pornography is not an addiction.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Z_the_B, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    Ummm. Isn't the title of this thread getting too attached to words?

    I don't quite see the point of this thread. Who cares what it is called?

    If you can't control your behavior, and it creates negative repercussions in your life, who gives a crap what DSM-5 says?

    The DSM is always in flux. Neurasthenia was dropped from the DSM in 1980. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was added to the DSM in 1980.

    If you are incapable of stopping yourself from doing something that you know causes long term harm .... that sounds like an addiction to me.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
    fapstronaut1337 likes this.
  2. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    you can drink and smoke whatever you want.

    i made many experiences with weed and alcohol in my life - really never heard such a crap: both are good. :eek:

    right there are some cases where you can use weed as medicine - for example against strong pain.

    weed kills the brain! you can say whatever you want. weed is very harmful! dont underestimate it.
  3. BlueNotes

    BlueNotes Fapstronaut

    Haha wow. I've always been a firm believer in "it's the user not the substance"
    I've had nothing but positive and life changing experiences with the use of cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms. Use them responsibly like anything else. I've realized all sorts of things about myself under the influence which I am very grateful for. The whole reason I'm here is because of weed and shrooms. Medicine for the soul in my opinion if used with the right intentions. Just my opinion from my experience.
    fapstronaut1337 likes this.
  4. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    :) funny another drug-defender. how old are you guys? ever heard something about secondary damages?

    the best statements (or the mostly used statements) for drug-defending:
    1. it is medicine
    2. its the user not the substance
    3. expansion of consciousness

    you cant imagine how many times i used this statements in my best-drug-years. the biggest crap in universe - that is my opinion.

    if i could turn back time i would never use any kind of drugs! i used also cocaine and xtc - not often - not like weed.

    i stopped drug use 10 years ago and alcohol 270 days ago.

    i used drugs between 20 years age and 27 years age. with "best-drug-years" i mean the first two years of my dopehead-career. i am 37 now.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  5. BlueNotes

    BlueNotes Fapstronaut

    To each their own.
  6. BlueNotes

    BlueNotes Fapstronaut

    I also think you are pretty arrogant in thinking the way you do. As if your experience with said substances is the epitome of all human experience. Some people can use substances and be perfectly fine members of society. Some people can use substances and expand their consciousness. Some people can use substances as medicine. I don't know what you did wrong, but you seem to have had pretty bad taste in your mouth from your prior use. Your intentions with the substances (especially psychedelics) has everything to do with the outcome of your experiences. Why did you use them? Just to get high? Like I said, the user not the substance.
    fapstronaut1337 likes this.
  7. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    yes it is an addiction, i dont need some website with made up truth to tell me otherwise, i've lived the addiction, you are wrong, and the website you plugged is also wrong.
  8. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Okay now I feel guilty for having brOught up the weed topic so fOrgive me. I have decided to never smoke though. Addictive or not. EnOugh is more of any of that.
    I've taken alcohol many times and I don't like the feeling after the high ends and he hangover the next day. So I wont say I won't drink when I'm with friends but definitely not drinks of high alcohol percentage.
    Anyway somebody said I was the one getting attached to words . I have said this many times I will say it again. I was trying to bring a helpful perspective. If it really doesn't matter to you whether it's an addiction or not, then you just wasted your time. I am on a long streak and this perspective that I shared has a lot to do with it.
    Your call. The important thing is to recover to your normal states. it matters how you get there but once you do and you have finally moved on and found meaning in something special, then it just doesn't matter
  9. jdrubnitz

    jdrubnitz Fapstronaut

    The key isn't to stop calling it an's to learn the role of language in general on our emotions. Call it whatever you want, but what's happening?

    Eating junk food will NOT ruin your sex life as extremely as binging on porn will (for a lot of people). The detriments caused by excessive masturbation and pornography affect all areas of life, thus it makes sense to call it an addiction. Of course, eating too much junk food is also an addiction.

    Who cares about what we call it? Instead, we should become aware of the emotional associations we have with words, and ask how much it actually makes sense to let those associations remain.
  10. fapstronaut1337

    fapstronaut1337 Fapstronaut

    So obvious that alcohol, cocaine, xtc and PMO was your problem. Without weed you would have probably been alot more into those. Weed probably saved your life.
    I am not telling you that you should start smoking again. You are doing great! Keep at it!
    But please remember the good times also, that is for your own good too. 7 years of your life can't be just all bad, you must have had some great moments there also looking back now?

    Just because I played world of warcraft alot everyday for 3 years doesn't mean I wasted 3 years of my life... I had incredible amounts of fun! But I am over it now and still encourage everyone interested to try it out because it is an dangerously good game that everyone should have an experience of.

