Can porn make my p insensitive while using condom?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by SanketVaria29, Feb 18, 2023.

  1. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    I am newly married and me and my wife had sex for first time in wedding night, I was only on 10 days nofap. Even though I was super errect, but I felt no sensation on my penis due to condom. Is this really a condom issue or is it pmo that has made it less sensitive?
  2. JF2002SD

    JF2002SD Fapstronaut

    To get the most pleasure while using a condom, you have to use the condom correctly and use a good quality condom. Not all condoms are the same.

    To use a condom the right way follow these instructions:

    - Select the right condom
    - Thinner condoms allow for more heat transfer and more feeling

    - Use water-based lube (NEVER USE PETROLEUM JELLY - it will cause the condom to break)

    *** Put the condom on the right way ***
    - Don't be shy about using the lube
    - Coat your penis with lube
    - If uncircumcised, pull your foreskin back and coat your glans (head).
    - If needed let her put lube inside her vagina
    - Before unrolling the condom, put lube into the reservoir tip (if no reservoir tip, then pinch the tip and unroll the condom just a small amount and put lube into the condom)
    - Pull your foreskin back and roll the condom down your lubed-up penis (DO NOT UNROLL THE CONDOM AND THEN SLIDE IT ON)
    - Practice a couple of times to make sure you know which is the inside of the condom
    - Roll the condom down your penis to the base (It's normal for the condom to not unroll all the way)
    - Put lube all over the outside of the condom before penetration

    *** Just to Review ***
    There is lube inside her
    There is lube on your penis and therefore on the inside of the condom
    There is lube on the outside of the condom

    *** Finishing ***

    - When orgasm starts, most guys will push far inside as an instinct
    - You will start to go flaccid after ejaculation - and you will still be the deepest inside her
    - Hold the base of the condom with your fingers (at the base of your penis)
    - Slowly pull out and don't let go of the condom
    - Keep holding the condom and move away from her vagina (the whole point of a condom is to keep sperm out of the vagina and you don't want any to get in while you take the condom off)
    - Have a box of tissues next to the bed
    - Slide the condom off and into a few tissues
    - Throw the condom in the trash can -- DO NOT FLUSH THE CONDOM (it's just plain embarrassing and expensive to have a plumber pull a few dozen condoms out of your clogged drain pipe)
    - It's a good idea to wash your penis off before you cuddle because there will be sperm on your penis and you don't want even one sperm cell to find its way inside her.


    Using a condom the correct way will increase your pleasure.

    Why we don't teach this in high school is beyond me. There is a name for parents who don't want their children to get sex education in high school - that name is grandparents.
  3. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    Why not instead just use emergency pills? it's less of a hassle, plus I know I ain't gonna have sex daily. Judging from my current relationship situation getting opportunity to have sex in upcoming 6 months will bea very lucky thing for me.
  4. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    1. Because emergency pills are currently for the female only, and men take responsibility, to take care of themselves and the people around them. Boys let their mommies and girlfriends take care of them.
    2. Because emergency pills are abortificants, which could be against your ethics.
    3. Because emergency pills are expensive
    hope4healing likes this.
  5. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    I don't get it. what it has to do with responsibility? if both partners doesn't want a child then just pick a method. simple. abortificants, idk what it is. all I know is that a life is only born after first initial month of pregnancy till then scientifically it's just ball of cells, sperm and egg ain't alive. expensive pills? I just said that me getting sex again in next 6 months is gonna be miracle, unless if few 5 or 10 pills costs 5000 dollars then yeah it's definitely expensive.
  6. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    If you have that conversation with her beforehand, that's also taking responsibility. Until then, you assume that you are going to take care of the contraception.
    Abortificant means it destroys the fertilized egg.
    Sounds like you have decided when a thing is human, that's after one month and that's fine. Just know that scientifically it's always alive. The egg is alive before it is fertilized, the sperm is alive before it enters the egg. "Ball of cells" is a meaningless term. I'm just a ball of cells, so are you. Cells are alive. That alone doesn't mean a whole lot. Cows are alive, until we kill and eat them. Wasps are alive, we kill them out of fear of what they might do, which for most of us is inconvenience us with a sharp pain for a little while. Plants are alive, we eat or kill or ignore them, or plant them at our leisure. The "ball of cells" is always alive, and it's always homo sapien. It was made of homo sapien gametes, which join to make a homo sapien embryo. Scientifically speaking, the "ball of cells" is always alive and always human. The threshold you're looking for is when does it become a person, with rights, worth defending, and it sounds like whatever criteria you looked at one time said "one month because science" and you said "good enough," and that's fair. This entire rant was completely unnecessary but I just switched my meds and have poor impulse control. I hope you can get something out of this little rabbit trail.
    It's usually called "Plan B," so it's built right in there, most people assume it shouldn't be your plan A. It usually costs around $40 to $50 for one pill, so 10 pills cost $500. If you want to not use a condom and foot that bill, you need to be the one to pay for it unless you negotiate that with your partner. Again, assume responsibility, and be prepared to be the one to make the sacrifice. Zero pressure on her to do it. If you go into that conversation saying "Am I going to pay for this, or you?," that puts pressure on her. Especially depending on the phrasing and tone, that could communicate "I am not ready to take care of this, but I will if I have to." You want to be the person who takes care of it, unless told otherwise. If you're not, maybe that's why you're not getting laid. I could go off on another wild tangent about how I think that whole premise is flawed, but I already did that yesterday and I doubt you'd be interested.

