Any city with a million+ people is a horrible place to live

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Bingles, May 2, 2024.

  1. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I could not imagine living in a concrete wasteland like that. Paying £3000 for your rent in a 1 bedroom flat and for what? For a job and a higher salary? Boredom? Is it really worth your financial security, mental health and safety? Can't even go outside without being stabbed by six different crackheads on the pavement taking fent? I'll stick to my shitty small town thank you.
    En?gmatic likes this.
  2. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Nature is the best place to be for millions of reason. I'm in suburbia, close to parks and nature, but I would love to spend much more time exploring all beautiful nature that the USA has to offer. Cities are good for a short visit if something interesting is happening there, otherwise get me back to nature.
    jk243 likes this.
  3. nellywilk

    nellywilk Fapstronaut

    I also prefer smaller towns for a long term stay. We used to to move a lot and travel too and only in the quiet places you can really concentrate to listen to your on thoughts and want you actually want. For those who live in the big cities, it is a good idea to go somewhere quiet for couple of days and here are CLC Lodging reviews for those purposes.
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
  4. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I live on a rather dull and deprived housing estate suburb north of my small city (Dundee). Nothing ever goes on here, you get the odd crackhead in an Audi or dirtbike doing laps around the circle but it's relatively quiet. I can get to nature pretty quick as there are about two-dozen parks within a walkable distance (not an exaggeration, parks for days). My backgarden has a 40-meter space behind the fence entirely for sustaining wildlife and beetles. Completely untouched. I wake up in a nice sizeable semi-detached house given to my family by the council, eat good food with three meals a day with snacking, own a hot tub, a back and front garden, endless home entertainment. That kind of lifestyle is a millionaire luxury in London. Our definition is poor is becoming higher and higher these days. If you have a roof over your head and three meals with a decent income then you aren't poor imo. My early youth was dirt poor and we would eat old hot dog buns for dinner. I'm grateful for what I have now, and I am thankful to be from a small city and live in a beautiful country such as Scotland. I would never want to leave my little city. I thank God for blessing me with this life.

    Sure, there might not be much to do in comparison to NYC or London, but at least I'm not living with raw sewage pouring breaking out the pipes into my walls and breathing in asbestos and mould while paying 80% of my income on £3000 a month rent. At least I can go outside without fear of being stabbed by some Afghan migrant with a machete on the way to buy some bread from the corner shop. I live in a paradise compared to the rest of the country let alone down south in England. England is grim and there is no way to escape to the countryside unless you're rich. In the US, you can pack your bags and move to Nebraska or Montana relatively easily. You guys have it lucky. Watch Clarkson's Farm and you'll see how the British government are trying to destroy rural-living and force us into decaying urban centres like Glasgow, London and Manchester to "survive". Hardly living at all imo. Apparently the countryside is racist now too! So is exercise, having a family, eating meat. Basically everything remotely positive in today's world is oppressive to these big city yuppy lunatics.

    A lot of the problems I have in my life are largely artificial to modern life and a broadly generational issue. P is a by-product of modernity and so is depression. We are easily bored, eat processed and unnutritious foods, stuck in a credentialist school system that doesn't value our mental health or personal living circumstances, forced to become adults in an ever-challenging world none of our ancestors would have ever had to face and never taught how to be an adult in contrast to prior generations. These problems are lessened in small towns. You tend to work as a hand in your family's chosen trade whether it's farming, bricklaying or carpentry. You're much healthier because you go outside daily and you're forced to form a tightly-knit community that can depend on each other and self-sustain. Life was much, much simpler back then. Nowadays, we go from having zero responsibilities to having the expectation put upon us of working 9-5 for low minimum wage, knowing how bills and taxes work, starting a family and replacing the previous generation of workers with the same efficiency. Gen Z and Gen Alpha will perish in twenty years. Most I doubt will make it past 30. Small towns and villages are our natural environment we are adapted to live in them. GDP doesn't mean anything, it's a stat only the rich care about. Doesn't equate to a better living. If that were the case, Guinea-Bissau would be the African Singapore.

