Does Ejaculation give me Heart Palpitations?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by nyxDrive, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. nyxDrive

    nyxDrive Fapstronaut

    Hi there,

    I've been an excessive masturbator for 14 years (now im 26), and maybe 6-7 years ive been living with physical weakness, anxiety/panic attacks, and heart palpitations. I've been reading alot whats the side effects of masturbation, and the nervous system is affected also. When you get excited, you release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, and they boost you stress and after ejaculation youre body goes into relax mode. But every day masturbation cause sympathetic nerv. system (SNS) to be dominant all the time and put your body to stress mode - flight or fight. Ive experienced alot of the symptoms of Flight or fight mode, like : irritability of smallest things, nervous all the time, shaking feeling, and the most scary, Heart Palpitations. When im very stressful, im shaking and i can't even climbing stairs or do some work. I also feel some fear, chest tightness, arrhythmia, skipping beats or heart flutter. When im calm ( NO STRESS), i can do climbing stairs or walking, even to be active all day and to feel great.Also, I'm getting them on smallest stress and arguing with somebody, and im getting very very excited and feel shaky with pounding heart. I went to EKG and some treadmill testing. I've walked 7min of 9min and i started to have pounding heart and feeling fear inside me, and i stopped.They told me i have nothing with me heart, and to go to psychiatrist. I've told about masturbation side effects, they didn't want it to hear me. I feel very weak on mentally and physically and smallest things affect me. I tried noFap for month, i felt very positive things and i quitted Porn /not going back, but these things are still here. I had sex with my wife 4 times in 5 days, and again heart palpitations are here. During noFap longest streak (25 days) i got my energy little back, no brain fog, no big heart palps, and felt calm. Any connections or experience with this?
    Thanks for any advice guys.
    Jerry120 likes this.
  2. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum! Thanks for sharing your story! Yup, compulsive sexual behavior can adversely effect you. It is good to see that you've taken note and are trying to work on improving your life. Good luck!
  3. fmlaw

    fmlaw Fapstronaut

    Hi nyxdrive,

    I am 28 and started NoFap from 2017 but I still cannot completely quit it.The longest streak was 45days

    I got heart palpitation about a month after I start quitting PMO and it's been 2 years now.
    My situation is that I can feel the heart beat strongly after meal and when I lay on bed.

    I also went to see doctor - blood test, ECG and thyroid test was all negative.

    May I know whether your heart palpitation happened during laying on bed or after meal also ?
    nyxDrive likes this.
  4. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Could be a mild form of craving of withdrawal syndrome. Shouldn't be too much of a bother if the doctor couldn't find anything.
    nyxDrive likes this.
  5. fmlaw

    fmlaw Fapstronaut

    Thanks Jerry,

    I worry about it because it's been over 2 years and recently I also did a holter (24 hours ECG) and doctor said the result is normal.
    I am thinking whether PMO hurt my nerve or cardiovascular system so that I suffer from heart palpitation for such long time.
    Jerry120 likes this.
  6. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    I doubt PMO has the ability bud. The reason I say that is because I was a very heavy PMO'er also . I never had any such issues. Of course, we are different people so you may have a different issue. But it could also be psychosomatic? I don't know. If a doctor says your fine, chances are you're fine. If multiple doctors say your're fine, then you should more than likely be fine.

    Sorry, wish I could be more helpful.
    nyxDrive likes this.
  7. SFischer12349

    SFischer12349 New Fapstronaut

    Hey Guys,

    Nix, In my experience I've had some heart tachycardia or arrhythmia, this was because of anxiety not because of PMO'ing.

    In my case it could happen anywhere, on work, in my house, with my friends, whenever i had an anxiety attack, i could even hear the pounding inside my head man...

    I think everything could be in your head if you been already checked, what worked for me I've been practicing martial arts and going every week to therapy, its been a rough months for me, and i still get anxiety for various reasons. However im starting to be self aware of the things that trigger my anxiety and tachycardia, and its been getting better man. Once you realized that it is more likely that the things you are afraid are not going to happen or are not real, you get almost an immediate relief.

