Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by HiddenWarrior, Apr 2, 2019.

Have you beaten your record or improved your average noPMO since joining this?

  1. Yes

    281 vote(s)
  2. No

    90 vote(s)
  1. sure, go against @Yash1509 . Thanks for joining remember to check in and fight hard!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Awesome to hear brother, hope it continues to do so :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Hey everyone i really need help over here...... I am soo soo depressed as hell..stressed and anxious.. I have my last paper day after tomorrow and today I wasted entire day doing nothing but just stressing and thinking about all the things and people action that I can't control.
  4. check in, mini heatwave in England. I have a free evening so I'll be online from 7 onwards. Doing good Alhamdulillah.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. I did exactly the same thing for my exams before. Learn from my mistake and make yourself revise, tell yourself it will go because it will go your problems. It isn't worth procrastinating for and losing sleep. You have to just turn off all electronics and go sit down, say bismillah and keep your head buried in the books and don't even read quran until after as I spent too long doing that during exams. Keep going I'm praying for you and you have to keep going. That's it. It doesn't matter if you are stressed as long as you keep your head in the books revising trust me, the stress will go. Focus and keep fighting. Do it for a couple hours, take a 10 minute break. Switch off all electronics.
  6. Yeah exams can kill you mentally.. I struggle myself a lot bc of them.. just keep on focus, rest 5 minutes, then focus again.. reward yourself with something useless but appreciated(idk if I study hard enough after the paper I'll go to the pool) don't give.. you're the best of us after all :)
  7. @Turtleboi
    Emotions are quite difficult to deal with a lot of times. The first step is being able to consistently notice when you have strong emotions; that way you can properly resolve them.
  8. Tikitakabarca

    Tikitakabarca Fapstronaut

    Arigato sensei... I won't fail you

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    What Saiyan said. I can second that. I really messed up my exams this year due to the same reason. Just take a moment.. Breathe. Then shut down, give to your mom, or break your phone. Turn of that wifi! I hope you don't even read this. No matter how many replies you get on this, there is no advice for this, you know what you have to. And that is to get your head in those books.
  10. Snakeloa

    Snakeloa Fapstronaut

    @control your life late Sunday check in. Still here still strong and on track

    Hope you are doing well.
  11. From my next check in imma put my own motivational ''speeches'' for us. If everybody is okay with it.

    Today was enormous breakdown for me. Let's say it that way. Allah tested me, Jesus tested me, Satana tested me, all the demons and angels and spirits and ghost and everything tried to test me.. Guess what imma do... Listen to aggressive music?! NO. Imma eat bad? NO. Imma fap? certainly NO. Imma stay and embrace all the demons on my sinner soul? Oh yeah. Yummy. Imma take all the pain inside, cuddle it like a little child. Love it by my heart, the only thing that I got since my soul is shaking on the regular. It will be endless death.. Maybe Buddha is with me, he says I believe that live is suffering.

    I am walking in the right direction. Even if my legs give out, I will move like a gorilla on my fists. Even if that is not working, I will use my neck muscles to move forward, if there are no hands.. Till my heart beat drops.

    I am proud to be part of the people who struggle. It means you care guys. It means YOU want your soul back. That you say NO, to the demonic society patterns.

    Even standing by myself, at least I am sure that I love the person who I am with.

    I cannot describe how thankful I am that I have you to talk to. And even though I have experienced a full mental breakdown.. I didn't lost my progress. I am getting my mental back. Hitting rock bottom will bounce me back like Andre Iguodala on the 76rs.
  12. Hardcandy

    Hardcandy Fapstronaut

    Today I feel super motivated to be a better person. A quality conversation with a friend and my hope levels are high. At this point, a week is pretty good. However, I have many things to do but, I feel I can manage.

    Had some urges lately but it is much easier to resist.

    BTW... Check in ;)
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2019
  13. wheelgauge

    wheelgauge Fapstronaut

  14. So happy to know that :)
    Let our duel lasts forever
    Anyway checking in
  15. Don't we get some holidays in nofap? Fourth day
  16. Turtleboi

    Turtleboi Fapstronaut

  17. Bihari

    Bihari Fapstronaut

    Wednesday check in
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
    Deleted Account and Leader of ME like this.
  18. ZenMode

    ZenMode Fapstronaut

  19. Bascoal

    Bascoal Fapstronaut

    Day 90 here eheheheh
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Tikitakabarca

    Tikitakabarca Fapstronaut

    Wednesday check in.
    Hope you are doing good.