Long dinstance relationship. My reboot log

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by agus, May 27, 2021.

  1. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Nope, I just read new posts asking for help, give my opinion and move on with my life. If I get taged or quoted after that I read it and respond if I want to. If noone do that in a post I wroted then I never get in again. Use this post as an example.. I gave my opinion and after that I only responded to people that quoted me.
    So.. everything you said about me and suggested me to do in that big post is totally wrong.

    I am! life is amazing, but I like to take a few minutes each day to help people the way people helped me in the past.

    You don't like the advice I give? then don't read it... don't tag me.. don't quote me.. is as easy as that.
    Want to challenge my points of view? great! I'm open to it.
    Belive it or not.. there are people that PM me for help, are followers or find my advice usefull. I'm sure that people feel that way about you too so in the end people are getting what they were looking for in this forum.
    DarkHunter and becomingreat like this.
  2. hope4healing

    hope4healing NoFap Moderator Staff Member

    No one with whom you've ever been in a relationship has ever done something that upset you? That's amazing considering your zero tolerance policy. Or, only all of your exes have ever upset you...once? And, your partner doing something to upset does not equal them "treating you poorly."
    Never once did the OP say or indicate in any way that he is treated poorly in his relationship.

    Maybe their relationship IS amazing, and that is why it's worth it for them to stay together. And, NO...that is not the only time you suggest breaking up because you've 'suggested' it here when there's been nothing said about their relationship not being amazing, nor has he said they don't enjoy and love being together. You suggest breaking up every time there's any issue at all or the SO doesn't coddle the addict instead of being honest about their pain.

    You're once again showing that your understanding of betrayal trauma = ZERO, but I'm not going to get into that because this thread isn't about BT. I will say, however, that once more you are equating their temporary long-distance situation with being a "crappy relationship," and that is wrong and clearly not helpful.

    You've offered your 'expertise,' and it obviously doesn't apply to the actual question that was asked. I don't think it's necessary to continue repeating the same thing over and over while inserting false and unnecessary assumptions in an effort to promote a moot point.
    agus, used19 and eagle rising like this.
  3. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Yes, once I was cheated on so I ended the relationship. A boundry was broken so that was it. The rest of them were all healthy relationship were we both shared our happines and I have great memories from them. So... coming from really good relationships when I see people struggly and putting up with crappy partner I speak up, there are people that think that crappy relationships is normal so they stay in them and try to make it work and keep been miserable in them.

    Totally agree... but they are not going to be together.. they are going to be in different countries for at least one year... that's a crappy relationship to have. It better to let it go and find another relationship that is amazing with a person that lives closer to you.

    Long distance relationships are crappy... you don't think that way.. go and have them. It doesn't matter to me, I will continue to advice people to don't settle for that when they can have an amazing relationship with a person that lives closer to them.

    For you they are false.. is your opinion so give your opinion and move on like I give mine. Let op decide for himself.
    DarkHunter likes this.
  4. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    Wow i just logged in... didn't thought this discussion was still going on since I blocked the user from the moment he refused to avoid criticizing my relationship. Maybe i should delete the tread but it seems you guys are teaching him a good lesson
    used19 likes this.
  5. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    UPDATE: It's almost a week since my last relapse and I'm feeling pretty confident (more than previous relapses, FYI normally I would use porn 3 to 4 times per month), like some part of my brain is slowly healing. Since gf and I are a few weeks from distancing somehow we are becoming more bonded than ever, just trying to enjoy 100% our last moments together for the time being.

    Started a running program and feels awesome, did 3.2km last monday and 4.8 km on tuesday. Today i'm too sore to keep up so I should probably slow down. But sticking to a running habit seems like a good option to be more healthy and distance myself from bad habits like porn.

    Right now i'm not having any urges, which is weird because thursday is the day in which I always relapse. But yesterday I had the urge to install Tik Tok (which is almost like porn lol) and binged a little bit on it and uninstalled it afterwards, but without any major harm done.
    eagle rising and hope4healing like this.
  6. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Social media is terrible in my humble opinion. My SO would be so stressed because she knows how it messes with the brain. The movement of dopamine and all...it happens everywhere (being mildly dramatic)! If you get away from it and perhaps take up reading and just journaling extensively you'd make significant progress. These worked with me at least, and I hated reading prior!

