What can I do to become an Alpha

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Vendettana, Sep 5, 2019.

  1. Sometimes I wonder how much I f***ed up my life. I am 38, I had a tremendous potential 20 years ago. I finished one of the best on one of the hardest High Schools of my country, there were pictures of me in local newspapers because I ripped in chess. I was this mathematics / scientific guy.
    During the army examination - intelligence test I scored among the five best of the whole year across the entire country (in Germany).
    I was physically OK and had a decent endurance. But I had no confidence and my success with girls was unsatisfying. Basically I got refused by all those that I wanted.
    Then I went to college and I lost all interest in studies, I became average.

    13 Years ago I moved to another city, picked up a job and decided to work-out at least an hour every day. I made less than 5 exceptional days in the following 10 years where I would do nothing. I became ripped, but thin with an incredible endurance. I got some injury, changed the city again, stopped working out entirely. Three years later, today, I am average.

    I did not develop my skills, today I hardly remember anything from the lectures, I am having a hard time to pick up sport again. I try coding stuff but it takes time to learn, though I believe that I am still gifted.
    I see videos on youtube, how fit people are, how smart, what they achieved while being younger than me or having the same age.
    I had potential, and did nothing out of it.
    And I don't know why, but I always understated my achievements, had no self esteem, no confidence.
    I wonder what happened. I did a therapy 20 years ago where this woman basically told me to be nice to people, to try to get liked and to not show off my skills. I went to her for a year, but I am not sure that this could explain everything.

    Guys, do you believe, I can do something now and turn the tide? or is it too late? Am I doomed to be an average Beta-Male?
    I know how exponential growth works, I know it is key to start early and put something on top all the time. When you don't, when you miss the train, the difference between you and the ideal exponential curve is... exponential itself. (This is so incredible in exponential growth, we hardly understand that)
    What could I do?
    SparkySub likes this.
  2. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    You’re screwed. Enjoy you midlife crisis.
  3. Kizd4AFool

    Kizd4AFool Fapstronaut

    I’m a female but never give up! Make changes to make yourself feel better. You have many years ahead of you. Being kind isn’t a bad idea. Confidence (but not cockiness) is awesome. Figure out what you want from a partner and in life...decide before you pursue it and you will show more confidence!
  4. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    If you know from past that you got a brain, and you're older in life, means you got tons of life experience. Put the experience, and brain toghether and achieve a huge life goal. You might have to learn about something completely different but do it. As long as you have life, keep striving. Youd be amazed at what age majority of people become rich, win noble prizes, etc. I'm sure you can do something great. I do feel that you need to stick to something once you start it. Think of your mind like this. I think you're smart, as you said. But if you're not loading your mind with ideas and topics relevant to your goals, then it doesnt matter how smart you are, you won't have the possible of making connections that could change your life. So educate yourself and read. You have potential, but you're not fueling that potential. You need to feed your mind, in my opinion.
    IbrahimViking and Vendettana like this.
  5. It’s never too late. Look at all of the people in history who had significant accomplishments later in life past age 38. Focus on things you are interested in, competent with, and set small goals to build upon from there. Also find things you want to learn and go for it. You never know what you are capable of doing until you try. Forget the alpha male bs language too. Just be a good man and project confidence and kindness.
  6. Tibo87

    Tibo87 Fapstronaut

    As long as you are breathing, it's never too late. Look at Nick Vujicic. You'll always have opportunity to get better.

    Don't become an alpha. Become yourself, embrace your physique and your personality. There will always be someone that can lift more, or bit you in chess, but there will never be a better you than yourself.
  7. N0thing

    N0thing Fapstronaut

    First of all the term Alpha is ridiculous, just work on yourself. Find a hobby that pays the bills, find a hobby that keeps you in shape and a hobby that is creative. Add meditation and your schedule should be pretty packed. Women like guys that are confident, have their own life and can be themselves. Learning is never too late and it is pretty easy in the 21st century.
  8. Whatever you can, and you should.
    Vendettana likes this.
  9. SorryWontSayIt

    SorryWontSayIt Fapstronaut

    First off, stop thinking about the alpha-status. When I walk outside and see an other person, I never think "oh he is a alpha male". I don't care what he is. I care about myself.

    Second, stop looking at everything that went "wrong" in the past. The past is not your future, but you have experience from the past that you can use in your future to become a better version of yourself. Learn for it. Use the experience you have to your advantage! You may have a lot more experience that a lot of other people! But now you are currently not using it.

    You are saying you had potential, you still do. You know you have done great things in your life too. You just wrote it! But you are too focused on everything that did not work out for you. Use you experience and use your potential. You can still become a greater version of yourself.

    Lets say you give up. You keep on doing what you do today. What will happen 10 year from now? I am pretty sure you will ask yourself the same question, or maybe the question "why did I give up?". By giving up you lose by default. Today everything you want to reach may seem big, but why not try? Why not try? Trying, is whats make you a better person.

