Quarter for God: From now until the end of this Year

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Marche

    Marche Fapstronaut

    Do not only feel remorse over your sins, @Nuhope. Instead lament to God because, at that instance, your attention waned and you didn't see Him as all the good You'll ever want and will ever need.

    Then with boldness and courage from and by the Holy Spirit, seek His goodness again. Leave the filth and walk in the path of repentance. Approach His throne of grace, He is there waiting for you with arms wide open. Always.
  2. I'm in! I've been PMO free for a while, but not consistently pursuing relationship with Jesus. He is the only stable Rock upon which we can truly experience the transforming of our lives.
    Nuhope likes this.
  3. hismercyismore

    hismercyismore New Fapstronaut

    Hi Nuhope. Hi Guys. I just joined NoFap, and I discovered your thread in the group. I'd love to join please. I'm excited to join a group of Christian brothers who are purposefully working to kill this sin in their lives, and I'm hoping to join in the accountability train, get help, and help others be accountable.
    Nuhope and Tao Jones like this.
  4. hismercyismore

    hismercyismore New Fapstronaut

    Hi Guys. Hi Nuhope. I just joined NoFap, and I discovered your thread in the group. I'd love to join you please. I'm excited to join a group of Christian brothers who are purposefully working to kill this sin in their lives, and I'm hoping to join in the accountability train, get help, and help others be accountable.
    I'm still getting used to the website and the forum. It's still a bit confusing. Please bear with me.
    Nuhope likes this.
  5. Welcome!
    Nuhope likes this.
  6. @mrtumnus and @hismercyismore: You are very welcome!
    @Tao Jones: Thanks for welcoming!

    I was fallen down deep into the dust last week, not only a relapse, but a collapse. But here I am again, I never give up. I don't know how to continue, can't see a save plan out any more. But without you, without this community, without nofap, it would be totally hopeless. The future seems uncertain, but I keep having my intention to get out. Next week I have to work in some hotels, so I probably won't have internet. I am still confused, feel disassembled, strange situation for me now.

    It is very nice for to see, that this threat have got some motivating participants, saved me!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2019
  7. hismercyismore

    hismercyismore New Fapstronaut

    Hi Guys, I need your help.
    I've been addicted to this PMO for so many years, almost 8/9 if I recall correctly.
    I am beginning to hate the sin more this year and desperately wanton come out of it.
    My decisiveness is not as strong so I am still struggling. I usually can do 5 day streaks after which I relapse, but I really want to attempt the 30 day streak and set my mind on God all through the period.
    This year, ever since I started taking quitting seriously, I have been tormented greatly by the desire within my body(libido maybe).
    Even when I'm at work and doing completely non-sexual activities, it just comes and goes; and it comes so strong and tough to resist. I try to take a walk, to run, to recite scriptures, to urinate. That helps temporarily, but it doesn't help long term.
    I can imagine how much brain damage I have done to myself over all these years for me to be in such a situation as I am.
    Please is anyone going through such right now, and how have you been able to deal with it and overcome or manage it while actively working on breaking free from PMO addiction.

    Btw, I started my streak last Tuesday, but fell this morning because I woke up at 2am with such a strong urge(I feel awful). I am going back on the streak again today. Does jogging, running etc help at all?

    Thanks in advance.
    Nuhope likes this.
  8. LiKin

    LiKin New Fapstronaut

    I am in! 12 year porn addict here, but I know that I am walking the road to freedom.

    I'm so tired of relapsing; it makes me feel stupid, worthless, hopeless, terrible. I fear that I am ruining my life.

    Come on friends, let's stay together and triumph over this shameful addiction.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  9. Bob385

    Bob385 Fapstronaut

    Our senses have been assaulted with images of P. Now we/I need to replace those by 'assaulting' our minds with clean images and thoughts. "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Col3:2 P can have such a stranglehold over our minds that it may seem almost impossible to step away when we know we should. But assaulting our minds with pure things is vital. Going outside helps me. Thanking God for his creation as I look around. Determining that I will not look at porn until I have logged onto nofap and shared my struggles...
    mrtumnus and Tao Jones like this.
  10. I've really enjoyed this verse lately - be uplifted, friends!

    Nuhope and Tao Jones like this.
  11. singleforever

    singleforever Fapstronaut

    OK I’m an idiot sometimes, I have a problem of being a VERY literal person. So when you said a quarter for Christ. I thought an actual quarter like .25 cents.
    Then I thought about it. Not a bad idea! Kind of like a cussing jar, if the thought enters my brain housing group I put a quarter in a jar, as a reminder to myself to stick with it. At the end of the year it goes to the Church.
    Let’s see who gives the least. LOL Because sometimes less is more.
    Nuhope and Augustine_Hippo like this.
  12. Victoriousone

    Victoriousone Fapstronaut

    Onward Christian soldiers!
    Marching as to war,
    With the cross of Jesus
    Going on before.
    Christ, the royal Master,
    Leads against the foe;
    Forward into battle,
    See, His banners go!
    YesICant, LiKin, Bob385 and 2 others like this.
  13. LiKin

    LiKin New Fapstronaut

    Still fighting! Nine days of freedom and fighting!
    mrtumnus, Tao Jones and Nuhope like this.
  14. Be encouraged, friends! We have a God who cares deeply for us, and he happens to be the All-Powerful Creator of all things!

    Nuhope and Tao Jones like this.
  15. It is great to see that other guys keep my threat alive! So I am still in (but I have to continue my quarter until January 2020, cause I failed october).
  16. I see, I am the worst one here. But I don't give up.
  17. What do you mean? Why are you the worst one?
    Nuhope likes this.
  18. Check my Day Counter. I wanted to make the lead, now I am totally behind (that the others are better, it is good, considering it this way - it is no competition. But to open such a threat and then falling that often, that hurts) . But I got new support, so I feel better and strengthened than earlier: Another guy will check my day counter very often, that motivats. I do the same for him. Neither him nor me will continue this permanent falling (as nobody here wants). So I hope I will do better this time. But nuhope is always nuhope and never nohope. Let's figure out whether I get it this time.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  19. Hello guys!

    Today is my first day, but I have the same challenge that this group has got:
    Until the end of the year!

    I remember the last time I didn't PMO was when I was 16. I didn't have any urge for 9 months!!!
    I want to be totally free with God's help.

    For anyone who is discouraged because has just failed.. the Lord brought me to this scripture: Ezekiel 18:21-23 (see the picture uploaded)

    A quick reminder: HE DOESN'T CHANGE
    He is still wanting to see the one who is doing evil converted!

    Attached Files:

    Nuhope and Tao Jones like this.
  20. Hi! I am here, day 15. I made this threat to make me and us stronger. The first time, I relapsed very often - but now, I feel much stronger! I did a big step forward. So never give up, after a specific period of time you will see your progress - and this progress remains even if you relapse later, because this permanent fight is reprogramming body and mind. Believe me! I noticed it now. When I startet nofap, I thougt everything would be fine only because I had startet nofap. Then I relapsed a lot I wondered whether it was useless. But now I know it is getting better cause of this common fight here. United we stand and get out of this junk!
    Dogeman4121 and Tao Jones like this.