11 years of it ending with a start

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mr.Jaeger.Bombastic, May 16, 2015.

  1. Mr.Jaeger.Bombastic

    Mr.Jaeger.Bombastic New Fapstronaut

    Hey there guys!

    To start off, I've been fapping for eleven years. As of now, I'm fifteen, and I yearn for change. I did the NoFap challenge and I stopped masturbating for about 3 weeks. There were significant changes in various aspects of my life and it was cool! I have a huge thing for milfs, but I couldn't bring myself to masturbate to porn. Instead, I was looking up at various stories involving milfs. It was entertaining in a slight sexual way but overall it was for fun. The day came when I broke the challenge (no pun intended), there was this one seriously amazing milf story and it was extremely erotic, way more than many of the pornos I've seen in the past, so I couldn't think of anything else but satisfy my desire.

    Afterwards, I regretted it immensely. All my hard work was gone in 10 seconds, and I was unable to sleep because of it. So there's my back story prior to joining this community. It would be awesome if you guys could leave advice, experiences, and the like. I'm tremendously grateful if you do! :)
    shapeshifter likes this.
  2. Hailz

    Hailz Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome! 3 weeks is a really awesome effort, and if you've done it once, you can do it again! :) Remind yourself of that feeling of regret next time you feel tempted. I wish you all the best!