    But this part right here
    So what is this conversation, then? Is it an abundance of caution? Or is this one of those fantasy scenarios, like "What would I do if I fought a bear?" "What would I do if there was a zombie apocalypse?"

    Now is not the time to be hypothesizing about good contraception methods. I mean, it looks like @JF2002SD gave you very detailed and solid information about how to use condoms, and that's never a bad thing. I truly think the more relevant thing to do, though, is instead of figuring out what you're going to do once you get laid, spend your time figuring out how to become the kind of person another person wants to be with. You're putting the cart before the horse, counting your chickens before they hatch, you need to cross that bridge when you come to it.

    And to make it abundantly clear, people, women, want to be with men who take responsibility.
    hope4healing likes this.
  7. JF2002SD

    JF2002SD Fapstronaut

    Which is it? You are newly married and are using a condom or your "current relationship" doesn't allow for frequent sex?

    You asked about condoms. The answer I gave was about condoms.

    Plan B is a form of birth control that is taken after sex. Enough for one time costs about $50.00 in the United States and is sold over the counter.

    The best condoms available are My One brand condoms. They are available in nine different sizes to get a perfect fit. Thy cost about $1.25 each (depending on where you buy them).

    Many health departments give away free condoms. They might be different brands but, free is difficult is less than $50.00 every time you have sex.

    For a newly married man, this is an odd statement.

    I think you are a troll.
    Meshuga likes this.
  8. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Oh snap, I didn't even see the OP, just the most recent. Troll got us.
  9. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    My current relationship is my married life. here in india the pill and condom have roughly the similar rates. Pills ain't expensive.
  10. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    I don't know what your issue is, then. But yeah, excessive PMO can desensitize the thing, maybe you didn't have a good condom, I don't know.
  11. JF2002SD

    JF2002SD Fapstronaut

    Only for the sake of discussion:

    A person 17 years and 45 weeks old goes into a voting station on election day and asks for a ballot in a state that has same-day registration.

    He is told he has to be older than 18 years of age to vote. He says, "I am 18 years and five weeks old. I became a human at conception and gestation lasts 40 weeks."

    The poll worker believes that life begins at conception, registers him to vote, and gives him a ballot. He cast the ballot.

    He texts all of his friends and tells them to go vote if they are at least 17 years 40 weeks old. 200 of his friends (all just over 17 years and 40 weeks old) show up at the polling station and vote.

    The election is won by exactly 190 votes.

    Should humans that are 18 years older than their conception date be prosecuted for voter fraud? Should the poll worker face charges? Was the election stolen?

    Suddenly, it's not so clear when human life begins.
  12. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    I did some googling. From a biological perspective, a human baby is considered alive once the sperm fertilizes the egg and a new organism with a unique genetic makeup is formed. This occurs during conception, which typically happens within 24 hours after ovulation.
    According to our country it's after some months of pregnancy, I don't remember how many months but I am sure it's first month. According to our religion, I can say it's similar to biological reasoning because soul can only stay in one body at a time so sperm and egg ain't alive.
    Meshuga likes this.
  13. JF2002SD

    JF2002SD Fapstronaut

    Reincarnation makes the debate more interesting.
  14. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    it's a very simple concept. You die, you reborn again, rinse and repeat unless you break the chain and attain salvation. The only thing I find stupid is that if I ain't gonna carry forward my memories then why carry forward the consequences of my past karma? It ain't gonna teach me to not repeat past life's mistakes.

    damn, the subject was condoms. we went too far with topic lmao
  15. starsandsuns

    starsandsuns Fapstronaut

  16. SanketVaria29

    SanketVaria29 Fapstronaut

    I read the posts you listed. Very optimistic. I've been an addict for 14 years. fapped always once a day, rarely I did twice a day, no more than that. Idk what a death grip is but I always used to keep my grip little hard but didn't squeezed the life out of it, it would be painfull. From my first sex experience all I can say is that my grip was definitely 10% harder than the actual thing, also rougher since it's my hand and her inners are bit wetter even if not aroused. So yeah, definitely an issue on my side. But by average how many days does it take for recovery based on what you know?