    I think it is healthier to think this way. It is people like you that have used something irresponsibly and then blame the drug that keeps it from being legalised. Keeps it from sick people who could benefit so much from it...
    Drugs are apart of the human experience, legal or not. Atleast legal we can control it.
  11. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    weed probably saved my life? that was really funny - weed probably shredded my brain!
    right it was nice in the beginning (smoking weed) but the price i must pay now (and in the future) is very high.

    rocky - dont feel guilty it is just a discussion. everything is fine. ;)

    bluenotes - to each their own? that is right.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
  12. Jake1

    Jake1 Fapstronaut

    Hi 1337, drug free almost 10 years. True i have never smoked weed while pmo free. It probably is different. And if it works for you or other people and it makes you happy.. who am i to judge. just wanted to give some cautionary words regarding weed, cause i've seen many people become hooked on it (and become very miserable).
    fapstronaut1337 likes this.
  13. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    and to go back to the topic. in the beginning of this topic i compared weed-addiction with porn-addiction.
    i am not a brain-researcher/scientist. all the knowledge i have is my own experience. i dont know exactly what is happening in the brain.

    in my case both addictions (for me there is absolutely no doubt that pmo is an addiction) caused following symptoms - nearly exactly the same manner:

    anxiety in social surroundings
    extrem laziness/indolence
    paranoia/persecutory delusion
    emotional numbness

    i think this are enough factors - please dont tell me something about DSM-5 or DSM-17 or MNTRE-2345! :)
  14. DireWolf

    DireWolf Fapstronaut

    Mankotto is right our experiencie with PMO is what matters, anyone who believes these fake scientific research over their own personal life experiencie is a complete moron
    monkotto likes this.
  15. fapstronaut1337

    fapstronaut1337 Fapstronaut

  16. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    in my "best-drug-years" i was in holland with a very good friend. holland was the paradise for dopeheads in germany. we always thought that we are "cheech and chong". we entered the first coffeeshop we found in amsterdam. about 15 different sorts of finest weed - damn it was like birthday, christmas and easter together!!! we smoked the hardest weed ever. we mixed three different types - very hard types. afterwards we went out of the coffeeshop - after three or four hours smoking. i kneed in front of the coffeshop and was not able to move for about 15 minutes! that was insane. my friend was staying beside me - he could not help me. it was like dying - i never forget that moment.

    sorry - this does not belong to the topic - just a short dopehead-tale for fapstronaut1337.
  17. fapstronaut1337

    fapstronaut1337 Fapstronaut

    Ok I said I would stop writing but I just can't have you lie to people like this with your scary, as you say, "dopehead-tales".
    It's a drop in blood pressure... you where probably not eating or drinking properly. Has happend to me several times, without weed also... just stading up too quickly after a long period of sitting down. Nothing dangerous, you where smoking stupid amounts as you said for three or four hours... cmon. If you would have done the same with any other substance you would have probably been dead, even eating food or just drinking water. It is completely harmless. Worst case... you fall asleep.

    And stop with the "it shredded my brain" "the price I have to pay now is high" no. Just no. It is an old myth that marijuana kills braincells or make you stupid. It has accually been proven to regenerate brain cells which in it self was previously though impossible.

    And answer my question as Jake1 did. Did you PMO during your potsmoking years? And have you smoked pot after quitting PMO?
    PMO, the other drugs (including alcohol of course which is the worst drug I have tried) was probably the cause if not just your lazy self... People can have those sympthoms from a hundreds of different reasons, pot being one of the last.

    Once again, PMO can definitly be an addiction. And has no positive effect really except for some pleasure for the moment.
    Weed is awesome and has tremendous amounts of positive and healthy effects/benefits, but can also definitly be an addiction.
    It all boils down to the user.
  18. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    I have decided not to use marijuana ever. I think things like that always come with a price, big or small, doesn't matter.
    Who knew pornography would cause so much damage. I never imagined it would. I thought it was extremely normal for teenagers. I paid the price.
    So that's it with me. No more substances nothing of that. A good clean conscience is what I like. Fuck that.
    I've been into meditation and mindfulness for a while and the peace I feel is incredible. I recently had some alcohol. I used to enjoy alcohol once upon a time but the recent one, although was a good time, felt very unnecessary and unneeded and disturbed my peace completely. That's just my subjective experience. I'm done with substances.
  19. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    good - we have some common points - thumbs up! beside the awesome and tremendous benefits of course!

    looks like i have a new friend here. i had really massive problems because of weed-addiction. why the hell should i lie? why?

    weed can be very harmful! this is my opinion and it will not change. and again if i could turn back time i would never touch it!!!

    like i said before in this thread - i have also some friends who can use weed cautiously.

    i had a magnificent reputation as town-known-dopehead! is that a problem for you? i can tell you hundreds of dopehead-tales if you want to hear them!?


    rocky - the price is very high - it is never worth the fun!

    positive/good things in life: a good dinner, travelling, having good conversations with friends, learning an instrument, cleaning the house, watching soccer, telling dopehead-tales

    negative/bad things in life: drugs (every kind), porn, alcohol, hookers, gambling, violence

    damn - now i sound like a real monk. :D
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
  20. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    question1: yes - but not so often i was not addicted. i stopped the weed-addiction and started with the porn-addiction. somehow i replaced the addiction.
    question2: no - i dont use any kind of drugs since 10 years (except alcohol). i will never use drugs again in this life! o_O

    alcohol was my biggest trigger for watching porn - so i was constrained to stop drinking.
    fapstronaut1337 likes this.