    It's takes some time to be self-conscious of the reasons that could be triggering this heart issue, like being afraid of confrontation, arguments, talking to people, of you not enough to please your wife, not being a good parent, financial issues...

    There are still thing you could try, dont lose hope, there are a lot of people going through these type of things, but eventually it will work out. Trust me.
  8. nyxDrive

    nyxDrive Fapstronaut

    Hi There,
    Yes, after a meal i can notice palpitations and it's very hard to do any work, or climbing stairs. The feeling is very bad. But, i can't understand some things. I started to take ashwaganda and Stress Support Supplements for couple of months. I also limit ejaculation , maybe 5-6- max times at month.I notice, they are weeks with no heart palps, my energy levels are ok, no brain fog, but today, and 2 days ago i have awful palps and. What's the connection. I feel big anxiety from time to time.
  9. nyxDrive

    nyxDrive Fapstronaut

    I had rough period of stress... ( 6-8 years). It was let say 80% of time all that years with stress, and stress relief - masturbation. I had very big stress. Now, i don't have those things ( i have small/normal stress). But i can feel chest titghness, cant feel my lungs with full breath, im always thinking something bad gonna happened and the heart palptitions are here as best friend. Skipped beats, flutter, name it. I'm tired...From nowhere something will trigger inside me something, and they are here.
  10. nyxDrive

    nyxDrive Fapstronaut

    also, i can't run, on smallest phyisical exertion, im starting to have some fear inside me, trembling and heart palps pounding. i started to walk (7000-10000 steps per day). I have energy to run, but when i try, heart palps are starting.
  11. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

    This will help you a lot, watch this and say goodbye to urges forever

    But however urges sometimes can attack even if you are focused on something else, when i got rid of those 1% foods which increases urges and started enjoying 99% other beautiful foods it became so much easyer for me ^_^
  12. fmlaw

    fmlaw Fapstronaut

    Thank Jerry
    I have seen a second cardiologist and have Echocardiogram and blood test done yesterday
    and nothing was found. Doctor said I have a healthy heart so I try to leave the symptoms alone.
  13. fmlaw

    fmlaw Fapstronaut


    Thanks nyxDrive,

    I have a hypothesis that would like to share with you. I strongly agree with you that PMO damage our nerve system, which I think it make our nerve more sensitive than other people, so that's why we feel palpitation, skipped beats,premature Heart Beats.

    since we have PMO for long years and our body is weaker than other healthy people. Thus the body want to protect us from getting hurt from our environment by raising the vigilance ,which make our nerve more sensitive. this is the same situation like our body hair will raise to reduce heat loss when we get into a very cold environment.

    Do you still have frequent sex with your wife now?
    I suggest, if possible,you may reduce the frequency because masturbation and sex both would make our body weaker especially we all suffer from the damage of PMO for many years.

    Your ECG and treadmill result are normal right? If yes, I guess our heart is still okay and the problem is our nerve system.
    I also have my Echocardiogram, holter, ECG and blood test done and all the results are normal.
    So maybe we try to keep our streak as long as we can to let our body and nerve to recover from PMO
    nyxDrive likes this.
  14. Nitin jain

    Nitin jain Fapstronaut

    Hello, I am getting palpitations since 2 yrs. Suddenly it started at night. I went to doctor next day, and he did blood test, ecg, chest x ray , tsh test, cholestrol, liver. Every thing was normal except vitamin b12 was 175 and vitamin d3 was 13. both were low. He gave me medicines for 2 months, but there was no improvement in palpitations and weakness. I feel lot of weakness in my body still now. I use to masturbate 6x a day since 2012 and now I am paying for it. Can anyone please tell me why I am having these.

    I have the following problems.
    1. My rest heart beat is 100-105 and walking heart beat is 125-135 bpm. Everytime I lie on bed, I have having a very hard time to sleep. The force of such hard beating of heart make my sleep so miserable. I can feel in throughtout my head and body.
    2. I feel a lot of weakness, my hand and leg shakes while lifting even 1 kg of thing.

    Why this is happening to me. Does it due to all the sins. Sometimes I tried to stop masturbation for 2 - 3 days, I feel a little good, but again after doing , things get worst.