    If you earn an average income and budget then you can by all means live comfortably in a semi-rural city. Avoid the dodgy areas, keep to yourself and get some self-sufficient hobbies you can consistently do over a long period of time. Art, languages, exercise to name a few. There is a reason why big cities have a higher rate of mental illness like schizophrenia. Look up the mouse utopia experiment. Humans are still animals in respect of our biology (not our intellect, seperate debate) and we must realize the laws of natural selection and environmental adaptation apply to us too. If we live in big cities, we become miserable and dependent on welfare systems to survive. My great grandfather was from a little village called Coupar Angus and there were only local businesses. The butcher, the baker, the blacksmith, etc you get my point. Champagne socialists will make the excuse that local people don't want to do these traditional labour jobs but that's simply not true. We want to, we just can't afford to due to the inflated costs ironically caused by the immigration used to subset this. Of which, very few migrants actually work and milk our welfare tit dry while our own people starve and struggle. They want migrants to basically be slaves and servants to serve them coffee at Pret. There is a definite demonization of the local working-class in this country and an infantalization of foreigners.

    I go to Blackpool every year with my family, which is a traditional working-class seaside resort in Lancashire, Britain, and you can see the visible decay caused by deliberate systemic neglect. But on holiday, you never notice it because you're having such a good time. Fresh sea air saturated by sweet and fried foods. It's given distasteful labels as the worst seaside town in Britain, but really it's better than most places these days if you know where to look. Snobs seem to think money is what makes a place. No, people make a place. The problems we face aren't by our own nature itself but an exploitation and destruction of it. We aren't doing ourselves any favours by living in high-rise concrete brutalist boxes. You could be classed as dirt poor by modern standards but still be far and happier with a higher standard of living than some hipster in Brooklyn paying $30 for a small coffee. By quitting P, we remove one of the poisons from modern life out of our system and our energy can be directed elsewhere onto, well, literally anything. Love nature, your heritage and your family, and channel your energy into that, then you will succeed. I sound like some libertarian anarcho-primitivist dickhead but idgaf. We need to ensure our small towns and cities survive so we can continue as a species. Stop consooming unhealthy stuff, stop watching sportsball and exercise and touch grass dysgenic big city weirdos!!!

    Hopefully there is a coherent sentence in my rambling but yeah. TL;DR - Fuck big cities; love small cities and towns.
    Semtex likes this.
  5. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    England has far more residents today than it had in its Victorian heyday. Among bigger countries, only Korea and Bangladesh have higher population density. Bangladesh is an open sewer while Korea is highly developed but rapidly dying out. Humans are not supposed to live on top of each other like rats.
  6. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I agree on Bangladesh being a dump, but even South Korea is a horrible cyberpunk dystopia where inflated credentialism reigns supreme. Students study 14 hours a day to get into the top universities of South Korea and work for a company like Samsung. The poor of society have no safety net due to the disparity in wages and living conditions. If you are ill or disabled, you will live in poverty if you don't have someone to make up the income lost. What results is an intelligent but overstressed and overworked society of suits with no will to live. Probably the opposite of here in the West where we have a poor undereducated; overcredentialised zoomer population who know nothing about how to function or act as adults. The film Parasite does a great job demonstrating the class divide in South Korea as a physical barrier. East Asian attitudes towards society are not of concern and hospitalization, but rather considered a crime and a nuisance.

