If someone told you this before you started porn, would you have looked?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ryguyuplift, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. ryguyuplift

    ryguyuplift Fapstronaut

    A drug you've never heard of:

    A friend introduces you to this drug, do you take it?

    The positives:
    - It makes you feel complete and utter ecstasy.
    - It makes all of your pain and problems go away.
    - It puts you in a world where you can have sex with millions of young women at the click of a button.
    - It's free.
    - Everyone is doing it.
    - It's legal.
    - Nobody considers it a big deal.
    - It's completely private and nobody knows you are doing it.
    - It's fun, novel, and exciting.

    The negatives:
    - It's more addictive than cigarettes, heroin, crack, and methamphetamine.
    - It instantly leaves you with a hangover of guilt, depression, and remorse. This can last for days or in worse cases a lifetime.
    - It makes you feel completely and utterly exhausted and fatigued. This lasts for days or even weeks.
    - It leads to bizarre sexual fetishes, leading you to be attracted to transvestites, underage children, and even changes your sexual identity.
    - It causes immediate erectile dysfunction. As long as you are taking this drug you will be impotent. This can last days, weeks, or even months.
    - It causes clinical depression, destroying your relationships with everyone you come in contact with, and destroying your career.
    - It causes extreme social anxiety, causing you to isolate yourself from the world.
    - It alienates you from women, leading you to stay a virgin well into your 20s or even 30s.
    - It destroys your ability to have loving relationships with the opposite sex, your family, your freinds, and your children.
    - It leads to sexual interactions with escorts.
    - If you get caught, you will be shamed, excommunicated, and charged as a sex offender.

    Why couldn't someone show me this list before introducing me to this drug at 12 years old? Why are we allowing our children, the future of our society to be taking this stuff at as young as 8 years old? These are questions we need to ask ourselves moving forward. Cure yourself of this plague so you can help others cure themselves of this plague. Band together so we can fight this plague and eradicate it forever.
  2. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    Curiosity leads to seeking new knowledge and not knowing is a bit of a temptation that we sometimes have to learn to quell until we can approach learning this new knowledge differently. It is unfortunate that sex education does not inform our youth of these dangers; adults show concern for their children's schooling but fear they should not be informed of this subject matter considered taboo.

    Exposure does not have to be traumatic. There are procedures that ensure the safety and health of the private and the public.
    Kids are smarter and more resilient than we give them credit for.

    David Bowie said it best: "I'm dancing with myself." But what one does not notice in time are their two left feet.
    Brain Fog and be Dane like this.
  3. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    12 years ago, when I was 16, I started PMO. After about a week of using it regularly, I asked my mom about. "Is this okay?" She said something like the above. "Its not a big deal so long as you do your schoolwork."

    I wish she had told me something different. : /
  4. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    I still remember being exposed to web cams for first time by my step dads business partner when I was 13. I still remember my friend Edwin showing me how to masturbate at age 11.. I remember finding my dads porn VHS tapes and hustler and playboys at just 7 years old. I still remember coming home from school and using right when I'd get home from staring at all the hos at school like a creep. I remember in my early 20s using up to 6 or 7 times daily and not working towards a goal. Now I shudder to think what are youth of today will be like tomorrow. Porn needs to be illegal. It's the most widely consumed socially acceptable most damaging drug. Why is this still so easy to obtain? It's like crack cocaine but 10x worse!
  5. ryguyuplift

    ryguyuplift Fapstronaut

    I couldn't agree more. I got introduced to porn by freinds around 10-12 years old. Back then it wasn't even that hardcore, but still incredibly damaging. I watched porn every day as soon as I got home from school and same thing it turned me into a staring creep. When I hit 20 and my life took a turn for the worst, porn was growing and getting more hardcore. I won't touch on exactly how bad it got, but you can check out my journal "How I got addicted to creepshots" if you want to know more. I finally realized how bad it was at 26-27 and tried to quit. My life was already a complete mess. Looking back, porn was the main cause. I relapsed bad and things got worse. It's been a battle ever since. I'm learning now that this stuff is literally worse than crack or heroin. Now that I know how bad it is, quitting isn't nearly as hard. This stuff absolutely needs to be illegal. The thought of kids watching the stuff that's out now at 8. Fucking 8. Completely unacceptable.
  6. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

  7. Hikerboi780

    Hikerboi780 Fapstronaut

    I feel bad for you man. I didn't even have the guts to tell anyone of my family, and I am sure that things might have been different had I did.
  8. really? wow.
  9. It's not fair. I didn't know. Most of us didn't know. I just hope the depression and the SSRIs aren't for life.
  10. Wow i’m really sorry. That one sentence altered the entire course of your life and completely destroyed what could have been a much better happier life.

