Feeling feminine?!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by kriss93, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. kriss93

    kriss93 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. Firstly I am considerign starting a healthy diet, and getting in shape. Maybe it would help me to feel more manly again.

    It's annoying that there is a hot girl whom I could hung up, but I am afraid of the relationship because of my feelings I wrote above and my whole insecurity.

    Every time I am imagining to "bite a hot girl's ass" I immediately "feel that bite" in my ass. (and feel nothing in my dick like old times :( ). What the fuck is this? This would be the transgenderism or trans people feel different?
  2. mmny541

    mmny541 Fapstronaut

    >And there's another reason/factor I think. I am honestly afraiding about my future, I am afraiding that I am not good enough for the male role, being the breadwinner of the family, and etc. And this internalized thought made kinda "role envy" of the women's role.

    It's completely normal to have fear for an uncertain future, but if I may...

    Why do you feel the pressure to be a breadwinner?

    Are you currently a father? How old are you? Do you even want children?

    You should ask yourself honestly these questions and come to a conclusion that would be the most beneficial to you, because your thoughts of gender roles are antiquated somewhat and potentially toxic to your well being.
  3. kriss93

    kriss93 Fapstronaut


    I am really want to have a wife and a family.

    I don't feel "pressure", I just think that a man should be the breadwinner in most families and I WANT to be a breadwinner but I am just afraid I cannot be. (I am a programmer and sometimes I feel I have chosen a wrong profession because I am not good enough for it and etc....)

    Currently I am not a father, I am 23 years old, and yes, I want children.

    I just lost that "masculine essence/aura" around me, I cannot feel it, and instead of that I am usually feel kinda "feminine essence/aura". But honestly I really want back that masculine!
  4. Jilloy

    Jilloy Guest

    that's autogynephilia. because your feminine feelings are linked to the pornografic pathways in you brain.
    HappyInTheRain likes this.
  5. kriss93

    kriss93 Fapstronaut

    And what can I do against it? Can I get back my old self? Should I eliminate ALL sexual thought for a considerable amount of time? (I mean several months at least) Or what to do?
    Jilloy likes this.
  6. Jilloy

    Jilloy Guest

    yes, rest is in PM
    kriss93 likes this.
  7. beyondlife

    beyondlife Fapstronaut

    Years later over here. I think this thought is normal. Everyone I knew back in my early school time and me inclusive had the same thought. At was the same we thought and we knew that women had a much easier time getting sex if they wanted unlike men who need to "hustle" more for it. Therefore we thought if we were women we would use that "advantage" all day long. That was not because we wanted to be women or have sex as a women but because wanted to have sex.