    And if you fail don't give up. People have misunderstood the word "failure". People put negative thougths into it, but actually it is just a part of the progress. People who reach their dreams and goals fail many times, but the diffrence is, is that they don't give up. Because they belive in themself.
    SparkySub and Vendettana like this.
  10. shamrock19

    shamrock19 Fapstronaut

    Never mind the term 'alpha'... what is 'alpha' nowadays anyway, is mark zuckerberg alpha? the billionaire stereotypical geek who can get any girl he wants and has billions sitting in the bank? or is the dude down the bar without a penny in his pocket but is a loudmouth and willing to pick fights alpha? My analogies are not great but you get the point, forget the term it means nothing apart from in wildlife programs. The most important thing is being comfortable in your own skin and happy with yourself, then you can display whatever traits you wish, sometimes typically alpha some beta, who cares.... for this id recommend looking into spirituality, mostly buddhist principles, im not a wishy washy guy but for me there is great wisdom in buddhist ideology especially when it comes to discovering who you are at your most fundamental level.

    Going by your description your clearly a smart guy with a vast amount of qualities but as you know it all comes down to how much your willing to put in. With the right amount of determination at 38 you are a baby... with no determination, your old son. At the end of the day what the anonymous opinion of people on this site means absolutely nothing to how you will fair on your journey, all that matters is your vision of what you feel you can achieve.
    Vendettana likes this.
  11. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Alpha is a term for inmature people. You should aim to become a good man, not an alpha male. It is never too late, those who say it's too late are people who prefer to drown in their own self-induced misery rather than work out of it.
    Kizd4AFool, Vendettana and Tibo87 like this.
  12. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    It's never too late bro. Stop dwelling on the past and start doing shit.
    Vendettana likes this.
  13. Mr. Paudel

    Mr. Paudel Fapstronaut

    Just let that alpha man concept out of your head.
    First of all, drag a piece of paper and write what you want in this life?? What are your dream and then start to work on it. Clearly define your goal of life (dream). Then find your Passion (anything you love to do), the action plan and skill that are required for your passion and start to rewire your habit.
    Vendettana likes this.
  14. Hey guys, I needed some time to think through what I have written and also your answers.
    I often listen to Jordan Peterson (I wish I had a father like that) and he is giving useful recommendations on how to face life. On of his 12 rules for life is "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today".
    Given that, when I was comparing myself in the present to who I was 10 or 20 years ago, it is not really encouraging.

    But I want to say thank you. To all of you for giving me faith that not everything is lost and that there are plenty of things I can do so tomorrow will be better. Since I have started this thread, I kept working on myself and I see little progress. And slowly I am building up faith and confidence.
    Thank you all and good luck with our NoFap journey.
  15. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Live in reality go out as much as possible stay away from screens as much as possible watch TV for news but limit it and never binge anything doesn't matter how good it is. Life is full of chances and our neuroplasticity allows us to become alpha. By not watching screen u will be a better person in general your lacking communications skills if any will improve. And rest follow a healthy lifestyle do fasts/intermittent fasting. And life is what u make of it. U can be fitter smarter rich and happy than u ever been age is just a number for those who are determined.
    Vendettana likes this.
  16. I agree on the screens. Yet, you can't go back to stone age. I need a phone and a Notebook for work. And the issue is that entertainment like some youtube videos are just a click away while you're working.
    I got rod of Porn, Masturbation, Caffeine, Tea, Alcohol entirely. I never watch TV, I don't even have a TV set at home. I am just reducing carbs and increasing fats. My biggest issue so far is youtube. and this tougher than all the rest.
    Life was better without that electronic junk. We had less access to information and other people, but there was less stress and we all did more things outside than we do today.
  17. bestbacon

    bestbacon Fapstronaut

    You can start by simply understanding that you have far more successes and positive experiences than you give yourself credit for. It's the truth, men are always hardest on themselves. When we are in a downward spiral (any negative emotion) we tend to continue to think with that feeling which adversely affects our thoughts and opinions. Whether it be upbringing or environment, you have nurtured an attitude that you are not enough, not successful, etc. It's time to drop judgements about yourself. Forgive yourself for the past that you think was a mistake and realize that the current you just dealt with the situation the best you could.

    As many have emphasized already, it's never too late to make changes. There are really few strings that attach you from one day to the next. It's only in your mind that is contingent on repetitive habits that you think you are "stuck".

    People from YouTube are the creme of the crop. There is a reason why they are producing content. Understanding this will be of great importance should you choose to compare yourselves with them. As another member has already mentioned, there will be always someone better than you at something, so what value could you gain from this point of comparison? None, you just continue to decimate your own mental wellbeing and forfeit any chance of realizing that you are already enough.
    Vendettana likes this.
  18. Thank you man, I got it, I will remind myself constantly about what you said.
  19. zhidezzz

    zhidezzz Fapstronaut

    Starting small is the important thing to know here. Small incremental steps are the way to go. Be better today than you were yesterday, period.