    A man in China recently tried to jump onto some train tracks, and the police had him tied down in an interrogation chair and belittled him, acting as if he was committing a crime because they cared more about the interruption to train schedules than the depression and potential death of a mentally ill man. Rat race mentality is 10x worse in East Asia. In some ways, it worked to their advantage with their higher living standards, but I see no point in being stuck in a busy expensive city if you feel miserable. Money is only a form of exchange; not the main reason to live. Tokyo may seem like paradise now, but if they continue to push immigration, then it will become London and NYC 2.0 and lose its identity. Merging into a brown and grey sludge of generic same-feeling cities where no one can afford to live yet trudges on in tents with fentanyl-addicted junkies. Putting strain on the already decaying welfare systems. Dublin, Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, NYC, LA, SF, Chicago, Toronto. I would never step foot in those shitholes. Tokyo and Seoul are next. They will become a hotbed for mass-migration from Indonesia, Vietnam and potentially PNG similar to the trends we see in Europe now.
  7. Based and Kaczynski-pilled.
  8. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut



  9. This city here is like an open sewer, you know, it's full of filth and scum. Sometimes I can hardly take it. Whatever ever becomes the President should just - really clean it up, know what I mean? Sometimes I go out and I smell it. I get headaches, it's so bad, you know. It's like - they just never go away, you know. It's like I think that the President should clean up this whole mess here. He should flush it down the fuckin' toilet.
  10. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    You're from the States? I assumed you were a Brit because of your frog brigadier pfp lol. My condolences, I hope the US can get its own Milei or Bukele someday. I worry that if Trump gets elected again, it will be a civil war. A diverse society is not a united society. San Francisco got cleaned up when Xi Jinping came to town so it's not as if Blue states can't tidy up its filth. They're just lazy little commie thieves. We're in a similar situation in Scotland where anyone earning an average income or more is taxed to Hell and back, meaning we have no local businesses and shit wages that can't keep up with the inflation to pay for these unsustainable welfare programmes. 30% tax band in a country with a 1/4 poverty rate. A government run by a bunch of incompetent out-of-touch dickheads from Morningside and the West-end of Glasgow, all privately educated and born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Most only vote for them because they have "Scottish" in their party name. Dundee has become a cesspit for junkies despite all the white elephants they so desperately try to pull off as for people and not a ploy to make them richer through developers money while neglecting other parts of the city with severe deprivation. Fuck the SNP, ole ole.
  11. 200w.gif

    I was quoting Taxi Driver. You zoomers I swear...
  12. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Oops sorry, I was too busy eating tide pods. x x
    + I don't watch many literally me films anymore since they are a bit cringe and plastered everywhere on social media. I watched Taxi Driver once and switched it off because my brain needed more brain rot slop content.
  13. Very crinch normie Bingladesh. Taxi Driver is kino, probably Scorsese's best movie.
  14. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut


    Semtex likes this.
  15. [​IMG]

    Maybe one day, if you work very hard, you too can become a Reddit moderator. Starting salary is zero pounds and zero pence annually.
  16. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Blud looks at a jpg. of Lucky Star in a thread from his RGB monitor and calls the anon an oldf** on /v/. You know nothing of our ways, newf**. Go back to posting wojaks on /qa/ in your containment board with the sharty.
    LostSon41 likes this.
  17. Spenglerian

    Spenglerian Fapstronaut

    To understand the present, one must reflect on the past. This nightmare of living you describe is not really new. I did not just happen but evolved. There is one thing which rules the (Western) world today and this is money. The high rents in bigger cities remind me of those ancient Roman times where the plebs lived in expensive but small appartments in multi-story buildings which were poorly constructed and often collapsed. Their whole meaning of life was "panem et circenses". Does that not sound familiar like today? Watch porn, eat junk food, scroll through social media, work until your last breath and pay ridiculous prices for almost everything. We are at the late stage of culture, also known as civilization. What will happen after it we do not know.
  18. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I am tempted to NEET my way through life, but I want to try my hand at college first to see where I end up. Could do a law degree if I wanted to. Everyone needs a lawyer so it's not one of those jobs that can be easily replaced or go away. Good salaries albeit quite challenging work. I worry about the future of my city, it is changing and I'm not sure for the better. It has a bad reputation and crime has been progressively getting worse. When I do go outside, the people look rough and talk openly about drugs. The Roman Empire was too decadent for its own good. I live like a king, I have no reason to ever leave. They won't gaslight me into abandoning my comfort to chase some rat-race dream. I won't give into modernity. I will become the best person I can be.
    Spenglerian likes this.