Noticing Patterns in Porn Addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by BreakFree9799, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. BreakFree9799

    BreakFree9799 New Fapstronaut

    Dear NoFap community,

    I have been addicted to pornography for about five years now, and I find it very difficult to stop. But in my years of watching pornography, I have notice something very strange in my pornography videos.

    Why is it that so many male actors in porn videos have a constant "smirk" on their faces throughout the video? They don't seem as if they are enjoying the moment but rather they have this kind of "arrogant" smirk on their faces. I almost never see a female porn star smirk.

    And the reason why I bring this up is because a "smirk" is often associated with the evil bad guy of any movie. Whenever there is a bad guy in a movie, he is always smirking. Do you think that the constant smirking of male porn stars comes from a place of evil?

    Do men smirk when they are having normal, "real" sex?
  2. James24

    James24 Fapstronaut

    No men don't smirk when they're having sex!
  3. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi BF,

    Porn is all about the men in the videos. It's degrading to the women. I cant think of a woman in the universe who wants a man to orgasm all over face. The woman who work in the videos are often victims of sexual abuse or rape and fall into the trade. The men make it a point to be as rough and tough as they can to pound that pu##y and make her beg. Google and search recovered porn star (as long as it's not a trigger) and you'll learn the truth about the industry. The woman are treated like dirt, often forced into acts they don't want to do. Vagina and anal tears - yes... real blood. Vomiting from being forced into oral and a number of other niceties! If you ever wondered - why should I quit, this ain't hurting no one - think again. When you see that smirk, it is the bad guy.

    Real men don't smirk when they have sex with there SO. It's a loving, caring, giving interaction that leaves both people feeling good about themselves and their partner. Instead of smirks, there's usually some light joking, a kiss or two and smiles. Comparing normal loving sex to porn is like comparing an a puppy asleep in your lap to a garbage truck.

    All that said, I would encourage you to keep fighting and find a way to beat your addiction. It is difficult to stop, but life is a lot bigger than watching porn and fapping.
  4. Moni

    Moni Fapstronaut

  5. Varioque

    Varioque Fapstronaut

    I rarely could watch porn videos where I felt that either participant was being degraded. Needless to say my preferences were hard to meet so I usually ended up watching stuff that only involved women.

    As for what you do when having sex it's based on the situation as well as who you and your partner is, and what you two wish to do. It can be jovial, rough, tender etc. Personally I don't think that I've smirked during sex, rather smiled, but it's not something I actively think about or have considered before.
  6. GoRob32

    GoRob32 Fapstronaut

    Good observation,

    I agree with the other posters, I think there is a power fantasy being sold in P. However, I think its important to point out that the decision to play it this way may not come from the actor himself. In all films, the actor is taking direction from a director or producer about how they want a role portrayed. So the director has a good idea of how they want the scenario to play out and how they want it to sell. Whatever the actor brings to the role is in aid of the director's vision. I know this sounds a little high-falutin' for the tawdry scenarios we all were used to seeing, but there's a lot of thought that can go into the detail of these things, especially when money is on the line.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  7. Varioque

    Varioque Fapstronaut

    Also remember that in P, as with many concepts in life, there are some honorable people sprinkled in the sea of routinely indifferent people, along a host of absolutely noxious ones. I recall that there was a porn actor who was widely appreciated (these rare moments and places where discussion about this is actually present) for being adamant in only working with directors who did not have a reputation for being demeaning towards women. I think that was in regard to off-stage behaviour mostly, but as far as I can remember he only appeared in the more friendly videos.