    If one has "real" friends on social media it would be very easy to exchange numbers and keep in touch with good ole phone conversations (and/or texting), "like back in the days". Social media is about as compulsive as PMOing.
    hope4healing likes this.
  7. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    I totally agree! I try to stay away from social media, I only have an instagram account but don't use it since I met my gf, and don't have the app installed. I HATE Tik Tok but idk, yesterday I had this moment in which I had to wait for a few hours and didn't want to do anything productive, and my brain said just do it. Probably it was kind of a substitute for porn, is not that i'm proud of it but hey, at least it wasn't porn.

    I love reading! I read since I was a child and I recently bought a Kindle, which has boosted my reading time a lot. also i'm focusing on reading mostly self improvement books. But also some fiction haha. Right now I'm reading 'Atomic Habits', 'A handbook for new stoics' and 'Sword of Destiny' (from The Witcher saga)
    And I actually do have a journal since I'm practicing stoicism. it has definately helped me understand myself and make progress in the fight against porn

    Thank's so much for your support!
    hope4healing and eagle rising like this.
  8. hope4healing

    hope4healing NoFap Moderator Staff Member

    I know you're working hard to kick the P addiction, and you want to continue working on recovery during the time your gf is away. As others have said, it's the perfect opportunity to do a hard mode reboot since she will be gone anyway. In addition, I think it would also be a great time to work on getting to the root of the addiction....figure out what drives you to P in the first place so you can work through that and learn healthy ways of coping. In your first post, you mentioned learning self control, and that's fine, but just learning how to resist going back to the addiction is 'white knuckling' and is almost never enough for long-term recovery. I saw an article that I thought might be more helpful about explaining what I mean.

  9. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    I know that but I still struggle to find the reason I keep coming back to it. I guess i have to keep working on it until I find the root. What I did find though while trying to get to the root was the connection between my past, my childhood and adolescence, and my current relation with porn. Which was something I didn't realize before, so i guess i'm making some sort of progress. I'll try to be more mindful when having urges inorder to understand where they come from
    Thanks, i'll check it out
  10. hope4healing

    hope4healing NoFap Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, that's great...and definitely progress! Have you ever considered talking with a CSAT? They can help you really dig deep and sort through everything to find the best path to full recovery. However, I know that therapy isn't an option for everyone for various reasons, and it certainly isn't a requirement for recovery. Just a suggestion because there are several people who've found it quite helpful.

    I hope I didn't sound discouraging in the previous post. If so, I didn't mean to at all. I believe you can get through this and come out better on the other side...for yourself and your relationship. You're already ahead of where most PA's in your situation would be because you're acknowledging the challenges ahead and proactively seeking solutions instead of just making excuses and accepting defeat because that's the easy thing to do.

    There's a good book by Craig Nakken called The Addictive Personality. It explains the process of addiction and gives you a better understanding of all aspects of it.
    agus likes this.
  11. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    You might like the book Treating Pornography Addiction by Dr. Kevin Skinner too. He talks about identifying your reaction sequence and then coming up with action plans so you can pull yourself out of it before you get too far down the sequence (once you get a few steps in it is very hard to fight the chemicals that flood the brain).
    agus likes this.
  12. Forfeit

    Forfeit Fapstronaut

  13. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    Its been a while... my girlfriend left last monday, so that´s when hardmode started. I was depressed yesterday and I think it was the reason that I had urges. It was a miracle that I didn´t relapsed yesterday, but I will probably do it today. But its weird, my good voice is making it hard for me to relapse, constantly telling me to not doing it, and I go through all the stages of relapse in my head and ask myself: "you know exactly what is going to happen, why would you want to go through all that?" and actually there is some logic in that, because I can´t answer to that question rationally.

    Now i´m wondering if there is some way to trick my brain into thinking that i´m watching porn. I was thinking something like go through all the routine like going to a safe place, getting off my clothes and just sitting there picturing myself doing it without actually doing anthing, just fantasizing (not fantasizing about porn, just me watching it) and then just stop and act as if i relapsed trying to mimick all the emotions and then continue my day making myself believe that I actually relapsed. I know it sounds weird and its never advisable to do such things and I know doing something unhealthy would never be a good strategy, like most of you guys would say "do pushups instead" or whatever. but i´m just wondering.