    Something similar happened to me when i was 14. My friend R asked me and another friend if we ever masturbated. I started stuttering and didn’t give a straight answer. My friend R said he never did and he won’t. And he developed extremely well in all respects. This dude is the most confident funny glowing guy you will see.

    And i thought how such a seemingly harmless conversation could have made such a huge impact. Crazy isn’t it?
  11. ryguyuplift

    ryguyuplift Fapstronaut

    That's amazing dude. What an incredible insight. It's rare to find that these days. I have a friend who I'm almost positive doesn't watch porn and he's one of the most well-developed guys I've ever met. He's just such a good guy all around. His brother on the other hand watches a lot of porn. It's interesting because you can tell he's a really great guy deep down, but he just has so many issues. I'm sure a bunch of it stems from porn. It's amazing to look at it from that perspective.
  12. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    absolutely not. I keep saying that education is the key here. I stayed away from all drugs because I knew that it wasn't worth the possible negatives.

    I must add that this list is only really applicable to addicts. when I was recreationally using porn it didn't feel that great (nothing close to ecstasy) and I didn't have shame or guilt. it was only after I realised that masturbating everyday made me basically borderline impotent that I realised I had to stop.
    But yea if you're addicted and trying to quit relapses are extremely intense, followed by intense guilt. I never got extreme social anxiety or escorts so theyre extreme cases. but they should be listed. we really need to educate people man.
  13. I am currently reading (recommendation from this site) 'In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction'. I've not read it all yet but it argues that some people are predisposed to addiction. One of the examples it gives is a study into Heroin use among American soldiers during the Vietnam war. Twenty percent of soldiers took drugs during the war but 95% of those didn't meet the criteria for addiction when the war ended; they were taking the drugs to cope with the environment they were in during the war. It also references a study of rats where the ones who were free in a 'rat park' didn't become addicted to freely available morphine but those who were caged did. It argues that, actually, most people DON'T become addicted to substances even after repeated use of them.

    I had a friend who is/was a heroin addict (our friendship ended when I found out she was injecting heroin). I couldn't believe she could be so stupid and hated her for doing it to herself (this was before I even started nofap so sounds completely hypocritical now). Now I think about it after what I've learned I realise she had been on a path to addiction for her whole life because of what happened to her in her childhood. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is we basically know we have used porn to cope with other issues. So did we really have a choice when we started watching it? Addiction hijacks the areas of our brain which are at the roots of other psychological issues we may have. if we're using a substance/thing to mask those issues, we will go to them even if we know they are killing us.
  14. Bigwanker

    Bigwanker Fapstronaut

    I think most people would still do it. Especially at a young age like that.

    You wouldn't realise, and you would only wish you hadn't done it after you experienced the consequences.

    Now if it was a similar situation for me today as what it is for wolverine in the movie xmen days of future past where wolverines consciousness is put years in to the past in to his younger body. If my consciousness right now was put in to my younger body before I was about to begin watching porn I wouldn't do it.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  15. Now you know. So forget about the past and don't blame society. Now that you know, it's your responsibility and it's not the end of your story. So what is about to come now? You choose. We all do.
  16. ikr!! Wow thanks for sharing
    Do you know why your friend didn’t watch porn? Was it because he knew what it could do to you, or did someone tell him not to, or was it because he felt like it was wrong? Is your friend a Christian?
  17. ryguyuplift

    ryguyuplift Fapstronaut

    For sure brother. I couldn't agree more.
  18. ryguyuplift

    ryguyuplift Fapstronaut

    I hear you. Now that I know I choose recovery and choose sobriety. If the same thing happened with crack or heroin, I'd do the same.
  19. ryguyuplift

    ryguyuplift Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure why to be honest. I guess he's just not into it. Whatever the reason, he made the right choice. That's for sure. If I were to guess I'd say he's just mature and kind of above fapping to porn. He's just a really mature and good dude. Porn's not really his thing. But I honestly don't know why I'm just speculating. He's not very religious though.
  20. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    Firstly, this thread is spot on - I agree with pretty much everything I read here. Almost every day I wish I had a time machine so I could go and tell my 11 year old self to avoid porn at all costs - and then I wonder about how different my life would have been. I'm a middle aged man with 36 years of porn use behind him, and the future ain't pretty.

    Also, I've read 'In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts', and another book by Gabor Mate called "When the body says no" which I highly recommend. He really brings together addiction, child-hood trauma, and illness in a way that spookily describes my life. This video gives a good intro to Dr Mate (hosted by Russell Brand, who has had issues with porn use) on where addiction comes from, how it affects society etc:
    Hikerboi780 likes this.