    I have also consulted haemopathic doctor, he gave me essentia aurea, passifiya and paintox and anxiety relief tablets which I have to eat 2* twice a day. I feel quite better that I was 1yr ago, bcoz 1 yr ago, my energy was very very low. I had difficuly in breathing which I though was due to D3 deficiency, I also eat a zincovit tablet per day. Its a multivitamin.
    But I am not able to return in my good old shape. Please tell me what has happened to me. why my heart beat soooo hhard and fast. What is trigeeting it. Can I have other deficiencies or toxicity of any element or are all these due to anxiety and masturbation which afftected my nervours system.
    Please help.
  15. Nitin jain

    Nitin jain Fapstronaut

    @nyxDrive how are you now. has your condition improved.
  16. I have autism i been bullied all my in school i had anxiety all my life and i started masturbating since i was 13 i was jerking to sexy photos now Im 26 i have anxiety, heart palpitations, panic attacks and depression i've been to the doctor they say my heart is ok but i keep having heart palpitations when drink a soda like mtn dew or fanta orange soda i have heart palpitations even when i have a heavy meal i have heart palpitations masturbation ruined my life i dont know what to do sometimes i want to die i wish was addicted to something else like marihuana or alcohol i hate masturbation im scared of having a heart attack
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2019
  17. Phoenixoutofit

    Phoenixoutofit Fapstronaut

    Hi there,

    I literally wrote my Day 1 post a few hours ago discussing this. I got hooked a decade ago and up until a couple of years ago was bingeing and edging for hours and caused a tachycardia.

    I’ve since had Acid Reflux (I tested my urine a few days after the Tac - and it was PH5.5) and any time I drink alcohol I get heart palpitations so it has forced me to quit drinking (so there is a plus side). I later developed a health anxiety where as another fapstronaut states, my stressed nervous system was dominant. I learnt some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with a therapist to help manage the anxiety and to stop “body scanning” around my heart. The acid reflux unfortunately gave me heartburn which I was confusing for heart issues - making me more anxious. However the absolute worst times I feel anxiety, in fact it rockets up, is whenever I fap for extended periods.

    In order to reset my body and manage the acid reflux I adopted an alkaline diet with lots of green smoothies, as well as Omega 3 - and that helped me rebalance and bring down the inflammation in my body (read the acid watcher diet if anyone has similar symptoms). It seems to help to bring down my anxiety along with L-Theanine tablets - so it’s pretty much a ritual to help me feel “normal”.

    I’ve had an MRI, and 7 day ECGs and again the cardiologists say they can find nothing wrong and that the heart is functioning normally. However I only really get feelings like palpitations (apart from alcohol) or that any kind of exercise will harm my heart - only after PM - and especially if I - O.

    In the periods that I have let myself recover for weeks and months and kept the good diet I’ve been able to get down the gym and do resistance training. That kind of exercise I am ok with. However with running it’s a little odd - I’m fine for about 5 to 6 minutes but after that I will have a panic attack and have to stop....yet lifting weights for a reasonable workout is fine.

    However I’m coming here off the back of a binge which led me to this site so I am resting and recovering at the moment. It is best if we leave the PMO alone and let our bodies recover over time - they will if we let them.
  18. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    I suffer from skipped beat for few years now. It appeared out of nowhere and I did all the test back then : my heart was normal. Somehow things go better for a few years but it all started again 2 weeks ago. The thing is, I’m so nervous that when it happens I go into a panic state that induce even more arythmia. One day I had more than 150 skipped beat. I went to ER but I wasn’t dying and they released me.
    i know it’s linked to my nervous system because the less I sleep, the more it increase and When I started to take hawthorn it was greatly reduced. I still get around 1-5 skipped beat per day and that’s enough to ruin everything I do (i don’t watch tv show nor play game anymore because of that).
    I stopped pmo because of those heart problems and I really hope it will get better but I know that pmo withdrawal can increase anxiety and I’m afraid things go bad. But I don’t have a choice, I’m done with porn.
    kopykat and (deleted member) like this.
  19. Nitin jain

    Nitin jain Fapstronaut


    how r u now.
  20. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    please stop scaring people