    I´m probably going to at least peak today and will definately call it a relapse if it happens, but lets hope it doesn´t happen, also i have a busy day today with family, so if i make it through work without peaking in the bathroom I think i´m gonna be safe at least till night when hopefully i´ll be too tired to do anything.

    Tomorrow i´ll "be" with my girlfriend (online) for around 3 hours, so that´s good.
  14. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    It was said on here somewhere that in order to beat an addiction, you have to outsmart your own brain.
    Your stream of thought appears to be that of a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Where you're so convinced you're going to relapse that you've already made up your mind about it.
    As someone who understands psychology, I can say this train of thought will lead you down one of the two paths. Where you will either relapse, or you will psych yourself out and forget to do so. Now that we've brought that to your awareness, it is no longer under your unconscious process of thoughts.

    I think the biggest thing about my husband when he quit watching, one of the things that made it so difficult for him was the restriction. He was under the mindset that "i can't watch it because she won't let me" which created an inner turmoil for him. On one hand was the fact that not very many people like being told what to do. On the other hand, there were very strong urges that just needed a little bit of a push for him to finally succumb to them and relapse. He received that push from his first therapist that told him watching P was okay, was healthy, and he didn't need to tell me about it. Once that justification for his urges was met, he went forward with it. This was after he had been "clean" for 2 years.
    The best way to outsmart your own brain is going to be to use that dopamine for something else. Whenever you feel urges, use those urges for something productive. Start scrubbing the floors, rearranging your room, cleaning out a closet, etc. Tell yourself, "once this is completely done, maybe I will peek". Once it is done, if the urges persist, find another activity to do. It is best to find one that doesn't require a lot of thought, but requires a good deal of concentration, if that makes sense? If you do that enough times, the urges will eventually become less powerful. That is one way to trick your brain. Replace the physical activity with another physical activity. One that will keep you busy enough to keep the temptation at bay.

    At some point, the underlying issues you have that led to the addition will need to be addressed. Addiction is a symptom of a larger problem, which is why therapy is generally suggested. This will help to replace the psychological aspect of P addiction.

    Meditation is good, but is difficult for people who are using it to combat urges. I would recommend you integrate this, if you choose to that is, as a practice during times when urges are either not there, or very small. This will help increase the activity in the prefrontal cortex, which in turn, will help with the emotional aspect of addiction.

    Best of luck to you
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2021
    hope4healing and agus like this.
  15. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    Wow, thanks so much for your response, and for sharing the story of your husband, although it differs from mine. I like the fact that you bring some technical stuff, it has helped me in the past to learn specific subjects of psychology and neuroscience (not only for porn addiction), and thanks for making me aware of the self-fulfilling profecy thing, it will definately be of help in the fight against my brain.

    My lack of dopamine might have an impact in my porn consuming urges, i´ve been trying to be aware of my caffeine consumption since i learnt that it basically liberates dopamine which will be hard to re-gain during the day. but i don´t understand if porn works in a similar way, if it does, then caffeine might be a substitute for it?

    I totally agree with you about doing other activities, I feel that now i´m capable of it but before i wasn´t because i had moments in which i lost complete control over myself and the single thought was enough to go straight to it. But now it´s different, whenever I have urges it´s a constant fight in my head between the wise voice and the junkie, and lately it´s wisdom who rules.
    I´m getting into gardening and bonsais, and i also bought some carpentry tools to keep me busy in my lonely times. These activities are perfect because they meake me feel happy and busy.

    idk if I said it already in this thread but english is not my first tongue so thats why I write in a weird way. also i´m at work and don´t want to put much thought into it.

    Thank you!!
  16. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    You can't avoid an addictive behavior by getting as close to it as possible without doing it. Your suggestion is as dangerous as a man edging with youtube or photos on instagram. It would be like an alcoholic saying I'm just going to sit in the room with a bottle and imagine myself drinking it, that will keep me from drinking it. Yeah right. You have to back way up in the line of your sequence and cut it off before your brain has a chance to start the rollercoaster. The higher you edge up that hill the harder it's going to be to not careen over the top. You've got to stop at the bottom because eventually the breaks are too hard to put on.

