I am grateful for academic benefits I've experienced since I stopped PMOing.
    - I am grateful for the friends I have made since I stopped PMOing.
    - I am grateful for not having the constant anxiety I'd have before I stopped PMOing.
    JesusGreen, Kal-El and wj2727 like this.
  12. El fapio

    El fapio Fapstronaut

    1.Grateful to have cool friend I can make music with.

    2.I am grateful for not being deaf, so I can listen to many awesome bands.

    3.I am grateful for having enough money to put food on table.
  13. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    1 . I am Grateful for the relationship I have with the most high .
    2 . I am Grateful for the roof over my head .
    3 . I am Grateful for all the experiences that I have or have had in my life, good and bad, that will/is molding me to my best version .
    Kal-El, JesusGreen and wj2727 like this.
  14. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Fapstronaut

    # 12

    1) I'm grateful for all this rest i'm getting.

    2) I'm grateful for all the work i got done yesterday.

    3) I'm grateful for my friends that are looking out for me.
  15. wj2727

    wj2727 Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful to be stronger today than I used to be, psychologically.
    I'm grateful for a beautiful sunny morning not a cloud in the sky, the reflections on the river.
    I'm grateful for some peace in my life, despite some chaos and feelings of powerless ness. I see these as challenges as much as irritations.
  16. Mywifesbabydaddy

    Mywifesbabydaddy Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful to God for giving me another day of life, and for all the blessings He provides.
    2. I'm grateful for my family and the times we spend together.
    3. I'm grateful for this forum and for how much it has helped me .
    4. I'm grateful for my unborn child whom I can't wait to meet !
    macscot, Overfloweth, Kal-El and 2 others like this.
  17. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for a lovely day today. Today was a sunny and warm day.
    2. I'm grateful for spending time with my friend. Another walk in the park with my friend.
    3. I'm grateful for positivity. Positivity brings good into your life.
    Kal-El and JesusGreen like this.
    1. I'm grateful for Zazen. Several times recently I got a little sloppy with my daily meditation and wouldn't meditate for several days in a row, but about a week ago I started up my previous daily meditative work, and I've also been practising Zazen each day for the last few days - it's nice to get back into the habit again.
    2. I'm grateful that my bench is here. Tomorrow I have to figure out how to put it together, but, once that's done I can try it out.
    3. I'm grateful for Alan Watts. His talks and lectures are timeless and I always stumble upon the ones that are the most relevant to where I am currently in life.
    Overfloweth, Kal-El and wj2727 like this.
  18. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Fapstronaut

    # 13

    1) I'm grateful for my close friends being there when i broke down last night

    2) I'm grateful for the dj gigs i'm getting at the moment

    3) I'm grateful for my car, means i can get around and party late at night