30 days completed, benefits so far

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Abdul_abc, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. Sicily

    Sicily Fapstronaut

    Thank you.
    Abdul_abc likes this.
  2. Abdul_abc

    Abdul_abc Fapstronaut

    Pashtoon is a nation who's origin is Afghanistan.
  3. Abdul_abc

    Abdul_abc Fapstronaut

    Thank you my friend. I am on day 48 now.
    Selfmastery98 likes this.
  4. Abdul_abc

    Abdul_abc Fapstronaut

    Thank you my friend.
    Stay blessed and happy.
  5. G0ReadAB00k

    G0ReadAB00k Fapstronaut

    Just read through this, man. Love your story. You're a real inspiration, and I'm so happy for where you're at on your journey. Keep it up. God bless!
    Abdul_abc likes this.
  6. Abdul_abc

    Abdul_abc Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your encouraging words ❤️.I am on day 50 of my Streak and will go further Insha'Allah.
    More benefits to come yet.
    Stay blessed
    G0ReadAB00k and The Highlight like this.
  7. Abdul_abc

    Abdul_abc Fapstronaut

    It was kinda, I used to thought of myself a looser who carries the burden of guilt of MOIng and is not able face real life problems.
    The guilt was my greatest reason of social anxiety, rather I was bold enough to face social situations.
  8. difernapo

    difernapo New Fapstronaut

    Abdul muchas gracias por tu contribución, como resultado también practica la masturbación desde que era muy joven, solo que no conocía este término, gracias por aclararlo ...
    perdón por mi inglés, uso el traductor de google
  9. I can relate to that. I once almost relapsed because of reading some wikipedia page about Thailand (just the country, no specific topic). xD xD xD

    Yo keep it up, bro. I think, the most optimistic advice I can give to you, is, that the first 40-50 days are very hard, because you think the next 40-50 days will be the same as hard, and so on and so on, for the rest of your life. At least for me this was the main reason for relapsing, because at a certain point I thought: How the f* can I keep going like this!? I might relapse as well, because what's the difference in relapsing now or 20 days later?

    But as a matter of fact, after 50 or 60 days it becomes really easy, and by that I mean REALLY easy, believe me. It's like your body almost forgot how to masturbate, and you gained so much precious neuroplasticity changes, that you don't want to start over and endure the same tough initial 60 days again, in order to regain the neuroplasticity changes. It's like laboriously grow a plant and then after your destroyed it in one moment, you need to start all over again.

    There is a turning point, from where on the advantages from nofap really subjectively do FEEL bigger than the advantages from masturbation (not only by concept or belief, but by experiencing it). If you cross that turning point, after that everything becomes automatic.
  10. Edit: Oh, ah, and one important message, that I completely forgot, because it became normal for me:
    If you do nofap like for 90-100 days, you look at the upcoming next 90 days (to the next milestone in the fapwatch app "180 days - Grandmaster") not in terms of nofap. You don't measure time in a quantification of being restrained to abstinence anymore. I just look at it as a so called thing named "life" with a pleasant anticipation. You will start to wonder, what interesting things in life will come next and you will stop worrying about relapse.
    Imagine that: I didn't even got laid once in all those days, although I really wished for getting a fuck buddy, but I wasn't successful. In the initial 20 days I was like "Oh my god, if I don't get sex with a girl quick, I become insane!". And then there was the quarantine and even the prostitutes didn't work anymore. But now, I don't think I need sex so quickly, I know that I will soon find the right woman, but I don't have the urge to release that fast. I just want to fall in love and enjoy my life with persons I genuinely like. Perhaps it won't happen in the next 2 years, who knows, but it doesn't pull me down.
    Abdul_abc likes this.
  11. hi @Abdul_abc thanks for sharing your journey. It all makes sense, especially your tips about channelizing your energy via other outlets and avoiding triggers is the most practical. I fully agree. All the best on your journey
    Abdul_abc likes this.
  12. HumbleStriver

    HumbleStriver Fapstronaut

    AOA, Bro your post is really inspiring. After reading it it gave me hope to continue my struggle against PMO again. I also faced increase social anxiety due to the MO guilt effect. I am now starting at least 30-Day challenge. You are right our sexual energy should be channelized to healthy activities to get rid of it.
    Looking forward to complete our goals InshaAllah...
    Abdul_abc likes this.
  13. Josphat

    Josphat Fapstronaut

    Day 7 seems tough. I wake up with an image of a Seminude dressed lady, feeling like I have a headache which I have not had in the last 11 years, cannot get rid of the nude lady image in my mind.
    Hopefully this day will end successfully.
  14. Josphat

    Josphat Fapstronaut

    Aha, crazy perspective.