    Like I mentioned in a post earlier, you really might want to get Dr. Skinner's book, Treating Pornography Addiction. Even if you just get the audio book. It talks a lot about identifying how you got there in the first place, the underlying emotional causes, and puts a lot of attention into identifying your reaction sequence and coming up with an action plan to put into motion to stop the sequence. He describes well how once the brain gets flooded with the chemicals it is next to impossible to resist. Also look at some of Dr. Rob Weiss's work on boundaries, similar idea, he phrases it in terms of boundaries. https://www.intherooms.com/home/ilo...exual-boundary-plan-robert-weiss-lcsw-csat-s/
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2021
    agus and hope4healing like this.
  17. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    Bringing in new activities is great. It creates a sense of novelty, especially if it is something you enjoy.

    I know there are certain "markers" for withdrawal symptoms that men go through when they abstain, and that is when they're most vulnerable to relapse if they do not have healthy coping mechanisms in place. Being bored can be a trigger for many, so keeping yourself busy and your mind occupied is crucial to getting through them. It is good to hear that the wise voice is the one who ends up winning lately. But, be wary that the "junkie" is still lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity for a justification. Hes going to be there for awhile, so constantly outsmarting him is going to be super important.

    The use of dopamine for another activity is something my husband has been doing. He doesn't have urges for P anymore, but he does have urges to glance at this or that (not porn, just advertisements or women he sees), which could lead him down that path (it would take him a lot longer to get to the end point where he relapsed), but he still has to be vigilant about the "junkie" within. What he does is everytime he feels the movement of energy that has the potential to go bad, he turns his focus towards something else. He walks around or does another task that requires a lot of concentration. It has really helped him.

    There is also the 5 second rule that will help your brain. Whenever you feel the urge come on or you're in a spot where you're likely to peek or something, stop what you're doing, close your eyes, and count to 5. Once you get to 5, immediately jump on another task. This is a retraining of the brains focus and energy.
    Another thing he does is he will "reward himself" with some chocolate or something sweet after completing the new task. As I've told him, you Pavlov yourself into the addiction, you can Pavlov yourself out.
    agus, hope4healing and used19 like this.
  18. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your support, and for sharing your husbands strategies, it's very helpful
  19. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, i'll download the book to my kindle and see if it helps
  20. agus

    agus Fapstronaut

    TL;DR: Started relapsing regularly, but i´m not surrendering. I feel sad and lonely. Started reading the book Treating Pornography addiction and it´s being helpful

    Started a cycle of relapses. I feel lonely and sad, because now I don´t have anywhere to escape to, from my house and family. My mom is in a pretty bad phase of cancer rn so there is often an aura of sadness at home. When my girlfriend was here i had a reason to travel a few hours to the city and get away from all that. Now I wish i had a café or something to go there with my notebook and study and chill, but there nearest place would be an hour of bus and it´s just not worth it. I also wish that in-person classes start at college then I would heve to travel after work and be with other people. Right now i´m struggling to decide if i should go with my notebook to the living room, where i wouldn´t be alone but i would be interrupted by my family, or stay locked in my bedroom where i can be calm but alone and free to do ´whatever´ i want.
    I know, if i had enough self control (and I should in order to be able to quit addiction) i wouldn´t need to rely on other people. But I think that being alone, depressed or bored are the main triggers for me.

    - On the other hand, the post-nut clarity I have is pretty useful. I started reading the book recommended by @used19 and can relate a lot to the situations narrated by the author, its being of help to understand my history with porn and fill the blurry memories. I´m also thinking of new ways of engaging with my girlfriend like playing some games online, watching series, and i´ll try to record my daily life more so she knows what i´m doing and maybe i wont feel alone that much.

    The book Atomic Habits its helping a lot with life in general, and it´s teachings almost prevented me from relapsing, but I guess it wasn´t enough.
    I´ve downloaded also the book ´The Kinship of self control´ because I strongly think that the lack of self control is one of the main causes of my ´inhability´ to abstain from porn.